What is the significance of Epsilon here? Elementary analysis

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of convergence of a series, where a sequence is said to converge to a real number s if for each epsilon greater than 0, there exists a number N such that n>N implies the absolute value of the difference between the sequence and the real number s is less than epsilon. This definition is similar to the epsilon-delta method for a function, but instead of approaching a finite number a, the sequence approaches infinity.
  • #1
So i am almost 3/4 through elementary analysis but i seem to be unable to comprehend the basic definition of convergence of series

this is how the defn goes.

A sequence (sn) is said to converge to a real number s provided that

for each ε > 0 there exists a number N such that n>N implies |sn - s| < ε

where lim Sn = s where Sn approaches infinity
I am able to use this definition in the homeworks and problems, but i don't know what it means.

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  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi retspool! welcome to pf! :smile:

(have an infinity: ∞ and try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)

i assume you're happy with the epsilon-delta method for a function f(x) as x –> a where a is finite?

this is the same, except that instead of x -> a we have x -> ∞, and instead of "nested" neighbourhoods of a getting arbitrarily close to a, we have "nested" neighbourhoods of ∞ getting arbitrarily close to ∞, ie neighbourhoods of the form (N,∞) …

for any ε, we can find an interval (N,∞) in which |f(x) - s| < ε :smile:
  • #3


FAQ: What is the significance of Epsilon here? Elementary analysis

1. What is the significance of Epsilon in elementary analysis?

In elementary analysis, epsilon is used to represent a small positive quantity that can be made arbitrarily small. It is often used in the definition of limits, where epsilon represents the distance of a point from the limit.

2. How is Epsilon used in the definition of limits?

In the definition of limits, epsilon is used to represent the distance between a point and the limit. In other words, it is the range of values that the function can approach the limit without actually reaching it.

3. Why is Epsilon important in calculus and analysis?

Epsilon is important in calculus and analysis because it allows us to precisely define the behavior of a function at a specific point. By using epsilon, we can determine the limit, continuity, and differentiability of a function at a given point.

4. How does Epsilon relate to the concept of convergence?

Epsilon is closely related to the concept of convergence, as it is used to determine how close a sequence or function is to its limit. In the context of convergence, epsilon represents the precision with which we want to approach the limit.

5. Can Epsilon be negative in elementary analysis?

No, epsilon is always defined as a small positive quantity in elementary analysis. This is because it represents a distance or a precision, and these values are always positive. Negative values are not meaningful in this context.

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