What is the Theoretical Energy Density of Inflation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the theoretical energy density of inflation, with one estimate being around 1095 ergs per cubic centimeter. The participants also mention other estimates, including one from Ned Wright at 1071 g/cc. The reason for asking about this value is related to a story involving a super-powered being who can release an enormous amount of energy, potentially causing a Big Rip and destroying matter within a large volume. The conversation also touches on the difference between energy and mass density and how it relates to the calculations.
  • #1
I need the theoretical energy density of inflation for my story. I seem to recall it as an enormous 1095 ergs per cubic centimeter.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Here's one estimate-
energy density-inflation.jpg


Seems to be around 1095 ergs/cc
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  • #3
Anyone have a link to another estimate? A paper perhaps? I seem to remember a mass density of 1076 grams/cc that I read somewhere.
  • #6
Hornbein said:
A septillion.
You're right. Maybe it's a typo for mass density equivalent, using e=mc2?
  • #7
If anyone cares, the reason I ask has to do with the “physics” of my story. If someone/some entity releases more power than the Planck power, 3.63 x 1052 W, the result is that a volume of space centered on the “release” is rendered into inflationary space and it undergoes a Big Rip and pinches off into another, disjoint, dimension. Destroying all matter within the volume in the process.

My protagonist, a super-powered being, threatens some enormously powerful aliens who consequently construct an artificial humanoid who can release 9.77E163 ergs/s with one punch. And according to my shaky calcs that many ergs would render a cube of space 105,000 light years on a side into inflationary space. Milky Way, galaxy-size volume.

Another odd thing… if the humanoid, Debra, holds back and only hits with 1E95 ergs/s of power, only 1 cubic centimeter would be affected. Little or no collateral damage from that enormous energy release!
  • #8
chasrob said:
Uh, oh. Ned Wright, https://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmo_constant.html says 1071 g/cc. Quite a difference. Ten trillion or so? The figure above has somewhere 1094 to 1097?
Oops, my bad. I misinterpreted Wright. I failed to notice that he represented energy density as g/cc, not ergs/cc. Using e=mc2, I get 1091-92 ergs/cc. Closer to the value in the figure above.

FAQ: What is the Theoretical Energy Density of Inflation?

What is the theoretical energy density of inflation?

The theoretical energy density of inflation refers to the energy density associated with the inflaton field, which is the hypothetical scalar field responsible for cosmic inflation. During inflation, the energy density is typically assumed to be constant, leading to an exponential expansion of the universe. The exact value can vary based on the specific inflationary model, but it is often expressed in terms of the potential energy of the inflaton field.

How does the energy density of inflation compare to the energy density of matter and radiation?

During cosmic inflation, the energy density of the inflaton field is significantly higher than the energy densities of matter and radiation. In the early universe, the energy density of inflation dominated, leading to rapid expansion. As the universe cooled and expanded, inflation ended, and the energy density transitioned to that of radiation and later matter, following the dynamics of the universe's evolution.

What role does the energy density of inflation play in the early universe?

The energy density of inflation plays a crucial role in explaining the uniformity and isotropy of the universe observed today. It provides a mechanism for the rapid expansion that smoothed out any initial irregularities, leading to the homogeneous and isotropic universe we see. Additionally, the fluctuations in the inflaton field during inflation are thought to be the seeds for the large-scale structure of the universe.

Can the theoretical energy density of inflation be measured or observed directly?

While the theoretical energy density of inflation itself cannot be measured directly, its effects can be inferred from observations. For instance, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation provides clues about the conditions of the early universe, including the scale of inflation and the energy density through the analysis of temperature fluctuations and the spectrum of gravitational waves predicted by inflationary models.

What are the implications of the energy density of inflation for cosmology?

The implications of the energy density of inflation for cosmology are profound. It helps explain the large-scale structure of the universe, the uniformity of the CMB, and the current accelerated expansion of the universe. It also influences the parameters of cosmological models, such as the Hubble constant, and provides insights into the nature of dark energy, suggesting possible connections between inflation and the current accelerated expansion phase.

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