What is the Thermal Conductivity of a Diatomic Gas?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving finding the energy needed to melt ice and solving for the new temperature using a given equation. The attempt at a solution involves using a similar logic for another part of the problem, but with a different equation. The conversation also includes advice on how to start solving the second part of the problem, which involves solving a time-dependent differential equation. The conversation ends with a summary of the mistake made in the calculations and a correction to the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

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Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Part 1.1) I managed to find the energy needed to melt the ice, before using ΔU = Nf½KΔT to solve for the new temperature, which was correct

Part 1.2) Initially tried using ΔQ = mcΔT before realising that I didn't have the mass for the diatomic gas. Am not sure how to proceed. Tried using similar logic to previous part: I set the air's reduction in internal energy ΔU = Nf½KΔT to be equal to energy gain mcΔT of the water. I then made Tfinal the subject of the equation. My answer turned out to be ridiculous: 269K or -3°C.

Part 2) Clueless as to how to start.

Advice would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
WWCY said:
: I set the air's reduction in internal energy ΔU = Nf½KΔT to be equal to energy gain mcΔT of the water. I then made Tfinal the subject of the equation. My answer turned out to be ridiculous: 269K or -3°C.
Method looks fine. No way to say where you are going wrong without seeing the details.
WWCY said:
Part 2) Clueless as to how to start.
You are given a differential equation, but on the one side you have Q and on the other side T. You need to find another relationship between them so that you can write a D.E. Involving only one.
  • #3
For part 2, you are going to have to solve a time-dependent differential equation for the gas temperature as a function of time. Let ##\theta## be the temperature of the gas at time t, and let ##\theta_i## represent the temperature of the ice/water mixture. Does the temperature of this mixture change while the ice is melting? From the equation they gave you, in terms of k, ##\theta## and ##\theta_i##, what is the rate of heat flow from the gas to the ice/water mixture at time t? If C is the molar heat capacity of the gas, and, knowing that you have n=2 moles of gas, what is the rate of change of internal energy of the gas with respect to time (in terms of C, n, and dT/dt)?
  • #4
Chestermiller said:
For part 2, you are going to have to solve a time-dependent differential equation for the gas temperature as a function of time. Let ##\theta## be the temperature of the gas at time t, and let ##\theta_i## represent the temperature of the ice/water mixture. Does the temperature of this mixture change while the ice is melting? From the equation they gave you, in terms of k, ##\theta## and ##\theta_i##, what is the rate of heat flow from the gas to the ice/water mixture at time t? If C is the molar heat capacity of the gas, and, knowing that you have n=2 moles of gas, what is the rate of change of internal energy of the gas with respect to time (in terms of C, n, and dT/dt)?

Thank you for the pointers, here's what I managed to come up with:

I let the function δT(t) = θg(t) - θ0. θg(t) is the varying temperature of gas while θ0 is the temperature of the melting ice which should be constant at 273.15K.

so... θg(t) = -(1/k) (dQ/dt) + θ0 (I added in the minus sign to denote that heat flows from left to right)

I rationalised that dQ/dt should be equal to dU/dt of the ideal gas. As the gas loses energy, RHS of the equation below should be negative

so... ΔU = -(1/2)NfKΔT and subbing N = nNa and f = 5, n = 2 gives ΔU = 5NaKΔT. Taking the rate of change, dU/dt = 5NaK(dT/dt)

subbing this back in gives:

θg(t) = 5Na(dT/dt) + θ0.

I rationalised that dT/dt actually represented the rate of change of the gas' temperature and therefore changed the equation to:

θg(t) = 5Naθg'(t) + θ0.

This was as far as I got, answer didnt seem to make sense though. Where did I go wrong?

Thank you in advance.

haruspex said:
Method looks fine. No way to say where you are going wrong without seeing the details.

Did the calculations again and realized it was down to a ridiculous mistake. Apologies!
  • #5
WWCY said:
Thank you for the pointers, here's what I managed to come up with:

I let the function δT(t) = θg(t) - θ0. θg(t) is the varying temperature of gas while θ0 is the temperature of the melting ice which should be constant at 273.15K.

so... θg(t) = -(1/k) (dQ/dt) + θ0 (I added in the minus sign to denote that heat flows from left to right)

I rationalised that dQ/dt should be equal to dU/dt of the ideal gas. As the gas loses energy, RHS of the equation below should be negative

so... ΔU = -(1/2)NfKΔT and subbing N = nNa and f = 5, n = 2 gives ΔU = 5NaKΔT. Taking the rate of change, dU/dt = 5NaK(dT/dt)

subbing this back in gives:

θg(t) = 5Na(dT/dt) + θ0.

I rationalised that dT/dt actually represented the rate of change of the gas' temperature and therefore changed the equation to:

θg(t) = 5Naθg'(t) + θ0.

This was as far as I got, answer didnt seem to make sense though. Where did I go wrong?

Thank you in advance.
Did the calculations again and realized it was down to a ridiculous mistake. Apologies!
You seem to have canceled the two k's even though they are not the same parameter. And, you have a sign error.
  • #6
Chestermiller said:
You seem to have canceled the two k's even though they are not the same parameter. And, you have a sign error.

i changed θg(t) = -(1/k) (dQ/dt) + θ0 back to θg(t) = (1/k) (dQ/dt) + θ0 while keeping ΔU = -(1/2)NfKΔT the same,

I ended up with an equation:

θg(t) = -(5NaKb / K) θg'(t) + θ0.

Does this look right?
  • #7
I get $$5R\frac{d\theta_g}{dt}=-k(\theta_g-\theta_0)$$where R is the universal gas constant. Do you know how to solve this differential equation?
  • #8
Chestermiller said:
I get $$5R\frac{d\theta_g}{dt}=-k(\theta_g-\theta_0)$$where R is the universal gas constant. Do you know how to solve this differential equation?

Yes, thank you! However solving it with either Kelvin or Celcius (I believe either should work) gives me a time of about 5 seconds, a far cry from the 20s in the answer.

My final equation was:

θg = θ + C/e^(k/5R)t

and I changed k to 2.093J/(s°C) rather than leaving it in cal.

Is this correct? Thank you so much for your patience, greatly appreciate it.
  • #9
I get 5 sec also.

Related to What is the Thermal Conductivity of a Diatomic Gas?

1. What is thermal conduction?

Thermal conduction is the transfer of heat energy through a material or between two materials in direct contact. It occurs when there is a difference in temperature between two objects, causing heat to flow from the warmer object to the cooler one.

2. How is thermal conduction different from convection and radiation?

Thermal conduction is different from convection and radiation in the way that heat is transferred. While conduction involves the direct transfer of heat through a material, convection involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, and radiation involves the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.

3. What factors affect thermal conduction?

The rate of thermal conduction is affected by several factors, including the temperature difference between the two objects, the thermal conductivity of the material, the thickness of the material, and the surface area of contact between the two objects.

4. How does thermal conduction relate to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that heat always flows from a warmer object to a cooler one, and it cannot be reversed without external work being done. This is directly related to thermal conduction, as it is the process that allows heat to flow from a warmer object to a cooler one.

5. How is thermal conduction used in everyday life?

Thermal conduction is used in many everyday applications, such as cooking, heating and cooling systems, and insulation. It is also an important concept in the study of thermodynamics and is used in various industrial processes, such as in the production of electricity and the manufacturing of materials.

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