What is the speed of the released softball in circular motion?

  • Thread starter Steveku
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In summary, the ball is released with a force that acts parallel to its motion at all points in a circle. The work done on the ball is equal to the total change in its mechanical energy, which is equal to the change in its potential energy plus the change in the gravitational potential energy.
  • #1
Hi I just need confirmation on a problem.

Q: A softball pitcher rotates a 0.250-kg ball around a vertical circular path of radius 0.600 m before releasing it. The pitcher exerts a 30.0-N force directed parallel to the motion of the ball around the complete circular path. The speed of the ball at the top of the circle is 15.0 m/s. If the ball is released at the bottom of the circle, what is its speed upon release?

A: PEg= mgh
F=ma; F= 30.0 N, m= .250 kg, a= 30.0 N/.250 kg= 120 m/s^2

v^2= vo^2 + 2ax
v^2= (15m/s)^2 + 2*(120m/s^2)*.6pi.
v= 26.0
Thanks so much.
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  • #2
The force acts parallel to the ball's motion at all points in the circle. So, does the force do any work?
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  • #3
no but how does that change anything?
  • #4
Steveku said:
no but how does that change anything?

A force acting PARALLEL to motion WILL do work. Now you should see how this changes the situation. Gravity is not the only force accelerating the ball. I would recommend going about this problem from an energy perspective. If you knew the balls kinetic energy you could find its speed, correct? Can you find the kinetic energy of the ball when it is released now that you know all of the forces accelerating it?
  • #5
How can I find the kinetic energy of the ball when it is released? Sorry if I am asking too much.
  • #6
From you first post, I can see that you know that the gravitational potential energy is turned into kinetic energy. Now, if you can find how much energy is added to the ball from the force, you'll have it's total kinetic energy upon release. Start here:

[tex]K_{final}=K_{initial}+U_{gravitational} + W[/tex]

See how far you can get now.
  • #7
so according to your equation, i should get the following equation:

KEf = (.5)(.250)(15.0^2) + (.250)(9.8)(2pi.6) + (30.0)(1.2)

Im not sure what change of x is.
Thank you very much for helping.
  • #8
The change in x will be the distance the force acts on it, which would be half the circumference of a circle.

Also, I noticed a mistake you have. You have the change in height in the potential term equal to the circumference. This is not the case. What is the change in height from the top of the circle to the bottom? This will be the change in height of the ball.

Other than this, you seem to be on the right track. Do you understand where I got that equation from?
  • #9
Ok i got the answer. but I am interested in where you got the equation from.
  • #10
It's just comes from the definition of work.

The work done on an object will be equal to the total change in mechanical energy:

[tex]W=\Delta K +\Delta U[/tex]

[tex]W = K_f -K_i + U_f - U_i[/tex]

If you say the final potential energy is 0, you should be able to solve for Kf and get the equation we used above. I'm glad you asked! It shows you care about understanding the actual physics of the problem, not just plugging and chugging.

FAQ: What is the speed of the released softball in circular motion?

What is the definition of "softball energy"?

Softball energy refers to the energy that is produced and used during the game of softball. This includes the energy exerted by players as they run, hit, and throw, as well as the energy stored in the ball and equipment.

How is softball energy different from other sports?

Softball energy is unique to the sport of softball and is affected by factors such as the size and weight of the ball, the dimensions of the field, and the rules and regulations of the game. Additionally, the specific skills and techniques used in softball, such as pitching and batting, require a different type and amount of energy compared to other sports.

What role does energy play in softball performance?

Energy is a crucial component of softball performance as it fuels the physical movements and actions required in the game. The amount and type of energy used by players can greatly impact their speed, power, and endurance, ultimately affecting their overall performance on the field.

How can players optimize their energy in softball?

Players can optimize their energy in softball by maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated before, during, and after games. Additionally, proper warm-up and stretching techniques can help prevent injuries and conserve energy. Practicing and improving specific skills, such as proper throwing and batting techniques, can also help players use their energy more efficiently.

What are some common strategies for managing energy in softball?

Some common strategies for managing energy in softball include pacing oneself throughout the game, taking proper rest breaks, and communicating with teammates to share the workload. Coaches may also implement strategies such as substituting players and adjusting game strategies based on the team's energy levels.

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