What is the transformation law for tensor components in differential geometry?

In summary: Euclidean space. It is also not always possible to chose a flat metric on any given manifold.In summary, the conversation discusses the metric tensor in the context of a Riemannian manifold. The metric tensor is a rank (0,2) tensor and its inverse is a (2,0) tensor. It has the property that ##g^{\mu\nu}g_{\nu\sigma}=\delta^\mu_\sigma##, and the Kronecker delta tensor is often used to represent it. The conversation also explores the meaning of ##g
  • #1
I read in many books the metric tensor is rank (0,2), its inverse is (2,0) and has some property such as
##g^{\mu\nu}g_{\nu\sigma}=\delta^\mu_\sigma## etc. My question is: what does ##g^\mu_\nu## mean?! This tensor really confuses me! At first, I simply thought that ##g^{\mu\nu}\delta_{\mu\sigma}=g^\nu_\sigma##, but I realized it is not true. Is ##g^\mu_\nu## a metric, again? I mean can I write something like ##g^\mu_\nu x^\nu=x^\mu##?
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  • #2
Please fix your Latex by replacing the '$' with a pair of '#'. Like this

  • #3
I have used my magic Mentor powers to fix the LaTeX in your original post.

shooride said:
I read in many books the metric tensor is rank (0,2), its inverse is (2,0) and has some property such as
##g^{\mu\nu}g_{\nu\sigma}=\delta^\mu_\sigma## etc. My question is: what does ##g^\mu_\nu## mean?! This tensor really confuses me! At first, I simply thought that ##g^{\mu\nu}\delta_{\mu\sigma}=g^\nu_\sigma##, but I realized it is not true. Is ##g^\mu_\nu## a metric, again? I mean can I write something like ##g^\mu_\nu x^\nu=x^\mu##?

What do you mean by ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##? The Kronecker delta tensor is a (1,1) tensor and a priori has one covariant and one contravariant index. Generally, you would not talk about ##g^\mu_\nu##, by definition ##g^{\mu\sigma}g_{\sigma\nu} = \delta^\mu_\nu##.
  • #4
Orodruin said:
I have used my magic Mentor powers to fix the LaTeX in your original post.
What do you mean by ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##? The Kronecker delta tensor is a (1,1) tensor and a priori has one covariant and one contravariant index. Generally, you would not talk about ##g^\mu_\nu##, by definition ##g^{\mu\sigma}g_{\sigma\nu} = \delta^\mu_\nu##.
Thanks for LaTeX. I had some problems with that.. I know that the Kronecker delta tensor is ##\delta^\mu_\nu##, but we can consider ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## as the identity matrix, can't we? Anyway, my question is what does ##g^\mu_\nu## mean? How one can define it on a Riemannian manifold? or just we can't define it?!
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  • #5
For any type-2 tensor [itex]\textbf{A}[/itex][tex]
A^\mu{}_\nu = g^{\mu\sigma}A_{\sigma\nu}
[/tex]Now put [itex]\textbf{A} = \textbf{g} [/itex] and what do you get?
  • #6
DrGreg said:
For any type-2 tensor [itex]\textbf{A}[/itex][tex]
A^\mu{}_\nu = g^{\mu\sigma}A_{\sigma\nu}
[/tex]Now put [itex]\textbf{A} = \textbf{g} [/itex] and what do you get?
Yes, the answer is ##\delta^\mu{}_\nu##. So, one can simply write ##g_{\mu\nu}\delta^{\nu\sigma}=g_{\mu\sigma}##, right? By the way, can one define a new metric (and not new coordinate system) such that ##g'_{\mu\nu}=A_\mu{}^\sigma g_{\sigma\nu}## where ##{\bf A}## is an arbitrary position independent tensor which and not necessarily ##\delta_{\mu}{}^\nu##?!
  • #7
shooride said:
as the identity matrix, can't we?

No, definitely not. Even if it has the correct components in one coordinate system, it will not in another one. If you want any kind of meaning for ##g^\mu_\nu## you must define it to be equal to ##\delta^\mu_\nu##.
  • #8
shooride said:
So, one can simply write ##g_{\mu\nu}\delta^{\nu\sigma}=g_{\mu\sigma}##, right?

Big no no, the indices do not even match in that expression.
  • #9
shooride said:
By the way, can one define a new metric (and not new coordinate system) such that ##g'_{\mu\nu}=A_\mu{}^\sigma g_{\sigma\nu}## where ##{\bf A}## is an arbitrary position independent tensor which and not necessarily ##\delta_{\mu}{}^\nu##?!

No. You may get a new tensor that way, but there's no particular reason to expect it to be the metric for some manifold.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
No, definitely not. Even if it has the correct components in one coordinate system, it will not in another one. If you want any kind of meaning for ##g^\mu_\nu## you must define it to be equal to ##\delta^\mu_\nu##.
O.K, I understand ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is not a tensor, but can't we define ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##? For example, can't we write ##\partial_\mu \partial_\nu x^2=2\delta_{\mu\nu}##? I know it is not a definition..but I think that we use ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##..
  • #11
shooride said:
O.K, I understand ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is not a tensor, but can't we define ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##? For example, can't we write ##\partial_\mu \partial_\nu x^2=2\delta_{\mu\nu}##? I know it is not a definition..but I think that we use ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##..
What do you intend ##x^2## to be here? ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is simply an object you will not see apart from for Cartesian tensors.
  • #12
shooride said:
O.K, I understand ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is not a tensor, but can't we define ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##? For example, can't we write ##\partial_\mu \partial_\nu x^2=2\delta_{\mu\nu}##? I know it is not a definition..but I think that we use ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##..

