What is the structure of the electron?

In summary, the electron has no internal structure, but it does have spin. It is a point particle with half-integer-spin, which is imposed by the Pauli exclusion principle and the Spin-statistic theorem. The proton and neutron have a magnetic moment which is not the one of a point particle, this being an early indication of their compositeness. We know very well what the representation of the Poincare group are, and this does not involve quantum field theory, just quantum mechanics. As Weinberg once pointed out (in his QFT books perhpas), if quantum field theory turned out to be wrong, that would be a sensation, but if quantum mechanics turned out to be wrong
  • #1
I ve got a small question. As I have learned so far, the electron is a particle with negative charge and it is homogenouus, i mean there's no concept of structure inside an electron. But electrons have spin .. so they must have certain structure ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
pixel01 said:
But electrons have spin .. so they must have certain structure ?
No :smile:
Point particle fermions must have half-integer-spin, as imposed by the Pauli exclusion principle and the Spin-statistic theorem

In fact, the measure of the electron magnetic moment if one of the most successful precision tests of quantum electrodynamics. The proton and neutron on the contrary have a magnetic moment which is not the one of a point particle, this being an early indication of their compositeness.

So far, we have no experimental clue whatsoever indicating that the electron is not a fundamental point particle.
  • #3
pixel01 said:
I ve got a small question. As I have learned so far, the electron is a particle with negative charge and it is homogenouus, i mean there's no concept of structure inside an electron. But electrons have spin .. so they must have certain structure ?
Yes and no. Physics usually reserves the word structure to mean, "the properties of an object can be accurately predicted by assuming it to be composed of a collection of more fundanmental entities".

Under this definition the electron does not have structure, it's a point particle. But I think you are using the word structure within the broader context, "this object has an interesting property (i.e. spin) and so must have some form of inner complexity". In this very general sense I suppose the answer is yes.

It's probably true to say that at the very deepest level we do not know the origin of spin.
  • #4
abbottsys said:
It's probably true to say that at the very deepest level we do not know the origin of spin.
I would rather disagree with this statement, sorry :smile:
We know very well what the representation of the Poincare group are, and this does not involve quantum field theory, just quantum mechanics. As Weinberg once pointed out (in his QFT books perhpas), if quantum field theory turned out to be wrong, that would be a sensation, but if quantum mechanics turned out to be wrong, that would be a catastrophe.
  • #5
I personnally find it amazing that electrons around atoms absorb and emit photons and yet are still considered to be a fundamental particle. I mean, exactly how could a particle interact with light in such a maner without being made out of it? I predict that electrons are fundamentally bundles of photons that share the same world line.
  • #6
windscar said:
I personnally find it amazing that electrons around atoms absorb and emit photons and yet are still considered to be a fundamental particle. I mean, exactly how could a particle interact with light in such a maner without being made out of it? I predict that electrons are fundamentally bundles of photons that share the same world line.
Take a course in QFT. Then predict.
  • #7
windscar said:
I predict that electrons are fundamentally bundles of photons that share the same world line.
Sorry, no. :rolleyes: Photons carry no electric charge !
  • #8
humanino said:
No :smile:
Point particle fermions must have half-integer-spin, as imposed by the Pauli exclusion principle and the Spin-statistic theorem

Humanino, are you aware of the fascinating results for the apparent statistics of spin-0 and spin-2 particles? Lubos Motl verified by calculation some numerical results in this paper:

See section 4 page 20. The short version is that the spin-1 and spin-1/2 particles behave nicely with the expected statistics, but the spin-0 and spin-2 particles end up with what Lubos calls "Tripled Pauli Statistics".

Two differences show up. The first is that they are Fermi statistics instead of Bose. The second is that they are triply redundant in terms of number of states, but still get filled by only a single object.
  • #9
humanino said:
Sorry, no. :rolleyes: Photons carry no electric charge !

In other words a bundle of non-charged particles, will not result in a particle with a relative charge of -1. An electron is fundamental, this would leave me to believe that it had no internal structure. But hey, 3 years ago I was being taught atoms were fundamental. What is responsible in determining a particles spin? Is there a field that governs this symetry?

  • #10
_Mayday_ said:
What is responsible in determining a particles spin? Is there a field that governs this symetry?
No specific field. All field obey the same symmetry principle. Lorentz symmetry namely.

But you can already understand where spin comes from if you study carefully enough the rotation group in 3 dimensions, called SO(3).
  • #11
I thought spin for fermions come from SO(2)?

BTW I remember that I posted here yesterday, I mentioned scattering to a guy who was writing loads of speculations. Was that deleted in some way?
  • #12
malawi_glenn said:
I thought spin for fermions come from SO(2)?

BTW I remember that I posted here yesterday, I mentioned scattering to a guy who was writing loads of speculations. Was that deleted in some way?

Yeah so do I, it must have been removed.
  • #13
Maybe because the guy i replied was deleted or similar.. I don't know
  • #14
malawi_glenn said:
I thought spin for fermions come from SO(2)?
you mean SU(2) ?
  • #15
humanino said:
you mean SU(2) ?

So the determinant does not have to equal 1?
  • #16
malawi_glenn said:
So the determinant does not have to equal 1?
Le me gather my thoughts : SO(2) is the group of rotations in the 2D (real) plan, preserve distances, and have indeed det=1
SU(2) is the group of special unitary complex matrices, and also have det=1
  • #17
Ok, great:-) Thanx!
  • #18
btw: Does anyone know what happened to my post I wrote yesterday?
  • #19
Mine also has vanished.
  • #20
Lost one too.

Basically, I noted that QED, with self energy and vertex corrections, and so forth, require the electron to have structure -- bare vs. dressed. But 1. we don't know how to compute the details of the structure, and 2. we know that a point electron works quite nicely in practice. So, whatever structure there is, is rather subtle.
Reilly Atkinson

FAQ: What is the structure of the electron?

What is the structure of an electron?

The structure of an electron is that it is a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge and is a fundamental building block of matter.

What is the mass of an electron?

The mass of an electron is approximately 9.11 x 10^-31 kilograms, which is about 1/1836th the mass of a proton.

What is the charge of an electron?

The charge of an electron is -1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs, which is considered the basic unit of electric charge.

How does the structure of an electron contribute to the properties of an atom?

The structure of an electron plays a major role in determining the chemical and physical properties of an atom. The number of electrons in an atom's outermost shell determines its reactivity and ability to form chemical bonds with other atoms.

What is the current understanding of the internal structure of an electron?

Currently, the internal structure of an electron is believed to be a point particle with no internal structure. However, some theories suggest that it may have a complex inner structure made up of smaller particles called quarks, but this has not yet been proven.
