What Is the Symbol \nabla^2? Definition & Explanation

  • Thread starter TheDestroyer
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In summary, The symbol used in the affector in electrodynamique is called the D'Alembertian, informally known as "box". It is a second order linear differential operator and is an extension of the LaPlacian operator. It is defined as the sum of the second derivatives with respect to each coordinate, including subtracting the second derivative with respect to time. This operator is named after French mathematician Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, who discovered the waves' equation.
  • #1
What's that symbol?

Today we've studied in the electrodynamique an affector named dalamperes affector defined as:

[tex]\nabla^2 - \frac{1}{c^2}\cdot\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}[/tex]

c is the speed of light in vacuum, t is time, [tex]\nabla[/tex] is hameltons affector,


What's the name of the symbol used in that affector, the symbol is like a square and has the second degree, and does it have a definition for the first degree? and what is it? can some one explain everything about it?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
God,u mean the d'Alembertian,a.k.a.BOX...
Defined in SR as:
[tex] \Box =:\partial^{\mu}\partial_{\mu} [/tex]
,its form depends on the metric chosen...In your case the metric is:
[tex] \eta_{\mu\nu}=diag \ (+,+,+,-) [/tex] (rather uncharacteristic)

Nabla is no longer called Hamilton's...It's called simply nabla.

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  • #3
Dextercioboy thank you for the specific answer, but i didn't understand:

1- What's the name of that symbol, is it aka box?
2- Does it have a first degree definition?
3- and what's the meaning of what's after Eta symbol you've written above?

Please try being more simple and specific with me, The language is causing me to not understand
  • #4
D'ALEMBERT-IAN after the french mathematician Jean Le Rond d'Alembert,the one which discovered the waves' equation...

No.It's a second order linear differential operator...

You mean "diag"...?It's a shorthand notation for "diagonal".It means the matrix [tex] \hat{\eta} [/tex] is diagonal...

On normal basis i should have written it:
[tex] (\hat{\eta})_{\mu\nu}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}1&0&0&0\\0&1&0&0\\0&0&1&0\\0&0&0&-1\end{array}\right)[/tex]

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  • #5
Oh my god, calm down, why you're getting nervous so quickly,



It's better for me to not understand, thanks
  • #6
Who said i wasn't calm...?:confused:I took it as u didn't see the name very clearly & that's why i wrote it bigger,nothing else...

  • #7
Thank you anyway dextercioboy, you're a genius in maths and physics and that doesn't help you to teach a university boy like me, i'll try finding the solution in our library and internet,
  • #8
? He answered precisely your question : the symbol you asked about is called, informally, "box", similar to "del" for the upside down triangle symbol, and, more formally, the "D'Alembertian". It is an extension of the LaPlacian: where the LaPlacian, in 3 dim space, is the sum of the second derivatives wrt each coordinate, the D'Alembertian includes subtracting the second derivative wrt time.

"box" f= [itex]\frac{\partial^2 f}{/partial x^2}+ \frac{\partial^2f}{/partial y^2}+ \frac{\partial^2 f}{/partial z}- \frac{\partial^2f}{/partial t^2}[/itex]
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FAQ: What Is the Symbol \nabla^2? Definition & Explanation

What does the symbol ∇² represent?

The symbol ∇², also known as the Laplace operator, represents the spatial second derivative of a vector field or scalar field.

What is the definition of the symbol ∇²?

The symbol ∇² is defined as the sum of the second partial derivatives of a function with respect to each of its independent variables.

How is the symbol ∇² used in mathematics?

In mathematics, the symbol ∇² is used to describe the curvature and change in a vector or scalar field over space. It is commonly used in fields such as calculus, differential equations, and physics.

Can you provide an example of the symbol ∇² in use?

An example of the symbol ∇² in use is in the heat equation, which describes the change in temperature over time and space. The Laplace operator is used to calculate the heat diffusion in the equation.

What is the difference between the symbol ∇² and ∇?

While both symbols involve derivatives, the symbol ∇ represents the gradient or first derivative of a field, while ∇² represents the second derivative or curvature of a field.
