What is the relationship between U(1) symmetry and the Standard Model?

  • Thread starter shounakbhatta
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In summary: The bottom line of particle physics is the Lagrangian density which is a generalization of classical mechanics, Lagrangian density= V-T. We come across lot of symmetries in nature which are invariant under any changes made. Like an equilateral triangle is more symmetric than other triangles... For a symmetry, if the object is rotated or flipped, the appearance will remain unchanged. U(1) is a Lie group and typically if a circle is rotated, flipped, it appears the same, called Lie group. There are different type of symmetries like (i) Translational --> Invariance of the laws of physics under any translation as pointed out in Noether's theorem, (ii) Rotational
  • #1

Can anybody please explain what is super symmetry and what is special unitary group?

I read Wikipedia but could not understand the entire story. I have done liner algebra and matrices.

U(n) is the unitary group. Special unitary group is a sub-group of unitary group U(n).

But how it is related to the Standard Model?

Can anyone please explain me?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
SU(n) is a special unitary group. In matrix form they all have a determinant of 1; they can be real or complex.

Here is an introductory talk on symmetry and supersymmetry: http://www.math.ucla.edu/~vsv/superworld.pdf
  • #3

This is not a homework, neither it is any exercise. It is my understanding of U(1) symmetry. I would request if

anybody can please correct me on anyone of the following understandings:

(1) The bottom line of particle physics is Lagrangian density which is a generalization of classical mechanics, L= V-T

(2) We come across lot of symmetries in nature which are invariant under any changes made. Like an equilateral triangle is more symmetric than other triangles... For a symmetry, if the object is rotated or flipped, the appearance will remain unchanged.

(3) But when we label a symmetry, we could differentiate it which is something called 'symmetry breaking'.

(4) U(1) is a Lie group. Now, typically if a circle is rotated, flipped, it appears the same, called Lie group.

(5) There are different type of symmetries like (i) Translational --> Invariance of the laws of physics under any

translation as pointed out in Noether's theorem (ii) Rotational -->Whichever direction you rotate it is the same (iii)

Time symmetry --> the laws of physics are eternally unchanging (iv) Boost symmetry

The rotational and boost symmetry are grouped under Lorentz group. The translational, rotational and boost

symmetry together make up the Poincare group.

(6) Local symmetry is not a symmetry in physical spacetime.

(7) When Einstein applied special relativity to electromagnetism, he found electromagnetic 4 potential-- the four

vector (1 time like, and 3 space like, which relates the electric scalar potential and magnetic vector potential). The

physicists were happy, as the electromagnetic 4 potential appears in the Lagrangian density.

(8) But the value of the electromagnetic 4 potential can be changed. The Electric field E(t,x) and the Magnetic field, B(t,x) can be expressed in scalar potential and vector field.The term gauge invariance refers to the property that a whole class of scalar and vector potentials, related by so-called gauge transformations, describe the same electric and magnetic fields. As a consequence, the dynamics of the electromagnetic fields and the dynamics of a charged system in a electromagnetic background do not depend on the choice of the representative (A0(t,x),A(t,x)).

(9) U(1) being a circle. When the charged particle move across the U(1) plane, its' mass, kinetic energy does not

depend on the position of the particle. It's value depend on the rate at which it circles the plane.

This is the U(1) symmetry of the standard model. If we rotate U(1) at any angles, the Lagrangian density will remain unchanged.

Please do correct me where I am wrong.


FAQ: What is the relationship between U(1) symmetry and the Standard Model?

What is super symmetry?

Super symmetry is a theoretical concept in particle physics that proposes a symmetry between elementary particles and their corresponding superpartners. It suggests that for every known particle, there exists a superpartner with similar properties but differing in spin.

Why is super symmetry important?

Super symmetry is important because it could help solve some of the unanswered questions in physics, such as the hierarchy problem and the unification of all fundamental forces. It could also provide a better understanding of the nature of dark matter.

How does super symmetry work?

Super symmetry works by introducing new particles called superpartners, which have the same properties as known particles but differ in spin. These superpartners have not yet been observed, but their existence is predicted by the theory.

What evidence supports super symmetry?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for super symmetry. However, some indirect evidence, such as the successful prediction of the Higgs boson mass and the potential for solving some of the unanswered questions in physics, provides support for the theory.

What are the implications of discovering super symmetry?

If super symmetry is proven to be correct, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and have significant implications for the future of physics. It could also lead to the development of new technologies and advancements in areas such as energy production and medical treatments.

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