What is the speed of the arrow shot from the bow in projectile motion?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the initial velocity of an arrow shot from a bow in an archery tournament. The participants discuss using basic 2d kinematic equations to solve for the initial velocity, taking into account the arrow's angle and range. They also mention the need to eliminate an intermediate variable and use algebra to find the final solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are watching an archery tournament when you start wondering how fast an arrow is shot from the bow. Remembering your physics, you ask one of the archers to shoot an arrow parallel to the ground. You find the arrow stuck in the ground 55.0 m away, making a 3.00 degree angle with the ground.

Homework Equations

I used basic 2d kinematic equations along with a few adapted for projectile motion.

The Attempt at a Solution

The height of the archer/height of his arm, was not given so I said tan(3) = H/55, and solved for H, (y0). This gave about 2.9, which would mean that either the guy is on a platform or is a gigantic monster. I figured it was wrong but I went on a little, using the formula y = H - gx2/ 2 V0x

Sorry about barely using latex
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The reason it gave you a large height is because the arrow actually turns downward.
Remember from the problem that the archer shot it perfectly horizontally.

Something that you have to assume in order to solve this problem which they didn't tell you, is that the direction of the arrow must be tangent to the direction of its velocity.
Therefore, the arrow sticking out of the ground basically tells you the final velocity direction (but not magnitude), after you realize this you can just treat the arrow as a point particle with a final velocity making a 3 degree angle with the horizontal.
  • #3
I noticed this before, however I am still not quite sure how to use that fact to find the initial velocity. Or well, I tried using vfy = viy - g[tex]\Delta[/tex]t.
I figure the heat must be getting to me.
  • #4
[itex]s[/itex] - range of the arrow
[itex]\alpha[/itex] - angle of the arrow with the horizontal (measured "downwards")
You should use the following equations
[itex]v[/itex] - initial velocity of the arrow in the horizontal direction

Suggestion for solution:
The relevant velocity time and position time equations are:

v_{x} = v

v_{y} = -g \, t

x = v \, t

y = h - \frac{g \, t^{2}}{2}

where [itex]h[/itex] is the height from which the arrow was released and is unknown, so it must be an intermediate variable that needs to be eliminated from the given conditions.

What condition is mathematically expressed with the statement "the arrow hits the ground at time [itex]t_{0}[/itex]"?

How can you find the range of the arrow at that time?

How can you find the angle it builds below the horizon?

From this, you will have 3 equations with 3 unknowns ([itex]t_{0}[/itex], [itex]h[/itex] and [itex]v[/itex]), out of which 2 are intermediate ([itex]t_{0}[/itex], [itex]h[/itex]), so it would be a matter of algebra.
  • #5
Vx is constant. Now use Vy/Vx = tan 3. Now u know the time taken will be 55/Vx.
Also Vy=0.5g (55/Vx)^2. Thus u got the two equation relating Vy and Vx. Hence u can find out the speed of the arrow which is Vx.

Related to What is the speed of the arrow shot from the bow in projectile motion?

1. How does the angle of release affect the projectile motion of an arrow?

The angle of release affects the horizontal and vertical components of the arrow's velocity. A higher angle will result in a longer flight time and a greater vertical displacement, while a lower angle will result in a shorter flight time and a smaller vertical displacement.

2. What factors affect the range of an arrow during projectile motion?

The range of an arrow is affected by the initial velocity, angle of release, and air resistance. A higher initial velocity and a lower angle of release will result in a longer range, while air resistance will decrease the range.

3. How does the weight of the arrow impact its projectile motion?

The weight of the arrow affects its initial velocity and therefore its range. A heavier arrow will have a lower initial velocity and a shorter range compared to a lighter arrow.

4. Does the height of the release point affect the projectile motion of an arrow?

Yes, the height of the release point affects the vertical displacement and hang time of the arrow. A higher release point will result in a longer hang time and a greater vertical displacement.

5. What is the formula for calculating the maximum height of an arrow during projectile motion?

The formula for calculating the maximum height of an arrow during projectile motion is h = (v2sin2θ)/(2g), where v is the initial velocity, θ is the angle of release, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
