What is the solution to a differential equation in trigonometric form?

  • Thread starter Sparky_
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    Form Trig
In summary, the conversation is about solving a differential equation and rewriting it in the form Asin(wt + phi). The solution involves finding the values for A and phi, which can be obtained by plugging in the values for t and solving for A and phi. The final result is A= sqrt(5) and phi = arcsin(-1/sqrt(5)) + pi.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is a solutuion to a differential equation I've solved:

[tex] -cos(sqrt(2)t) - 2sin(sqrt(s)t) [/tex]

I've been asked to put it in the form:

[tex] Asin(wt + phi) [/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex] A= sqrt(-1^2 + -2^2) [/tex]

[tex] phi = sin^-1phi = \frac{c1}{A} [/tex]
[tex] phi = cos^-1 phi = \frac{c2}{A} [/tex]
[tex] phi = tan^-1 phi = \frac{c1}{c2} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

A = 5

[tex] phi = sin^-1phi = \frac{-1}{sqrt(5)} [/tex]
[tex] phi = [/tex]

[tex] phi = cos^-1 phi = \frac{-2}{sqrt(5)} [/tex]
[tex] phi = [/tex]

[tex] phi = tan^-1 phi = \frac{-1}{-2} [/tex]
[tex] phi = [/tex]
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  • #2
Note that if s inside the sine is not equal to 2, then you cannot write it as a single sine at all. So the frequencies have to be the same, and you can just read them off ([itex]\omega = \sqrt{2}[/itex]). Then the amplitude is indeed [itex]A = \sqrt{5}[/itex] (you gave the correct formula, but forgot the root in the later result. Also watch out to write [itex](-1)^2 = (-1) \times (-1) = 1[/itex], which is something different than [itex]-1^2 = -(1 \times 1) = -1[/itex]). Then just plug in t = 0 and you get an equation for phi, which you can solve, giving [itex]\phi = \sin^{-1}(1/\sqrt{5}) + \pi[/itex] (if you want a value between 0 and 2 pi).
  • #3
I did not mean to "post" it yet - I meant to hit "preview".

Here are some more details and clean-up and my official question:

A = 5

[tex] phi = sin^{-1}phi = \frac{-1}{\sqrt(5)} [/tex]
[tex] phi = -0.4636[/tex]

[tex] phi = cos^{-1} phi = \frac{-2}{\sqrt(5)} [/tex]
[tex] phi = 2.678[/tex]

[tex] phi = tan^{-1} phi = \frac{-1}{-2} [/tex]
[tex] phi = 0.4636[/tex]

Can you help with the phase angle? (3 different answers - none of which are correct)

The book has 3.6052 which I see is pi + 0.4636.

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  • #4
So you have found A and omega, and now you want
[tex]A \sin(\omega t + \phi) = - \cos(\sqrt{2} t) - 2 \sin(\sqrt{2} t)[/tex].
If you look at the point t = 0, you get the equation
[tex]A \sin(\phi) = - 1[/tex]
from which you can solve [itex]\phi[/itex]. So indeed, you get the equation
[tex]\phi = \operatorname{arcsin}(- 1 / \sqrt{5})[/tex]
which you can take to be either -0.4636, or 0.4636 + pi. By graphing both you see that the latter is correct, and it is also neater, to express phi between 0 and 2 pi.

FAQ: What is the solution to a differential equation in trigonometric form?

1. What is Trig Form Question?

Trig Form Question is a mathematical concept that involves converting complex numbers into their trigonometric form, which is expressed as a combination of a magnitude and an angle.

2. Why is Trig Form Question important?

Trig Form Question is important because it allows us to easily perform mathematical operations on complex numbers, which are often used in various scientific and engineering fields.

3. How do you convert a complex number into trigonometric form?

To convert a complex number into trigonometric form, we use the equation z = r(cosθ + i sinθ), where r is the magnitude of the complex number and θ is the angle between the real and imaginary parts of the complex number.

4. What are the applications of Trig Form Question?

Trig Form Question is used in a variety of applications, such as electrical engineering, signal processing, and fluid dynamics. It is also used in the study of waves and harmonic motion.

5. How can I improve my understanding of Trig Form Question?

To improve your understanding of Trig Form Question, you can practice converting complex numbers into trigonometric form and vice versa. You can also learn more about the properties and applications of complex numbers in mathematics and science.
