What is the the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material?

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of bulk modulus for isotropic and anisotropic materials. The definition of mean stress is mentioned, and the question is posed about whether it is the same for anisotropic material as it is for isotropic material. The conversation then delves into using Hooke's law to derive the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material, and the suggestion of effective bulk modulus is brought up. Ultimately, the conclusion is made that the derivation provided is correct and represents the lower bound of the bulk modulus for anisotropic material.
  • #1
I can understand the derivation of bulk modulus (K) for isotropic material. However I have difficulty to do the same for anisotropic material.

to start with we have the definition:
mean_stress = K * (strain_xx+strain_yy+strain_zz)

My question is for anisotropic material:
Is mean_stress = (stress_xx+stress_yy+stress_zz) / 3 or something else?

when the material is subjected to mean_stress (or hydrostatic pressure if you would like), the shear stresses will be zero, the same as the isotropic case, correct?

Then how do we derive the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material using hooke's law (compliance) coefficients?


By the way, here is my guess. Please feel free to correct it.

mean_stress = K * (volumetric_strain) (By definition)

mean_stress = K * (strain_xx+strain_yy+strain_zz)

mean_stress = K * [(S11+S21+S31)*stress_xx + (S12+S22+S32)*stress_yy + (S13+S23+S33)*stress_zz + (S14+S24+S34)*stress_xy + (S15+S25+S35)*stress_xz + (S16+S26+S36)*stress_yz] (From hooke's law)

mean_stress = K * (S11+S21+S31+S12+S22+S32+S13+S23+S33) * mean_stress (subjected to mean_stress)

K = 1/sum(Sij) for i,j=1:3
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  • #2
See section 2.8 of http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/CAS/Felippa.d/FelippaHome.d/Publications.d/Report.CU-CAS-02-09.pdf
  • #3
The pdf suggests the use of effective bulk modulus. But as far as bulk modulus is concerned, it is the ratio between mean normal stress and volumetric strain, subjected to hydrostatic stress (which is the mean normal stress). This statement is the same as writing w=[1 1 1 0 0 0] for the effective bulk modulus for anisotropic material, which again degenerates to the conventional bulk modulus definition.
Sorry, I can't see the point of your attached pdf. In specific, I am still wondering whether my derivation of bulk modulus for anisotropic material is correct or not.
  • #4

Long story short: My derivation represents the lower bound of the bulk modulus called Reuss effective bulk modulus. My assumption and derivation are correct. Thank you for all your input I very much appreciate it.

FAQ: What is the the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material?

1. What is the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material?

The bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material is K = (σ1/ε1 + σ2/ε2 + σ3/ε3)/3, where K is the bulk modulus, σ1, σ2, and σ3 are the three principal stresses, and ε1, ε2, and ε3 are the corresponding strains.

2. How is the bulk modulus calculated for anisotropic material?

The bulk modulus for anisotropic material is calculated by taking the average of the three principal stresses over the corresponding strains. This formula takes into account the material's anisotropy, or directional dependence, in its response to stress.

3. Is the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material the same as for isotropic material?

No, the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material is not the same as for isotropic material. Anisotropic materials have different elastic properties in different directions, whereas isotropic materials have the same elastic properties in all directions.

4. What is the significance of the bulk modulus for anisotropic material?

The bulk modulus for anisotropic material is a measure of its resistance to compression or volume change under stress. It is an important factor in determining the material's overall stiffness and ability to withstand external forces.

5. Can the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material be applied to all types of anisotropic materials?

Yes, the bulk modulus formula for anisotropic material can be applied to all types of anisotropic materials, including crystals, fibers, and composites. However, the values of the principal stresses and strains may need to be determined experimentally for each specific material.

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