What is the Symmetry of the Ricci Tensor?

In summary, the conversation discusses a method for proving the symmetry of the Ricci tensor using the Riemann tensor definition. The conversation includes mathematical equations and steps for deriving the symmetry, as well as suggestions for simplifying the calculation using a locally inertial coordinate system. The conversation ends with the suggestion to start studying tensor/GR from the beginning.
  • #1

I have been doing a few proofs and stumbled across this little problem.

Trying to show the symmetry of the Ricci tensor by using the Riemann tensor definition

##R^m_{\ ikp} = \partial_k \Gamma^m_{\ ip} - \partial_p \Gamma^m_{\ ki} + \Gamma^a_{\ ip} \Gamma^m_{\ ak} - \Gamma^a_{\ ik} \Gamma^m_{\ ap}##

Now set m = k

##R^m_{\ \,imp} = R_{ip} = \partial_m \Gamma^m_{\ ip} - \partial_p \Gamma^m_{\ mi} + \Gamma^a_{\ ip} \Gamma^m_{\ am} - \Gamma^a_{\ im} \Gamma^m_{\ ap}##

Checking every term for symmetry (i <-> p)

1. symmetric because ##\Gamma^{m}_{\ ip} = \Gamma^{m}_{\ pi}##

2. see below

3. symmetric because ##\Gamma^{m}_{\ ip} = \Gamma^{m}_{\ pi}##

4. symmetric because ##\Gamma^a_{\ im} \Gamma^m_{\ ap} = \Gamma^m_{\ pa} \Gamma^a_{\ mi}## (interchanging a & m, and just rotate) and ##\Gamma^{a}_{\ im} = \Gamma^{a}_{\ mi}##

Now for the 2nd term

##\partial_p \Gamma^m_{\ mi} == \partial_i \Gamma^m_{\ mp}##

This is a contracted Christoffel symbol...

using ##\Gamma^k_{ij} = \frac{1}{2} g^{kl} \left(\partial_i g_{jl} + \partial_j g_{il} - \partial_l g_{ij}\right)##

leads to

##\Gamma^{m}_{\ mi} = \frac{1}{2} g^{ml} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} ##

Now the derivative

##\partial_p \Gamma^m_{\ mi} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^p} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} + g^{ml} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i} \partial {x^p}}\right)##

The 2nd term in this expression is symmetric (i <-> p), because order of partial differentiation doesn't matter.

For the first term I am not sure though.

Is ##\frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^p} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} == \frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^i} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^p}}##?

The inverse is something totally different, but you also contract it, this is the point where I am slightly confused.


I know there are other ways to "derive" the symmetry of the Ricci tensor, but I wanted to try this one :)


Thank you in advance!

It's probably so obvious that I don't see it :rolleyes:

Hope you guys had a nice Christmas ;)
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  • #2
Well you're definitely torturing yourself needlessly by doing it this way :-p

If you just use the real definition of the Riemann tensor, ##2\nabla_{[a}\nabla_{b]}\xi^{c} = -R_{abd}{}{}^{c}\xi^{d}##, then it immediately follows that ##R_{ab} = g^{cd}R_{dabc} = g^{cd}R_{cbad} = R_{ba}##.

But if you really want to do it using the coordinate-dependent definition (ick!)* of the Riemann tensor then make it easier for yourself and go to a locally inertial coordinate system at an arbitrary event ##p## in space-time so that ##\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu\gamma}(p) = 0## hence ##R_{\mu\nu}(p) = 2\Gamma^{\gamma}_{\mu[\nu,\gamma]}(p)##. Now all you have to do is plug in for ##\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu\gamma}(p)##.

*Coordinate-independent ("abstract index") calculations are infinitely more elegant than coordinate-dependent calculations :smile:
  • #3
ProfDawgstein said:
Is ##\frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^p} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} == \frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^i} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^p}}##?

The inverse is something totally different, but you also contract it, this is the point where I am slightly confused.
Here's the fact you need: δgμν = - gμα gνβ δgαβ. Thus

∂gmℓ/∂xp = - gma gℓb ∂gab/∂xp

and therefore

∂gmℓ/∂xp ∂gmℓ/∂xi = - gma gℓb ∂gab/∂xp ∂gmℓ/∂xi

which is symmetric.
  • #4
WannabeNewton said:
Well you're definitely torturing yourself needlessly by doing it this way :-p

If you just use the real definition of the Riemann tensor, ##2\nabla_{[a}\nabla_{b]}\xi^{c} = -R_{abd}{}{}^{c}\xi^{d}##, then it immediately follows that ##R_{ab} = g^{cd}R_{dabc} = g^{cd}R_{cbad} = R_{ba}##.

