What is the Second Derivative Test for Identifying Local Extrema?

In summary, the conversation discusses methods for determining whether a given matrix is a local maximum, local minimum, or saddle point. One method involves evaluating eigenvalues, while another involves using sub determinants. The conversation also mentions the use of Cholesky factorization for such tests. It is noted that for a diagonal matrix, the signs of the diagonal elements determine the type of stationary point. The intuition behind these tests is that they are based on the second-order term in the Taylor expansion of the function at a stationary point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

-2 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2

If I evaluate with eigenvalues, I get:
-2-\lambda & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2-\lambda & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2-\lambda

and thus
So there exists a local maximum according to this. However, when I evaluate with a different method offered in my textbook, I get a different result, which is confusing me as this method has always worked before.

[tex]det(-2)=-2<0, det\begin{pmatrix}
-2 & 0\\
0 & -2
\end{pmatrix}=4>0, det\begin{pmatrix}
-2 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2
By this method it is a saddle point. Not entirely sure what is going on here.
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  • #2
sandy.bridge said:

Homework Statement

-2 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2

If I evaluate with eigenvalues, I get:
-2-\lambda & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2-\lambda & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2-\lambda

and thus
So there exists a local maximum according to this. However, when I evaluate with a different method offered in my textbook, I get a different result, which is confusing me as this method has always worked before.

[tex]det(-2)=-2<0, det\begin{pmatrix}
-2 & 0\\
0 & -2
\end{pmatrix}=4>0, det\begin{pmatrix}
-2 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -2 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -2
By this method it is a saddle point. Not entirely sure what is going on here.

If the matrix above is the Hessian H, then: a stationary point is a strict local max if H is negative-definite, is strict local max if H is positive definite, and is a saddle point otherwise. Furthermore, *a matrix with a negative diagonal element cannot be positive-definite*, so look at K = -H and check whether it is positive-definite (because if -H is positive definite, then H is negative-definite). Obviously, K is positive-definite (by inspection, no tests needed), so your point is a strict local max.

I find some textbooks treatments to be both confusing and unnecessarily complex. The simplest way is just to always check for positive-definiteness, by changing the sign if necessary (as I did above). The positive-definiteness tests are just a little bit less confusing and are less prone to making errors.

  • #3
Hi sandy.bridge! :smile:

Your method with sub determinants works for eigenvalues greater than zero.
Note that is the test for the matrix to be positive-definite.

However, for negative-definite, which is what you are testing, the sub determinants have to alternate between negative an positive (as they do in your case).
  • #4
Thanks to both of you. Does it matter in which order they alternate? (For example, can it go +, -, +, and -, +, -?) Not sure why the textbook failed to clarify this. I really like using the sub determinant method as occasionally solving the cubic eigenvalues can be quite time consuming by hand, and time is everything on an exam.
  • #5
sandy.bridge said:
Thanks to both of you. Does it matter in which order they alternate? (For example, can it go +, -, +, and -, +, -?) Not sure why the textbook failed to clarify this. I really like using the sub determinant method as occasionally solving the cubic eigenvalues can be quite time consuming by hand, and time is everything on an exam.

Actually, the very best way is to use Cholesky factorization, as it involves simple calculations that can be done manually (using no more than a simple hand calculator), and does not need eigenvalues, determinants, or anything else like that. It takes a few minutes to learn, however. Testing matrices up to about 10x10 is quite doable by hand with this method! In actual optimization codes for computer applications, that (or a variant of it) is used for such tests; eigenvalue or determinant methods are rarely used, as they involve many, many times as much work.

  • #6
I will look into that. However, I don't think I will have time to learn a new concept regarding this before my midterm this weekend. Thus far we have only encountered 3x3 matrices.
  • #7
I must be - + -.
Odd sizes must be negative, even sizes must be positive.
  • #8
And if for example it is -, +, -, it would be considered indefinite (saddle point)?
  • #9
sandy.bridge said:
And if for example it is -, +, -, it would be considered indefinite (saddle point)?

If the Hessian H is _diagonal_, with diagonal elements d1,d2,...,dn, then the associated quadratic form Q(h) = h^T H h has the simple form Q = d1*h1^2 + d2*h2^2 + ... + dn*hn^2. When we test for positive-definiteness, negative-definiteness or indefiniteness, we are asking whether Q(h) > 0 for all nonzero vectors h (that is the *definition* of a positive-definite matrix H) or whether Q(h) < 0 for all nonzero vectors h (= definition of negative-definite) or whether we can have Q(h1) > 0 for some vector h1 and Q(h2) < 0 for some other vector h2 (which is what _indefinite_ means). So, for a diagonal matrix there is no need to test anything: if all di > 0 it is pos.-def., if all di < 0 it is neg.-def. and if the di have mixed signs it is indef.

What is the meaning of all this (i.e., what is the intuition underlying it)? The
quadratic form Q(h) is just the second-order term in the Taylor expansion of f(x01+h1, x02+h2,...,x0n+hn) about the stationary point (x01,x02,...,x0n). Q(h) > 0 for all nonzero h means that for any nearby point y, we have f(y) > f(x0), so x0 is a strict local min; Q < 0 means the opposite, so x0 is a local max; and Q indefinite means that x0 is neither a max nor a min, because we can have f(y1) > f(x0) > f(y2) for two nearby points y1 and y2.

  • #10
sandy.bridge said:
And if for example it is -, +, -, it would be considered indefinite (saddle point)?
- + - is negative-definite (maximum)
+ + + is positive-definite (minimum)
anything else that is non-zero is a saddle point
if anything is zero it is inconclusive
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FAQ: What is the Second Derivative Test for Identifying Local Extrema?

1. What is the Second Derivative Test?

The Second Derivative Test is a mathematical method used to determine the nature of a critical point on a graph of a function. It involves taking the second derivative of a function and analyzing its sign at the critical point to determine whether it is a maximum, minimum, or saddle point.

2. How do you perform the Second Derivative Test?

To perform the Second Derivative Test, you first need to find the critical points of the function. Then, you take the second derivative of the function and plug in the x-value of each critical point. If the second derivative is positive, the critical point is a minimum. If it is negative, the critical point is a maximum. If the second derivative is zero, the test is inconclusive and further analysis is needed.

3. What is the significance of the Second Derivative Test?

The Second Derivative Test is significant because it allows us to determine the nature of a critical point without having to graph the entire function. This can save time and provide a more accurate analysis of the function.

4. Can the Second Derivative Test be used for all functions?

No, the Second Derivative Test can only be used for functions that are twice differentiable, meaning that their first and second derivatives exist. Additionally, the function must have a critical point for the test to be applicable.

5. How does the Second Derivative Test relate to the First Derivative Test?

The Second Derivative Test is an extension of the First Derivative Test. While the First Derivative Test only allows us to determine whether a critical point is a maximum or minimum, the Second Derivative Test provides more information about the nature of the critical point, including whether it is a saddle point. Additionally, the Second Derivative Test is more accurate as it takes into account the concavity of the function.

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