What Is the Transmission Probability Through a Potential Barrier?

In summary, a potential barrier is a region or barrier in a physical system where the potential energy is higher than the kinetic energy, creating a barrier that particles or waves must overcome to move through the system. The special case of a potential barrier occurs when the potential energy is higher than the kinetic energy in a specific region, but not high enough to completely block movement. This affects particle behavior, causing reflection, transmission, or tunneling. A potential well is the opposite of a potential barrier, where particles are more likely to be trapped. Real-world examples of potential barriers include the potential energy barrier between atoms in a molecule, a diode in an electrical circuit, and Earth's magnetic field protecting us from solar radiation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A beam of particles, each of mass m and kinetic energy E, is incident on a potential barrier

[tex] V(x) = V_0 \; \; for \; \; 0 \leq x \leq a [/tex]
[tex] \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; = 0 \; \; for \; \; x < 0 \; \; and \; \; x > a [/tex]
[tex] E = V_0 \; \mbox{is the special case}[/tex]

The part of the problem I'm on is finding the transmission probability

The Attempt at a Solution

I've solved the Schrodinger Equation and equated the solutions at the two boundaries which gave me

[tex] C + D = B [/tex]
[tex] ik(C - D) = A [/tex]
[tex] Aa + B = Ge^{ika} [/tex]
[tex] A = kiGe^{ika} [/tex]

[tex] A, B, C, D, G \; \mbox{constants}[/tex]
I feel like I am just going round in circles finding the transmission probability, in my notes I have transmission prob as [tex] (\frac{G}{A})^2 [/tex]. However, a hint at the bottom says once the 4 continuity equations have been found, eliminate A and B, which I've tried and doesn't seem to get me any where!

If anyone has some advice or could push me in the right direction that would be really appreciated. Thanks
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  • #3
My constants correspond to those on the wikipedia article. So I have,
[tex] A = B_2a \\;
B = B_1 \\;
C = A_r\\;
D = A_l\\;
G = C_r\\; [/tex]

I understant that the constant I would've had [tex] F [/tex] disappears because there is no particle from the right, but I don't understand why [tex] D \; (or \; A_l) [/tex] becomes 1. By the looks of it's something quite simple that I'm missing!
  • #4
They set it to 1 to normalize it. They assume the incident wave is 100%. So the transmission and reflection will be less than 100% and add up to it.
  • #5
I realized I mixed up A with C in my first post when I gave the transmission probability. Will it still work if I keep the transmission as a ratio with C as the denominator rather than normalizing it?
  • #6
You can keep it as ratios if you like. That works just as well.

FAQ: What Is the Transmission Probability Through a Potential Barrier?

1. What is a potential barrier?

A potential barrier is a region or barrier in a physical system where the potential energy is higher than the kinetic energy. This creates a barrier that particles or waves must overcome to move through the system.

2. What is the special case of a potential barrier?

The special case of a potential barrier occurs when the potential energy is higher than the kinetic energy in a specific region of the system, but not high enough to completely block the movement of particles or waves through the barrier.

3. How does the special case of a potential barrier affect particle behavior?

In the special case, particles or waves can still pass through the potential barrier, but their behavior is altered. They may experience reflection, transmission, or tunneling depending on the energy and characteristics of the barrier.

4. What is the difference between a potential barrier and a potential well?

A potential barrier is a region where the potential energy is higher than the kinetic energy, while a potential well is a region where the potential energy is lower than the kinetic energy. In a potential well, particles or waves are more likely to be trapped, while in a potential barrier they are more likely to pass through.

5. What are some real-world examples of potential barriers?

Some examples of potential barriers in the physical world include the potential energy barrier between two atoms in a molecule, the potential barrier in a diode in an electrical circuit, and the potential barrier created by Earth's magnetic field that protects us from solar radiation.

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