You can certainly pick a particular coordinate system, and define a tensor [itex]A_{\mu \nu}[/itex] in that coordinate system to be 1 if [itex]\mu = \nu[/itex] and 0 otherwise. However, it won't have that property in other coordinate systems. So, it would be misleading to call it [itex]\delta_{\mu \nu}[/itex].

In contrast, [itex]g^\mu_\nu[/itex] has the property that it is 1 if [itex]\mu = \nu[/itex] and 0 otherwise, and this property holds in every coordinate system.
  • #13
Orodruin said:
What do you intend ##x^2## to be here? ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is simply an object you will not see apart from for Cartesian tensors.
As far as I understood, the best way to consider ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is just simply the flat metric.
  • #14
shooride said:
As far as I understood, the best way to consider ##\delta_{\mu\nu}## is just simply the flat metric.

This is not correct either, there are several metrics which are flat but not equal to ##\delta_{\mu\nu}##, consider all of the metrics in different curvilinear coordinate systems in a Euclidean space. It is also not always possible to chose a flat metric on any given manifold.
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  • #15
##\delta^a{}_b## is probably best thought of as the "index substitution operator" [independent of a metric]
( https://www.google.com/search?q="index+substitution+operator" ).

Given a metric, we can raise and lower indices...
##\delta_a{}_b\equiv\delta^c{}_a g_{cb}=g_{ab} ##
...maybe thought of as an operator on a tensor like ##A^b## that does index-lowering, then substitution
...but this reveals itself to be the metric after index-substitution...

Note: ##\delta_a{}_b## is just a convenient abbreviation for ##\delta^c{}_a g_{cb}##, although it should probably be abandoned in favor of ##g_{ab}##.
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  • #16
Tip to the OP: Take some book on linear algebra and read about bilinear forms and "Sylvester's Law" of inertia and the signature of fundamental forms (pseudo-metrics or metrics of pseudo-Euclidean and Euclidean vector spaces):


Then note that in the Ricci calculus it is crucial whether you have upper and lower indices. The place of the index indicates how it transforms under changes of the basis of the vector space and its co-basis.

For differential geometry in pseudo-Riemann spaces and General Relativity you consider tangent and co-tangent spaces. For holonomous bases the transformation laws for tensor components are easy to remember. If you change from coordinates ##q^{\mu}## to ##\tilde{q}^{\mu}## contravariant tensors transform like the increments ##\mathrm{d} q^{\mu}##:
$$\mathrm{d} \tilde{q}^{\mu} = \mathrm{d} q^{\nu} \frac{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}}{\partial q_{\nu}},$$
i.e., contravariant vector components transform like
$$\tilde{V}^{\mu} = \frac{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}}{\partial q_{\nu}} V^{\nu} ={T^{\mu}}_{\nu} V^{\nu}.$$
As you see ##{T^{\mu}}_{\nu}## forms the Jacobian matrix of the coordinate transformation (local diffeommorphism).

Covariant vector components (i.e., components of a one-form) transform as the partial derivatives of a scalar field, i.e., because of
$$\tilde{\partial}_{\mu} \Phi:=\frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}} = \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial q^{\nu}} \frac{\partial q^{\nu}}{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}},$$
i.e., covariant vector components transform like
$$\tilde{V}_{\mu} = V_{\nu} \frac{\partial q^{\nu}}{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}}=V_{\nu} {U^{\nu}}_{\mu}.$$
Now ##{U^{\nu}}_{\mu}## is the inverse Jacobian, because
$${T^{\mu}}_{\nu} {U^{\nu}}_{\rho} = \frac{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}}{\partial q^{\nu}} \frac{\partial q^{\nu}}{\partial \tilde{q}^{\rho}} = \frac{\partial \tilde{q}^{\mu}}{\partial \tilde{q}^{\rho}} = {\delta^{\mu}}_{\rho}.$$
The contravariant and covariant vector components transform contragrediently to each other, as it must be, because you want the contraction between a 1-form and a vector, i.e., ##V_{\mu} W^{\mu}## to be a scalar, i.e.,
$$V_{\mu} W^{\mu} = \tilde{V}^{\mu} \tilde{W}_{\mu}.$$
The transformation laws for higher-rank tensor follow now immideately by the definition that the transform like Kronecker products of vectors and 1-forms.

FAQ: What is the transformation law for tensor components in differential geometry?

1. What is the meaning of the rank (1,1) in the metric tensor?

The rank (1,1) in the metric tensor refers to the number of indices in the tensor. In this case, it means that the metric tensor has one covariant index and one contravariant index.

2. How is the metric tensor rank (1,1) different from other ranks?

The metric tensor rank (1,1) is different from other ranks because it specifically refers to a tensor with one covariant index and one contravariant index. Other ranks, such as (0,2) or (2,0), refer to tensors with different numbers and combinations of covariant and contravariant indices.

3. What is the significance of the rank (1,1) in general relativity?

In general relativity, the rank (1,1) of the metric tensor is significant because it allows for the calculation of the spacetime interval between two events. This interval is an important concept in understanding the curvature of spacetime and the effects of gravity.

4. How does the rank (1,1) affect the transformation properties of the metric tensor?

The rank (1,1) of the metric tensor determines its transformation properties. It can be shown that a tensor with one covariant and one contravariant index transforms in a specific way under coordinate transformations, which is important in general relativity and other branches of physics.

5. Can a metric tensor have a different rank than (1,1)?

Yes, a metric tensor can have a different rank than (1,1). In fact, in different contexts, it is common to encounter tensors with different ranks, such as (0,2) or (2,0). The specific rank depends on the properties and relationships of the quantities being described and the equations being used.
