What is the resistance of copper wire?

In summary: I'm trying to do the work and you keep talking over me.In summary, his problem statement is finding the radius of a copper wire with the same resistance as sea water given the cross sectional area. He has rearranged the equation to solve for the cross sectional area, and found that the radius is 0.892 millimeters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

what is the resistance of copper wire in this situation? 200 meters long strand of wire, with a resistivity of 0.625x10^-6

Homework Equations

im not sure if this is the right equation but:
resistance=resistivity x length/area

The Attempt at a Solution

this is the part I am stuck at, i have the resistivity and the length of the wire, but what do i use for the area? this is what i have so far:
resistance= 0.625x10^-6 x 200/area
as you can see i have no idea what area to use?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can't without the area. does it give you a wire gauge number, like SWG or AWG ?
Unless it's the resistance per unit length.
What units are given - that number doesn't look familair for copper.
  • #3
mgb_phys said:
You can't without the area. does it give you a wire gauge number, like SWG or AWG ?
Unless it's the resistance per unit length.
What units are given - that number doesn't look familair for copper.

well it a problem I am trying to solve, i have to find the radius of the copper wire given the resistivity and length, here is the exact question
what is the radius of 200m of copper wire with the same resistance of sea water? (are sea water=0.25, copper=0.625x10^-6 resisivites
  • #4
it also gives the dimensions of sea water as 200 m long and a cross section of 1 m^2
  • #5
So the question is what is the diameter of a copper wire with the same resitivity of a 'wire' of seawater 200m long and 1m^2 CSA?

You simply need the relative resistivity of sea water and copper then work out how many times lower the resistance of the copper is.
  • #6
mgb_phys said:
So the question is what is the diameter of a copper wire with the same resitivity of a 'wire' of seawater 200m long and 1m^2 CSA?

You simply need the relative resistivity of sea water and copper then work out how many times lower the resistance of the copper is.

yes, how i read the question was: what is the radius of a copper wire with the same resistance of seawater and 200m long, given that the cross section of water is 1 meter square.

i think both of our interpretations are correct. here is the work I've done so far on the question, does it make sense to you?

since the question wants it in terms of same RESISTANCE of sea water i have to find the resistance of sea water, rearranging the equation roe=RS/L (roe= resisivity, R=resistance, S= cross sectional area and L= length) for resistance i get:
R=roe x L/S
= 0.25 ohm.m x 200m/ 1 m^2
= 50 ohm

now i find since i have the resisivity of copper, i rearrange the original equation to solve for the cross sectional area, S:
roe= RS/L
0.625x10^-6= (50)(s)/200
1.25x10^4= 50s

since this is the cross sectional area, and i assume the cross section of copper wire is circular, i can use the area of a circle to solve for r:
A=pi r^2
2.5x10^-6= pi r^2
7.96x10^-6= r^2
8.92x10^-4 m= r

so for a radius of copper wire i get 8.92x10^-4 meters or 0.892 millimeters.

does this seem right to you?
  • #7
Right method, not sure about the answer.
Resistance =[tex]\rho[/tex] * S / A

So if the resistance is equal

[tex]\rho[/tex]w * L / A w=[tex]\rho[/tex]cu * L / A cu

so given that Lenght is the same.

Acu / Aw = [tex]\rho[/tex]cu/[tex]\rho[/tex]w

[tex]\rho[/tex]w = 0.2 ohm m
[tex]\rho[/tex]cu = 1.7x10-8 ohm m, where did you get 0.625x10^-6?

Acu = 1.7x10-8 / 0.2 = 8.5 -8 m2
A = pi r2, so r = 0.1mm
  • #8
mgb_phys said:
Right method, not sure about the answer.
Resistance =[tex]\rho[/tex] * S / A

So if the resistance is equal

[tex]\rho[/tex]w * L / A w=[tex]\rho[/tex]cu * L / A cu

so given that Lenght is the same.

Acu / Aw = [tex]\rho[/tex]cu/[tex]\rho[/tex]w

[tex]\rho[/tex]w = 0.2 ohm m
[tex]\rho[/tex]cu = 1.7x10-8 ohm m

Acu = 1.7x10-8 / 0.2 = 8.5 -8 m2
A = pi r2, so r = 0.1mm

His problem statement gives [itex]\rho_{cu}=0.625 \times 10^{-6} \Omega \text{cm}[/itex]; resistivity is a function of temperature, so this this value is perfectly reasonable.
  • #9
gabbagabbahey said:
His problem statement gives [itex]\rho_{cu}=0.625 \times 10^{-6} \Omega \text{cm}[/itex]; resistivity is a function of temperature, so this this value is perfectly reasonable.

sorry, what are you trying to say?
  • #10
subopolois said:
sorry, what are you trying to say?

Just that you should use whichever value of the resistivity is given to you in the question...mgb gave a different value (1.7 *10^-8 ohm m) for the resistivity of copper, but that value is for copper at about 25C.
  • #11
mgb_phys said:
Right method, not sure about the answer.
Resistance =[tex]\rho[/tex] * S / A

So if the resistance is equal

[tex]\rho[/tex]w * L / A w=[tex]\rho[/tex]cu * L / A cu

so given that Lenght is the same.

Acu / Aw = [tex]\rho[/tex]cu/[tex]\rho[/tex]w

[tex]\rho[/tex]w = 0.2 ohm m
[tex]\rho[/tex]cu = 1.7x10-8 ohm m, where did you get 0.625x10^-6?

Acu = 1.7x10-8 / 0.2 = 8.5 -8 m2
A = pi r2, so r = 0.1mm

the 0.625x10^-6 came right from my question. what are your S, A, and L values represinging ie. roe= resisivity
  • #12
A = 0.625E-6 / 0.25 = 2.5 × 10-6 m^2
r = sqrt(A/pi) = 0.89mm using your values
  • #13
mgb_phys said:
A = 0.625E-6 / 0.25 = 2.5 × 10-6 m^2
r = sqrt(A/pi) = 0.89mm using your values

alright! so using both your method and mine, either way we get the same answer. thank you to all
  • #14
Yes - I was confused by the 50 in your calcs - so I wanted to work it through fully to make sure it was correct.
  • #15
mgb_phys said:
Yes - I was confused by the 50 in your calcs - so I wanted to work it through fully to make sure it was correct.

its alright, thank you for your help

FAQ: What is the resistance of copper wire?

1. What is electrical resistance?

Electrical resistance is the property of a material that determines how much it resists the flow of electric current. This is measured in units called ohms (Ω).

2. How is the resistance of copper wire measured?

The resistance of copper wire is measured using a multimeter, which is a device that can measure both voltage and current. The wire is connected to the multimeter and the resistance is displayed in ohms.

3. Why is copper wire a good conductor?

Copper wire is a good conductor because it has a low resistance to the flow of electric current due to its atomic structure. Copper atoms have only one valence electron, making it easy for them to move and carry electric charge.

4. How does the length and thickness of copper wire affect its resistance?

The longer the copper wire, the higher its resistance will be because there is more material for the electric current to flow through. On the other hand, a thicker copper wire will have a lower resistance because it has a larger cross-sectional area for the current to flow through.

5. What other factors can affect the resistance of copper wire?

Temperature can also affect the resistance of copper wire. As the temperature increases, the resistance of the wire also increases. Additionally, the purity of the copper can also impact its resistance, with purer copper having a lower resistance compared to impure copper.