But if you really want to do it using the coordinate-dependent definition (ick!)* of the Riemann tensor then make it easier for yourself and go to a locally inertial coordinate system at an arbitrary event ##p## in space-time so that ##\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu\gamma}(p) = 0## hence ##R_{\mu\nu}(p) = 2\Gamma^{\gamma}_{\mu[\nu,\gamma]}(p)##. Now all you have to do is plug in for ##\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu\gamma}(p)##.

*Coordinate-independent ("abstract index") calculations are infinitely more elegant than coordinate-dependent calculations :smile:

It wasn't much work, actually.

But that still boils down to ##\frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^p} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} == \frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^i} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^p}}##, doesn't it?

Using your definition, I get the first term to be symmetric and the 2nd one is

##\Gamma^{\gamma}_{\ \mu \gamma , \nu}##

which should be equal to

##\Gamma^{\gamma}_{\ \nu \gamma , \mu}##.

And this still leads to

##\frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^p} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^i}} == \frac{\partial g^{ml}}{\partial x^i} \frac{\partial g_{ml}}{\partial {x^p}}##.

This is the only remaining thing I need to show and I don't know how :/

Bill_K said:
Here's the fact you need: δgμν = - gμα gνβ δgαβ. Thus

∂gmℓ/∂xp = - gma gℓb ∂gab/∂xp

and therefore

∂gmℓ/∂xp ∂gmℓ/∂xi = - gma gℓb ∂gab/∂xp ∂gmℓ/∂xi

which is symmetric.

Oh yes, I totally forgot this thing. Thank you!
  • #5
ProfDawgstein said:
This is the only remaining thing I need to show and I don't know how :/

But keep in mind that if you do this in a locally inertial coordinate system like I told you to, ##\partial_{\gamma}g_{\mu\nu}(p) = 0## so you would just have the term with the second derivative of the metric and that's trivially symmetric.

The point I'm trying to convey is: if you're going to do a coordinate-dependent calculation then you may as well pick the coordinate system that makes the calculation as simple as possible. However I personally like to do coordinate-free calculations whenever possible.
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  • #6
Bill_K said:
∂gmℓ/∂xp = - gma gℓb ∂gab/∂xp

Ok, done :)

Just plug in, replace ab by ml, use symmetry of g_ml.

Thank you both.

Now I know what to prove next - or maybe I should finally start a serious book about this :rolleyes:

WannabeNewton said:
But keep in mind that if you do this in a locally inertial coordinate system like I told you to, ##\partial_{\gamma}g_{\mu\nu}(p) = 0## so you would just have the term with the second derivative of the metric and that's trivially symmetric.

The point I'm trying to convey is: if you're going to do a coordinate-dependent calculation then you may as well pick the coordinate system that makes the calculation as simple as possible. However I personally like to do coordinate-free calculations whenever possible.

I could do that for sure, but I haven't been that much into this, that I think about things like
-lets use this to simplify this
-use trick 123

At the moment I am still doing this for fun, or when I am bored.
I am planning to do "rigorous" tensor/GR from the beginning very soon, so that will work out I hope :)
  • #7
ProfDawgstein said:
I am planning to do "rigorous" tensor/GR from the beginning very soon, so that will work out I hope :)

It's a ton of fun so you'll enjoy it without a doubt, especially if you like index gymnastics. Good luck!
  • #8
WannabeNewton said:
It's a ton of fun so you'll enjoy it without a doubt, especially if you like index gymnastics. Good luck!


Schutz GR, Carrol GR, Schutz MM, Cahill, Lovelock, Ohanian, ... should do the trick :)

Related to What is the Symmetry of the Ricci Tensor?

1. What is the Ricci tensor?

The Ricci tensor is a mathematical object used in Einstein's theory of general relativity that describes the curvature of space-time.

2. What is the significance of the symmetry of the Ricci tensor?

The symmetry of the Ricci tensor is important because it reflects the symmetry of space-time. This symmetry is a fundamental property of the universe and is essential for understanding the behavior of matter and energy.

3. How is the symmetry of the Ricci tensor related to the principle of general covariance?

The principle of general covariance states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. The symmetry of the Ricci tensor is a manifestation of this principle, as it ensures that the equations of general relativity are valid in any coordinate system.

4. Can the symmetry of the Ricci tensor be broken?

No, the symmetry of the Ricci tensor is a fundamental property of space-time and cannot be broken. However, in certain cases, such as in the presence of strong gravitational fields, the symmetry may appear to be broken due to the non-linear nature of Einstein's equations.

5. How is the symmetry of the Ricci tensor used in practical applications?

The symmetry of the Ricci tensor is used in various applications, such as in cosmology to study the large-scale structure of the universe, in astrophysics to model black holes and other extreme objects, and in gravitational wave astronomy to detect and analyze gravitational waves.

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