What Is the Remainder of a 3000-Layer 7 Power Tower Divided by 11?

  • Thread starter phantasmagoriun
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    Power Tower
In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving an exponential tower of 7's and the remainder when divided by 11. The notation and meaning of mod 11 is explained, and a strategy for solving the problem is suggested using the Euler totient function. The conversation concludes with the suggestion to discuss the problem with a group and explore further.
  • #1
Crazy Power Tower Problem.

Consider an exponential tower of three thousand 7's.
What is the remainder when you divide the tower by 11?
Note that this notation means 7^(7^7) not (7^7)^7.
The final answer must be given as a single integer in the range 0-10.

Anyone who can help?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Let [itex]x = 7 \uparrow \uparrow 2999\ (\mbox{mod }\phi (11))[/itex]. Prove that [itex]7 \uparrow \uparrow 3000 \equiv 7^x\ (\mbox{mod } 11)[/itex]. This is a starting point, hopefully you can see where to go with this.
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  • #3
Hey, I'm not really familiar with that notation at all. How would you go about using that and what does the mod 11 mean??
  • #4
mod 11 means the remainder on division by 11 and presumably the uparrow is hand notaiton for that repeated power you defined.
  • #5
Without knowing what the arrows meant, you could have guessed, couldn't you? Anyways, see here (P.S. I changed the arrows in my post to double arrows in following with Knuth's up-arrow notation - see the link).
  • #6
To expand a little, say you want to calculate 7^x (mod 11). If you can find some number n1 with 7^n1=1 (mod 11), then you only need to look at the exponent mod n1, because if a=b (mod n1), it's easy to show that 7^a=7^b (mod 11). As has been pointed out, you can take n1=[itex]\phi(11)[/itex]=10, where [itex]\phi(n)[/itex] is the Euler totient function.

So now if you want to calculate 7^(7^x) (mod 11), you only need to look at 7^x (mod 10). If you could find an n2 with 7^n2=1 (mod 10), you could use the same trick. Continuing this way, you can construct a sequence of positive integers n1,n2,n3,... , and it can be shown that this sequence is decreasing, so it must eventually get down to 1 (you should show this). What can you conclude from this? (note: there would be a problem if one of these nk were not relatively prime to 7. That won't happen here, but you should understand where the argument breaks down)
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  • #7
Thanks for the help. I'm going to bring this into my group meeting and see what we can do with it.

Related to What Is the Remainder of a 3000-Layer 7 Power Tower Divided by 11?

1. What is the "Power Tower problem"?

The Power Tower problem, also known as the Tetration problem, is a mathematical problem that involves repeated exponentiation. It is represented by the equation n↑↑k, where n is the base and k is the number of times it is exponentiated.

2. What is the significance of the Power Tower problem?

The Power Tower problem is significant because it is a highly complex mathematical problem that has real-world applications in fields such as computer science, physics, and engineering. It also has connections to the concept of infinity and has been studied by mathematicians for centuries.

3. What is the solution to the Power Tower problem?

The solution to the Power Tower problem depends on the values of n and k. For smaller values, the solution can be calculated using standard mathematical operations. However, for larger values, it becomes increasingly difficult to find an exact solution and often requires the use of specialized techniques or approximation methods.

4. Are there any real-world applications of the Power Tower problem?

Yes, the Power Tower problem has various applications in real-world scenarios. For example, it can be used to model the growth of certain populations, such as bacteria or viruses, and to analyze the stability of certain systems in physics and engineering.

5. What are some common approaches to solving the Power Tower problem?

Some common approaches to solving the Power Tower problem include using logarithms, iteration methods, and special functions such as the Lambert W function. Additionally, there is ongoing research into developing more efficient and accurate methods for finding solutions to the Power Tower problem.

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