What is the significance of v/c factors in the Maxwell-Einstein conflict?

  • Thread starter thedude27
  • Start date
In summary, the Galileo-Maxwell conflict refers to the difference between Galilean and Lorentzian coordinate transformations, specifically in regards to the concept of relativity and the behavior of electromagnetic fields. This conflict arose due to the discovery of e.m. induction and the need for an experiment to judge the validity of ether theory. The Michelson-Morley experiment provided evidence for the Lorentzian transformation and ultimately led to the development of Special Relativity.
  • #1
Galileo-Maxwell conflict

Hey all.

I need to write a small essay on their conflict, and I can't seem to find any information anywhere.

If anyone can help me, I would truly appreciate it.

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  • #3
The only possible conflict involving the 2 it the conflict Maxwell created in 1867 amounsts the world of Physics with his reveation that the speed of light is indpentdant of the motion of the observer. Einstein resolved that conflict in 1905 with his paper on Special Relativity
  • #4
My bad, it's Galileo-Maxwell, not Einstein-Maxwell
  • #5
There really isn't a conflict with some specific, conventional name attached to it. What I think you're looking for is the difference between Galiliean relativity and Einsteinian relativity -- i.e. the difference between a Galilean and a Lorentzian coordinate transformation. Search the web for "Galileo Lorentz transform" and you'll probably find what you're looking for.

- Warren
  • #6
Maxwell wasn't yet 50 years old when he died. I wonder what might have happened if he had lived and worked longer. Would he have guessed the required transformation for preserving the form of his electromagnetic equations? He never considered them in a moving coordinate system, as far as I know. But he was one smart cookie and there's no telling what he might have scooped on the way toward a relativity theory. But, alas, he died.

Galileo never studied electrical or magnetic phenomena, as far as I know. He doesn't seem to have had any theory about light propagation either, except that he believed it was of finite speed and not instantaneous. This was demonstrated by danish astronomer Römer after Galileo was dead.
  • #7
My bad, it's Galileo-Maxwell, not Einstein-Maxwell

Well, that's even worse! Galileo died centuries before Maxwell!

You probably are referring to Galileo's concept of "relativity"- that if you in a sealed carriage moving at a constant speed in a straight line, you cannot do any experiment that will show that you are not standing still. That's, in a sense, expressed by "F= ma". All we can feel are forces and they depend on acceleration, not speed.

Maxwell's equations for electro-magnetic force, however, make the force on a charged body by a magnetic field dependent on the speed of the electron. That is, a person in a sealed carriage, moving at a constant speed in a straight line, can theoretically do an electro-magnetic experiment (say on a light beam staying entirely inside the carriage) to determine the carriage's "absolute" velocity. That was the idea of the Michelson-Morley experiment whose null result led to Einstein's relativity.
  • #8
the conflict that you have in mind may be the one between 'Galilei-invariants' and 'Lorentz-invariants'. These were two sets of invariants which were in contradiction with each other around ~1900, the first stemming from mechanics, and the second from electrodynamics. HallsofIvy has pointed out some details...
  • #9
Galilean and Lorentz transformations are not actually in conflict for relative speeds that are very much smaller than lightspeed. The Lorentz reduces to approximately the Galilean in that case. Around 1900, nothing was known to go fast enough to challenge lightspeed in empty space, although radioactivity charged particles (beta rays) were getting closer to it than anything before.
  • #10
I think it's not a question of 'approaching light speed'. Just think about the effect of e.m. induction (discovered by Faraday in 1842 or so...). When the coil moves, and the magnet is at rest, the effect is easily explained via the Lorentz force. Which requires moving charges. But induction will also work when the magnet moves, and the coil is at rest. This can not be explained by Galilei transformation. It is, however, explained by Lorentz transformation, which predicts that, if a magnetic field is transformed into motion, there will be an extra electric field. You can demonstrate this very easily in class, where the velocities involved are only some cm/s. I think this is where the conflict originated: the strange transformation behavior of e.m. fields.
I think some people introduced ether theory to save the Galilei transformation. So an experimentum crucis was needed to judge over ether theory. That's where Michelson-Morley comes in. I know, up to today, there are some people who doubt the standard interpretation of MM. But I believe the interpretation is correct, there is a null result, and ether theory must be abandoned in favour of Special Relativity.
  • #11

Both the lorentz force equation and the E-B transformation equations depend on v/c factors. That means whenever the magnitude v is tiny compared to c (galilean reduction), then the lorentz force equation just ought to reduce to straight electrostatic force (with no electromotive term) and the transformations reduce to separated, unchanged electrical/magnetic components. So, common induction phenomena must depend always on having large enough v/c, or else the magnetic component normal to the velocity v must be huge enough to compensate for tiny v/c. How else can an ordinary lab experiment demonstrate EM induction?

FAQ: What is the significance of v/c factors in the Maxwell-Einstein conflict?

1. What is the Maxwell-Einstein conflict?

The Maxwell-Einstein conflict refers to a disagreement between the theories of electromagnetism and special relativity proposed by James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein, respectively.

2. What are the main differences between Maxwell's theory and Einstein's theory?

Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism describes the relationship between electric and magnetic fields, while Einstein's theory of special relativity explains the relationship between space and time. The main difference between the two is that Maxwell's theory is based on classical mechanics, while Einstein's theory is based on the concept of spacetime and the speed of light as a constant.

3. How did the Maxwell-Einstein conflict arise?

The conflict arose when Einstein's theory of special relativity showed that Maxwell's equations did not hold true in all reference frames, particularly in cases involving high speeds. This led to the need for a new theory that could reconcile these differences.

4. How was the Maxwell-Einstein conflict resolved?

The conflict was ultimately resolved when Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, which unified Maxwell's equations with the principles of special relativity. This theory explains the behavior of objects in a gravitational field and has been proven to be accurate through numerous experiments and observations.

5. What significance does the Maxwell-Einstein conflict hold in the field of physics?

The Maxwell-Einstein conflict was a crucial turning point in the development of modern physics. It highlighted the need for a deeper understanding of the relationship between space, time, and electromagnetism, ultimately leading to the development of general relativity and the revolutionizing of our understanding of the universe.
