What is the solution to POTW #265 - Feb 13, 2018?

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  • Thread starter Euge
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In summary, POTW #265 is a challenging problem chosen to test problem-solving skills and critical thinking. It differs from other problems by requiring a unique approach and may involve multiple steps and techniques. To solve it, one should carefully read and break down the problem, seek guidance, and collaborate with others. The benefits of solving POTW #265 include improving skills and understanding, a sense of accomplishment, and preparation for future challenges. There may be multiple solutions, but typically a correct one that meets all requirements.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:

Let $F : (0, \infty)\times (0,\infty) \to \Bbb R$ be given by
$$F(\alpha, \beta) = \int_0^\infty \frac{\cos(\alpha x)}{x^4 + \beta^4}\, dx$$ Show that $$\frac{F(\alpha,\beta)}{F(\beta,\alpha)} = \frac{\alpha^3}{\beta^3}$$ as long as there is no positive integer $n$ such that $\alpha = \dfrac{(4n-1)\pi\sqrt{2}}{4\beta}$.-----

Remember to read the http://www.mathhelpboards.com/showthread.php?772-Problem-of-the-Week-%28POTW%29-Procedure-and-Guidelines to find out how to http://www.mathhelpboards.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=2!
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  • #2
Hi MHB community,

In the original posting of this week’s POTW I accidentally left out a necessary condition on $\alpha$ and $\beta$. I have made the correction.
  • #3
Congratulations to Opalg for his correct solution. You can read his solution below.
Let \(\displaystyle J = \oint_D\frac{e^{i\alpha z}}{z^4 + \beta^4}dz\), where $D$ is the usual contour consisting of the interval $[-R,R]$ of the real axis, and the semicircle form $R$ to $-R$ taken anticlockwise in the upper half-plane. In the limit, as $R\to\infty$, the integral round the semicircle goes to $0$ by Jordan's lemma; and the integral along the axis becomes $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{\cos(\alpha x) + i\sin(\alpha x)}{x^4 + \beta^4}dx = 2\int_0^\infty \frac{\cos(\alpha x)}{x^4 + \beta^4}dx $$ (because $\cos(\alpha x)$ is an even function and $\sin(\alpha x)$ is an odd function). So $J = 2F(\alpha,\beta)$.

The function \(\displaystyle \frac{e^{i\alpha z}}{z^4 + \beta^4}\) has two simple poles inside $D$, at the points $\beta\omega$ and $\beta\omega^3$, where $\omega = e^{i\pi/4} = \dfrac{1+i}{\sqrt2}$.

The formula for the residue of a quotient of two analytic functions at a simple zero of the denominator says that the residue of \(\displaystyle \frac{e^{i\alpha z}}{z^4 + \beta^4}\) at such a point is \(\displaystyle \frac{e^{i\alpha z}}{4z^3}\). So the residues at $z = \beta\omega$ and $z = \beta\omega^3$ are $$\operatorname{Res}(\beta\omega) = \frac{e^{i\alpha\beta\omega}}{4\beta^3\omega^3} = \frac{-ie^{i\alpha\beta\omega}}{4\beta^3\omega}, \qquad \operatorname{Res}(\beta\omega^3) = \frac{e^{i\alpha\beta\omega^3}}{4\beta^3\omega^9} = \frac{e^{-\alpha\beta\omega}}{4\beta^3\omega}.$$ It follows from Cauchy's theorem that $$2F(\alpha,\beta) = \frac{2\pi i}{4\beta^3\omega}\bigl(-ie^{i\alpha\beta\omega} + e^{-\alpha\beta\omega}\bigr).$$

If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are interchanged then the only effect on that last expression is that the $\beta^3$ in the denominator becomes $\alpha^3$. It follows that $\dfrac{F(\alpha,\beta)}{F(\beta,\alpha)} = \dfrac{\alpha^3}{\beta^3}.$

The only thing that can go wrong with that is that $F(\alpha,\beta)$ might be zero. In that case, $F(\beta,\alpha)$ will also be zero, and their quotient will not be defined. So we need to investigate the possibility that $ie^{i\alpha\beta\omega} = e^{-\alpha\beta\omega}$.

The exponential function has period $2\pi i$. So two complex numbers will have the same exponential if they differ by an integer multiple of $2\pi i$. But $ie^{i\alpha\beta\omega} = e^{i\pi/2}e^{i\alpha\beta\omega} = e^{i(\alpha\beta\omega + \pi/2)}$. Thus the condition for the result to fail is $$i(\alpha\beta\omega + \tfrac\pi2) = -\alpha\beta\omega + 2n\pi i = i^2\alpha\beta\omega + 2n\pi i,$$ $$\alpha\beta\omega + \tfrac\pi2 = i\alpha\beta\omega + 2n\pi,$$ $$(1-i)\alpha\beta\omega = \bigl(2n-\tfrac12\bigr)\pi.$$ But $\omega = \dfrac{1+i}{\sqrt2}$. So $(1-i)\omega = \dfrac{(1-i)(1+i)}{\sqrt2} = \sqrt2$, and the condition becomes $$\alpha\beta\sqrt2 = \frac{(4n-1)\pi}2,$$ which is equivalent to the given condition for the result to fail.

FAQ: What is the solution to POTW #265 - Feb 13, 2018?

1. What is POTW #265 and why is it important?

POTW #265 is the 265th problem of the week on a particular platform or website. It is important because it challenges individuals to use their problem-solving skills and encourages critical thinking.

2. How is POTW #265 different from other problems?

POTW #265 is different from other problems because it is specifically chosen to be challenging and requires a unique approach to find the solution. It may also involve multiple steps and require different techniques to solve.

3. How can I approach solving POTW #265?

To approach solving POTW #265, it is important to read and understand the problem carefully. Then, break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts and try different approaches and techniques to solve each part. It is also helpful to collaborate with others and seek guidance from resources such as textbooks or online forums.

4. What are the benefits of solving POTW #265?

Solving POTW #265 can improve problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and overall understanding of the subject matter. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and can help individuals prepare for similar challenges in the future.

5. Is there a specific solution to POTW #265?

There may be multiple solutions to POTW #265, and the specific solution may depend on the approach and techniques used. However, there is typically a correct solution that meets all the requirements and criteria outlined in the problem.

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