- #1
- 17
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Homework Statement
I have a metric and I need to find the signature.
Homework Equations
[itex]ds^{2} = -(1-e^{-x^{2}})\ dt^{2} + 6x\ dy^{2} + 9\ dx\ dy + y^{2}\ dx^{2}[/itex]
The Attempt at a Solution
In matrix form, the metric is
-(1-e^{-x^{2}}) & 0 & 0 \\
0 & y^{2} & 9 \\
0 & 9 & 6x
Now, I'm pretty sure my lecturer hasn't told us what a signature is, but after a bit of wikipedia-ing I see that I need to diagonalise this matrix.
What I want to know is, is that really what I need to do? 'cos it's a really horrible equation I'd have to solve to find the eigenvalues...
[itex]\lambda ^{3} + (-6x -y^{2} + 1 - e^{-x^{2}})\lambda ^{2} + (6xy^{2} + 9^{2} - 6x(1-e^{-x^2}}) - y^{2} (1-e^{-x^{2}}))\lambda + (1 - e^{-x^{2}})(6xy^{2} + 9^{2}) = 0[/itex]