What is the true nature of matter, energy, and time?

In summary, the conversation discusses the dual nature of matter, which exists as particles or waves and is occupied by energy and time. The stationary property of particles has spherical symmetry, while the symmetry of waves is determined by their motion. Energy is the amount required to convert a particle into a wave, and time and matter are conserved and constants of motion. The analogy to Electromagnetic Theory is evident and applicable to all problems of matter and physics. Human perception is limited to real time, making objects with imaginary energy in imaginary time invisible. The Principle of Heisenberg's Uncertainty becomes clear when realizing that a particle's position and motion occur at different times. Gravitational attraction between bodies is explained by spherically symmetric and axially
  • #1
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This showed up over at Everything-Science. :rolleyes: Anyone have a snappy response?

Matter has a dual nature, it exists as particles or waves. The properties of matter include mass, charge and spin. Matter is also occupied by energy and time. Energy is either potential or kinetic which is real or imaginary, respectively. The real nature of matter, energy and time is a characteristic of the stationary property of particles; the fields from this state of matter have spherical symmetry, and the symmetry from the fields of waves take on the symmetry its motion. Particles are stationary and exist in real time while waves travel at the speed of light and exist in imaginary time. This stationary property of particles requires a fixed and absolute frame of reference. This energy is also the amount of energy required to convert a particle into a wave. The speed of light is a property of space. Time exists as a rate and duration. Time and matter are conserved and are constants of the motion.
A particle of mass is a potential and real, while its wave is a vector potential and imaginary. The fields generated by these potentials are described by Maxwell's Equations and the forces they exert on matter is the Lorentz Force. The analogy to Electromagnetic Theory is strikingly evident, and this theory can be universally applied to all problems of matter and physics in general. Consider a body of matter which contains translational energy and no other kind. This body will have a translational velocity which will be the time average of the velocities of its material constituents. The forms of energy within a body will determine the nature of its wave states. These forms of energy include rotational, translation and thermal energies. Each of these forms of energy occupy an independent orthogonal dimension in imaginary time. This is because each form of energy is independently conserved and is intimately defined with imaginary time. A body having more forms of energy than just translation cannot travel at the speed of light since all of the body's mass cannot be converted into waves of translation simultaneously. Only elementary particles can travel at the speed of light. It should be obvious by now that bodies of matter are incredible engines of motion; in fact, they are perpetual motion machines.
Human perception is restricted to real time, and objects that exist with imaginary energy in imaginary time are invisible. This is why particles displace in real time, and the motion of waves in imaginary time isn't seen at all. Motion of bodies is an illusion. This is human perception's greatest failing and is also one of our greatest pleasures; everyone who watches a movie can understand that stationary frames seen at 30 frames/second can give the illusion of continuous motion. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle has become an expression for the uncertainty of our illusions. The Principle becomes clear once we realize that a particle's position and its motion actually occur at different times (real and imaginary, respectively;) they cannot be measured simultaneously.
Observers traveling at different apparent speeds are actually all stationary in real time when taking measurements of the speed of light. It's easy to now see why these measurements all give the same value for the speed of light.
Let's now take a look at the gravitational attraction between two bodies undergoing general motion. Maxwell's equations make it clear that there are two components to gravity. The first one is spherically symmetric and comes from the potential field of the stationary particles which comprise the matter of the body. The second term is axially symmetric and comes from the vector potential of the waves within the body, which experience rotational motion. The fields which come from these vector potentials force the two bodies to act like magnets (electromagnetics.) This will place torque on the bodies which will cause the axis of rotation of the two bodies to come into alignment. These "magnetic" forces will also cause these two bodies to experience a force of mutual attraction. This is the source of Dark Matter which has been eluding us.
Proof of the assertions made in this paper can be seen to come from the alignment of rotational axis and the planar geometry of orbits between the Sun and the planets of our Solar system. A statement of this proof is simply that these truths are evident because the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
A look at the geometry of a galaxy can give insight into the nature of the Black Hole at its center. The wafer thin construction of a galaxy and its axial symmetry implies that there is a great deal of axial symmetry in the gravitational force of the Black Hole. The lack of spherically symmetric components within the galaxy implies that their is no particle state within the Black Hole. A Black Hole is black because it exists entirely in imaginary time, and thus lies outside our human perception. A Black Hole is also pure kinetic energy and has a huge curl of its vector potential. Hawking radiation is a result of thermal energies and little gravitational force along the axis of rotation. One may thus approach a Black Hole along its axis of rotation without much thought to being sucked into it, and may actually pass through its center, like the eye of a tornado; one may be fried to a crisp, though. A Black Hole is not just an engine of destruction, but actually adds stability and longevity to a galaxy. Also, a Black Hole will never "age". The center of our universe is probably a Black Hole, and is most likely the Great Attractor. The huge amount of angular momentum within the Great Attractor and that of the galaxies orbiting it may place doubt on the validity of the Big Bang, which would probably produce little angular momentum.
These same principles apply to atoms. Charge has only one value. It acquires different properties when it's a wave and only appears to have a negative value. The attraction between a particle of charge and its wave is because they reside in different dimensions of time. The proton in a nucleus becomes a wave during its displacement; that wave "appears" to have a negative charge and the proton will generate forces of attraction by changing state. Maxwell's Equations and Lorentz Forces are the Strong Forces which hold matter together. The charge of a proton "appears" to change its value from + to - continuously as it resides within an atom.
As long as physicists persist in ignoring the wave nature of matter we will never be able to create an alternative source of energy. By the year 2020 the only oil remaining on Earth will exist only in and around Iraq. This is the reason we are fighting a war there, for possession of the last oil on earth. If we don't have an energy source by then the human race will certainly face extinction. This war that Bush is pursuing will only deny us time that we need for the development of this energy source because other countries with nuclear weapons will not allow the US sole possession of that oil without a fight.
This energy source will most likely tap the energy in the fields produced by matter waves. These exist within the Sun and also within the core of the Earth. The waves that are most accessible are thermal waves and the fields they produce because the are A/C, and change in time. Engines can be made to respond to these waves.
If the human race becomes extinct it will be because physicists have made an incredible error in neglecting the wave nature of matter!
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  • #2
Matter has a dual nature, it exists as particles or waves.

