What is the Role of Astrophotography in Teaching Astronomy?

  • Thread starter Dennis Roscoe
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In summary, Dennis has a beautiful photograph of the Eagle Nebula and has a website with more information about the photograph and his astrophotography.
  • #1
Dennis Roscoe
Hi All,

I just joined the forum and most of my inquires will relate to astrophysics. I am a retired professor of neurology and have turned my interests towards astrophotography and teaching astronomy at a local university. I have built my own observatory and my work can be seen at www.RoscoeSkies.com. I specialize in nebulae. I have attached one of my more recent images.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/heqela1y6nyomfh/Eagle Nebula 10-31-2014.jpg?dl=0
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Likes RonL, Bandersnatch, davenn and 1 other person
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome Dennis! Nice photo! Would love to have your input in our Star Gazing forum!
  • #3
Wow! Welcome to the PF, Dennis. That attached image is stunning! I'm at work ATM, and my work firewall will not let me access your website. I'll check it out from home later. :-)
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #4
Hi Dennis
welcome and great to have another astrophotographers aboard :)

awesome pic of the nebula and shows the pillars well !

as a suggestion, put some other info on that page with the pic
Am sure I'm not the only one who wants to know what gear you used, exposure times, how many stacked exposures etc :)

(edit ... OK see some of that info on your main page ... nice scope setup ! )

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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #5
Dennis Roscoe said:
Hi All,

I just joined the forum and most of my inquires will relate to astrophysics. I am a retired professor of neurology and have turned my interests towards astrophotography and teaching astronomy at a local university. I have built my own observatory and my work can be seen at www.RoscoeSkies.com. I specialize in nebulae. I have attached one of my more recent images.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/heqela1y6nyomfh/Eagle Nebula 10-31-2014.jpg?dl=0
Very beautiful picture:)...and welcome to PF
  • #7
Hello! I'm not sure if it was down yesterday, but for me, roscoeskies.com is fully functioning. Those pictures are excellent, I must say.

Best wishes.
  • #8
Dennis Roscoe said:
I am a retired professor of neurology

Let's hope that will be not your only post, now and then we have questions (in other sciences, or medicine) were your original expertise could come handy.

FAQ: What is the Role of Astrophotography in Teaching Astronomy?

What is an astrophotographer?

An astrophotographer is a person who takes photographs of celestial objects such as stars, galaxies, and planets using specialized equipment and techniques.

What does being a member of an astrophotography group entail?

Being a member of an astrophotography group typically involves participating in group events and discussions, sharing tips and techniques, and learning from others in the community.

What kind of equipment do I need to be an astrophotographer?

To be an astrophotographer, you will need a camera with manual settings, a sturdy tripod, and a telescope or telephoto lens. Other recommended equipment includes a remote shutter release, a red light headlamp, and a star tracker for longer exposures.

How do I learn about astrophotography?

There are many resources available for learning about astrophotography, including online tutorials, books, and workshops. Joining an astrophotography group or attending star parties is also a great way to learn from experienced photographers.

Is astrophotography expensive?

The cost of astrophotography equipment can vary greatly depending on the quality and type of equipment you choose. However, there are budget-friendly options available and many photographers start with basic equipment and upgrade as they gain more experience.

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