What is the temperature change of blood?

In summary, the conversation is about two problems related to thermodynamics. The first problem involves calculating the temperature of blood that returns to the body interior after releasing energy at the surface during exercise. The second problem involves finding the temperature of water after being in contact with a person with a metabolic rate and submerged in a tub for half an hour. The equations T=Q/cm and Q=cmT are used to solve these problems, but there are some misunderstandings and mistakes with units and signs.
  • #1
I'm having a problem solving two problems, wondering if someone can help me out...

1)Blood can carry excess energy from the interior to the surface of the body, where the energy is dispersed in a number of ways. While a person is exercising, 0.645 kg of blood flows to the surface of the body and releases 1860 J of energy. The blood arriving at the surface has the temperature of the body interior, 37.3 °C. Assuming that blood has the same specific heat capacity as water, determine the temperature in degrees Celsius of the blood that leaves the surface and returns to the interior.

I'm assuming that you would use the equation T=Q/cm and when I do, I end up with an answer of .95 degrees celcius which I know is wrong. Can anyone explain this to me?

2)When resting, a person has a metabolic rate of about 2.34 x 105 joules per hour. The person is submerged neck-deep into a tub containing 1.81 x 103 kg of water at 26.8 °C. If the heat from the person goes only into the water, find the water temperature in degrees Celsius after half an hour.

Not really sure what equation to use here. I'm thinking Q=cmT...am I right in thinking this?
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  • #2
Originally posted by moonlit
1)... T=Q/cm ... I end up with an answer of .95 degrees celcius ... Can anyone explain this to me?

2)... Q=cmT...am I right in thinking this?
1) Make sure that you mean ΔT in the equation. I can't figure out how to "break" the equation to get your number, though. I got something a lot closer to body temp. Hmm.

2) If you're looking for temperature, then why not use the same equation as in 1)?

Make sure you are careful with your units. They are a killer in thermo.
  • #3
For the first problem, I was wrong about it coming out to .95 degrees celsius but I still am not getting a correct answer. Here's what I did:

1860 J/[(3500 J/(kg*C)](0.645 kg) = .82 degrees celsius.

I know I'm missing a step somewhere just not sure...
  • #4
Originally posted by moonlit
For the first problem, ...
Here's what I did:

1860 J/[(3500 J/(kg*C)](0.645 kg) = .82 degrees celsius.
Whince did you get 3500 J/kg*C? Is this what you're using for the specific heat of water? My text says that the specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg*Co at 15oC. I am assuming (and have been told) that it doesn't change significantly from this value at 37.3oC.

Originally posted by moonlit
I know I'm missing a step somewhere just not sure...
Yes you are. This equation will give you ΔT. You want Tf. You know Ti and ΔT. How do you find Tf from that? (BTW, you either need to intuitively realize that the temperature should decrease, or you need to be careful about the sign of Q in the equation.)

Related to What is the temperature change of blood?

1. How does temperature affect the properties of blood?

The temperature of blood can affect its viscosity, or thickness, as well as its ability to carry oxygen and other nutrients. Higher temperatures can decrease blood viscosity, making it flow more easily, while lower temperatures can increase viscosity and decrease the blood's ability to carry oxygen.

2. What is the normal temperature range for blood?

The normal temperature range for blood is between 97.8°F (36.5°C) and 99°F (37.2°C). This can vary slightly from person to person and may also depend on the location from where the blood sample is taken.

3. How does the body regulate blood temperature?

The body has several mechanisms for regulating blood temperature, including sweating, shivering, and changes in blood flow to the skin. These responses help to maintain a stable core body temperature, which is important for the proper functioning of the body's organs.

4. Can extreme temperatures affect the health of blood?

Yes, extreme temperatures can have a significant impact on the health of blood. Prolonged exposure to very high or very low temperatures can damage blood cells and affect the body's ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs.

5. How does the temperature of blood change during exercise?

During exercise, the body's core temperature rises, which can also lead to an increase in blood temperature. This increase in blood temperature is necessary for the body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to working muscles. However, if the body's core temperature becomes too high, it can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

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