The author is doubly wrong! Matter is neither a particle nor a wave. It is something else entirely that is capable of approximating those behaviors under the appropriate conditions.
  • #3
I think I like this one the best,

Maxwell's equations make it clear that there are two components to gravity.

but you have to wonder what happens when we don't make measurements
Observers traveling at different apparent speeds are actually all stationary in real time when taking measurements of the speed of light.
  • #4
Matter is anything that has mass; I think this wave energy thing was written coz the writer did undergrad chemistry. Normally they teach that electrons can display properties of a sin-wave and also demonstrate a particulate nature. Shrodinger did some research on this, if I am not wrong (which I probably am) with the whole electron density cloud concept also taught at undergrad level.

Get a nice physical chemistry textbook, it should set things straight lol.

Related to What is the true nature of matter, energy, and time?

What is Matter Energy and Time (MEaT)?

Matter Energy and Time (MEaT) is a branch of science that focuses on the relationship between matter, energy, and time. It seeks to understand how these three fundamental aspects of the universe interact with and influence each other.

What is matter?

Matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. It is made up of tiny particles called atoms, which are the building blocks of all matter. Examples of matter include solids, liquids, and gases.

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. It comes in many forms, including kinetic energy (energy of motion), potential energy (stored energy), and thermal energy (heat). Energy is constantly being transferred and transformed, and it is a vital aspect of all physical processes.

What is time?

Time is a fundamental aspect of the universe that allows for the measurement and comparison of events. It is often described as the fourth dimension, and it is closely linked to the concepts of matter and energy. Time is a key component in understanding how matter and energy interact and change over time.

What are the applications of studying MEaT?

The study of Matter Energy and Time has many practical applications, including in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It helps us understand the behavior of matter and energy in various systems, which can lead to advancements in technology, medicine, and other areas. MEaT also plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe and the laws that govern it.

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