What is the significance of being in the eigenspace of Christ?

  • Thread starter arildno
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In summary, this one is priceless. The eigenspace of an eigenvalue is the collection of all vectors that are mapped to it under the action of a fixed matrix. It is important to note that Vector choices exclude the zero vector because the zero vector always is mapped to itself under this type of transformation. However, through the grace of Christ, we are transformed from being a zero vector to the eigenspace of the redeemed.
  • #1
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This one is priceless:
2 Corin 3:7-18
The eigenspace of an eigenvalue l is the collection of all vectors u that are mapped to lu under the action of a fixed matrix. It is important to note that u choices exclude the zero vector because the zero vector always is mapped to itself under this type of transformation. On our own, we are like the zero vector because no matter what we try, we cannot move away from out sinful status. However, through the grace of Christ, we are transformed from being a zero vector to the eigenspace of the redeemed (the likeness of Christ).
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  • #2

I have heard of efforts to merge science with religion, but this is a bit much. :biggrin:
  • #3
As a sermon it would fall pretty flat in most churches.

I recall Kenneth Rexroth writing about the soapbax orators of Chicago's long-gone bughouse square. One socialist mechanic would give fiery rants salted with "incomprehensible metaphors from the tool room". This would fall in the same category.
  • #4
"Consider the set of linear functionals on a vector space V, how they grow; they toil not neither do they spin..."
  • #5
Hmm.. I was expecting it to have the style of language actually used in the bible. For instance, I would have expected something like this quote below to be more like:

"The dimension of a vector space is a constant which indicates the number of vectors in any basis for the vector space. This number is independent of which basis is selected. The vector space of three-dimensional space has dimension three (surprise, surprise). However, not all vector spaces have a finite dimension. If you think of the vector space consisting of polynomials with real number coefficients, bases have a countably infinite number of elements. It is easy to construct and infinite basis here; the standard basis is the infinite collection of polynomials 1, x, x2, x3, . . . xn, . . . "

And editing it to make it seem like the bible... (tinkers with quote)

"Halleujah, Praise God's Vector Spaces! Thy worth dependth not on thy basis, but rather for the Lord's holy trinity of dimensions, for each vector space shall thus be called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Lord's vector spaces are composed thus of God's will and thy holy polynomials with thy numerical coefficients. However, the glory of God cannot be recreated by thy sinner who believes not in God's collection of polynomials. The Lord's polynomials are eternal, 1, x, x2, x3, ... xn, and are thy will of your Lord God."

  • #6
I liked this one as well:
Jesus is our least-squares solution to the impossible problem. Note, though, that the distance between us and the law of God is infinite; through salvation in Christ, God accepts us as if the error is zero!
  • #7
Oh dear-------------------Photongod
  • #8
Someone please tell me this is joke...
  • #9
Dimitri Terryn said:
Someone please tell me this is joke...

Her bio says she resides in LaGrange and teaches Sunday School, so I think it is meant in all sincerity. (I wonder what she has to say about Lagrangian mechanics?)

FAQ: What is the significance of being in the eigenspace of Christ?

1. What is the eigenspace of Christ?

The eigenspace of Christ is a theoretical concept in mathematics and physics that represents the set of all possible states or properties of Christ as an entity. It is often used in the study of quantum mechanics and complex systems.

2. How is the eigenspace of Christ related to religion and spirituality?

While the eigenspace of Christ is a scientific concept, it has been linked to theology and spirituality in various ways. Some believe that the eigenspace of Christ represents the divine potential and infinite possibilities of Christ, while others see it as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things.

3. Is the eigenspace of Christ a real or tangible entity?

No, the eigenspace of Christ is not a physical or tangible entity. It is a theoretical construct used in mathematical and scientific models to understand the complex nature of Christ and the universe.

4. What is the significance of the eigenspace of Christ in scientific research?

The eigenspace of Christ has been used in various scientific studies to analyze complex systems, such as the human brain and social networks. It allows scientists to better understand the intricate relationships and patterns within these systems and how they may be influenced by external factors.

5. How can we apply the concept of the eigenspace of Christ to our daily lives?

While the eigenspace of Christ is a scientific concept, it can also be seen as a metaphor for embracing our potential and exploring the infinite possibilities of our lives. By understanding the interconnectedness of all things, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the world around us and the role we play in it.

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