What is the solution to the boundary value problem using Green's Theorem?

In summary, the gradient of the solution to the boundary value problem is zero, so the solution must be a constant.
  • #1
Let D be a domain inside a simple closed curve C in R2. Consider the boundary value problem
[tex] (\Delta u)(x,y) = 0, \ (x,y) \in D, \\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} (x,y) = 0 , \ (x,y) \in C. [/tex]

where n is the outward unit normal on C. Use Green's Theorem to prove taht every solution u is a constant.

and yes its DELTA u not nabla u .
i know that Green's theorem is something lik this
[tex] \int \int _{D} u \nabla^2 u dx dy = \oint_{C} u \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} ds - \int \int_{D} |grad u|^2 dxdy [/tex]

so cna i do this
[tex] \int \int_{D} u \Delta u dx dy = \oint_{C} u \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} ds - \int \int_{D} |\nabla u|^2 dx dy [/tex]
i mean isn't [tex] \Delta u = \nabla^2 u = \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} [/tex] isn't that true??

if that s true then moving on
[tex] \oint_{C} u \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} ds = 0 [/tex] because du/dn = 0 and sinve it is definite integration of a constant the answer is zero
so all that we're left with is
[tex] \int \int_{D} u \Delta u dx dy = - \int \int_{D} |\nabla u|^2 dx dy [/tex]
if i differentiate on both sides it yields
[tex] u \Delta u \displaystyle{|_{D}} = |\nabla^2 u| [/tex]
i m not sure how to proceed from here...
how would one figure out whether u is constnat?
Please help! Thank you.
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  • #2
You've done too much work already. Look at your very first equation, the statement of Green's Theorem. Two of the terms in this equation are zero, why? What does that imply about the third term and why?
  • #3
well i can see why
[tex] \oint_{C} u \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} ds = 0 [/tex]
because du/dn = 0 and sinve it is definite integration of a constant the answer is zero

also from the boundary values that [itex] (\Delta u) (x,y) = 0 [/itex]
so then [tex] \int \int _{D} u \nabla^2 u dx dy = 0 [/tex] once again because of the definite integration

so then
[tex] \int \int_{D} |grad u|^2 dxdy =0 [/tex]
so if one differentiates on both sides
[tex] (\nabla u) \displaystyle{|_{D}} = 0 [/tex]
integrate both sides and yield u as some constnat value C.
Was that the right way?
  • #4
You're close. You have everything except the last bit, you can't just differentiate a double integral like that. However, it is possible to conclude that the gradient must be zero. Hint: if you integrate a positive definite integrand over some region and get zero, then what must the integrand have been?
  • #5
i see...

if you definite integrate and you get zero then the integrand musth ave been zero. Thus in this case the gradient is zero. WEll ok a zero gradient measn a maximum of the function... but then uhh
not usre what to do

FAQ: What is the solution to the boundary value problem using Green's Theorem?

What is a boundary value problem?

A boundary value problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation subject to specified conditions, known as boundary conditions, at the endpoints of the domain. These conditions define the behavior of the solution at the boundaries and allow for a unique solution to be found.

What are some real-world applications of boundary value problems?

Boundary value problems have many applications in science and engineering, such as in heat transfer, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and structural mechanics. They can be used to model and solve problems in fields such as aerospace engineering, materials science, and environmental engineering.

What is the difference between a boundary value problem and an initial value problem?

The main difference between a boundary value problem and an initial value problem is the nature of the known conditions. In a boundary value problem, the conditions are specified at the boundaries of the domain, while in an initial value problem, the conditions are specified at a single point within the domain.

How are boundary value problems solved?

Boundary value problems are typically solved using numerical methods, such as finite element analysis or finite difference methods. These methods involve discretizing the domain into smaller elements and solving for the solution at each element, taking into account the boundary conditions. Analytical solutions may also be possible for simpler boundary value problems.

Why are boundary value problems important in science?

Boundary value problems are important in science because they allow us to model and solve complex systems and phenomena, such as the behavior of materials and structures under different conditions. They also help us understand and predict the behavior of natural systems, such as the flow of fluids or the transfer of heat, which are essential in many fields of research and engineering.
