What is the Specific Heat of Coffee and the Human Body?

In summary, the human body has a specific heat that is around 3.5 J/g, so even if the coffee is still hot in the stomach, it is not going to be a problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I was having this discussion, and a friend of mine asked if swallowing hot coffee would denature the enzymes of the stomach

Homework Equations

q= cg(Delta T)

The Attempt at a Solution

First thing I did was assume coffee to be around 140 deg F. I then made the assumption that a typical gulp of coffee is around 10ml. Since the density of coffee should be close to water, I computed mass as 1(10ml) = 10 g.

Using the formula: Q= cg(delta T) I calculated (4.186j/g) (10g) (140 - 98.6) = 1.7 Kj

Is it safe to say then, that to drop coffee to body temp we would need to release 1.7Kj.

Now to determine what specific heat is needed to release this heat I calculated as follows: C= Q/(g x Delta T)

Inserting numbers into equation I get 1.7Kj/10g(40) = 4.1 Does this mean we need a specific heat of 4.1 to cool the coffee?

The human body specific heat is around 3.5 J/g so then does this mean the coffee is still hot in the stomach?
I am sure I am missing something here. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
You threw your numbers back into the same equation, q = mcdeltaT, which got you the specific heat of water, which is not surprising, since it's what you used earlier. In other words, you went in a circle. :P
  • #3
Ok, but now I am confused. How do I fix my error?
  • #4
I see my circle, but not sure how to proceed.
  • #5
This is not an easy calculation. You want to essentially find the temperature of the coffee when it reaches your stomach, and compare that with the denaturation temperature of the enzyme of interest, is that right? Wouldn't it be easier to worry about the denaturing of salivary amylase (ptyalin)?

Also, do you care about whether or not the denaturation is reversible? The temperatures needed to permanently denature a protein are typically much higher (and are a function of secondary structure) than the reversible denaturation temperature.
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  • #6
Thanks for the response. I admit it was a silly argument. My goal was to show that the temp of the coffee would be negligable by the time it reached the stomach. I thought I may be able to show this with a few equations. I guess I was mistaken, but thanks all the same.
  • #7
MichaelXY said:
Thanks for the response. I admit it was a silly argument. My goal was to show that the temp of the coffee would be negligable by the time it reached the stomach. I thought I may be able to show this with a few equations. I guess I was mistaken, but thanks all the same.

Three years later, never stop guessing! : )

Related to What is the Specific Heat of Coffee and the Human Body?

1. What is specific heat and how does it relate to the human body?

Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius. In the context of the human body, specific heat refers to the amount of energy needed to raise the body's temperature by 1 degree. This is important in understanding how our bodies regulate temperature and maintain homeostasis.

2. What is the specific heat of the human body?

The specific heat of the human body can vary slightly depending on factors such as body composition and hydration levels, but on average it is around 3.5 J/g°C. This is higher than many other substances, which means our bodies are able to absorb and retain more heat before experiencing a change in temperature.

3. How does specific heat impact our ability to regulate body temperature?

Our bodies' high specific heat allows us to maintain a relatively stable body temperature, even when exposed to external temperature changes. This is because it takes a significant amount of energy to change our body temperature, and our bodies are able to retain that heat thanks to our high specific heat.

4. How does specific heat play a role in exercise and physical activity?

During exercise, our bodies produce heat as a byproduct of muscle contractions. This heat is then absorbed by the surrounding tissues and fluids, and the high specific heat of our bodies helps to prevent a rapid rise in body temperature. This is why we are able to engage in physical activity without overheating.

5. Can specific heat be used to measure the caloric value of food?

Yes, specific heat can be used to measure the caloric value of food. This is because the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a substance is directly related to its caloric content. By measuring the change in temperature of a food sample and using its specific heat value, we can calculate the amount of energy it contains.

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