What is the truth behind suppressed technologies and their impact on society?

In summary: They have a strict no-pressure policy and will not contact anyone who is not willing to be contacted by them in the future about their testimony and research.So you are saying that these technologies are real and that the military industrial and political complex are keeping them hidden from the public?Yes, that is what I am saying.
  • #1
next level
Hi, all!

I am working for the disclosure of secret technology.
The technology exist to:

* Get rid of fossil fuels, nuclear waste, and the fake energycrises= energy from the vacuum. It has been supressed for decades, and there is proof of this!

* Cure disases as AIDS, cancer, MS, -all illnesses= frequencymachines.

* Solve the problems with time and spacetravel= (anti) gravitycrafts.

These technologies are currently held secret by the military industrial and political complex.
The military use this technology that has it`s bases in new physics that is not learned at our schools and education centers, for extremely advanced weapons and surveillance systems. Mind control is also a very important part of this. They can create earthquackes, make planes fall down from the sky, shut down powerplants, spread disases, and much more. This technology is very valuable for the powerelite.

The pharmaceutical industry earn a enormous amount of money on their production of poisones medicine that never really cures anything, just control the symphtoms and has a lot of sideeffects on body and mind. They support the secrecy around this technology, they would be out of business if the frequency machine came out on the market. Imagine being able to be scannes by a machine and had your cells repaired by it. No suffering, no pain, and no hospitalizing! Having new teeth and organs grown etc.

The oilindustry earns a lot of money in the oilindustry and therefor have been active togheter with the mafia and the intelligence to get rid off inventors, pay them to keep quite, some people has eaven been murdered-to stop energi devices using energy from the vacuum hitting the market.
If the energy from the vacuum got out on the market their power would crumble.

All these units have invested into each others businesses, the political forces are heavily involved. The scientist projects have been running outside the official channels, outside democratic control and giving power to a rough group that has it`s allies also among the mafia. Eaven the presidents have been kept out of the loop. The rough group hide behind the law of secrecy due to national security.

Murder, drugtrafficking, threaths, and supression are also keywords.
When Bill Clinto came to Norway and collected millions to his AIDS project, were do you think the money went? :mad:
AIDS was a manmade virus for depopulation control.


The media Is owned by the same people and has invested a lot of money into these industries meantioned above.
You will not get the truth from them!

Please read:



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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Looks like a standard conspiracy theory to me. I'll leave this up and see h0ow it develops, but we'll see if it needs to go into theory development, or even be closed.

Standard caveat: Just because some website says something, it doesn't mean it's true.
  • #3
So, you're working for the disclosure of this technology? Disclose it already. Tell us. Post engineering drawings and blueprints so we can go build our own.

- Warren
  • #4
chroot said:
So, you're working for the disclosure of this technology? Disclose it already. Tell us. Post engineering drawings and blueprints so we can go build our own.

- Warren

He does, but each time I use my secret shadow government issue time machine to go back and delete the posts.

  • #5
Njorl, you did it again -- rofl... :smile:

- Warren
  • #6
I don't know what's holding you guys up - I already sell a gigawatt back to PECO from my basement ZPE generator. Jeez, get with it, guys.
  • #7
russ_watters said:
I don't know what's holding you guys up - I already sell a gigawatt back to PECO from my basement ZPE generator. Jeez, get with it, guys.

Oh, so YOU'RE the swine whose collapsing our vacuum.
  • #8
Hello All,

"Next Level", isn't that far out to be in deep space on this issue. Case in point http://www.disclosureproject.com ) on seeking new technology on propulsion and zero-point sum energy systems.

Those of you on broadband and about 2 hours of free time. Here is a free streamed archived telecast from the Washington, D.C. "National Press Club" function on May 9th, 2001. http://www.topsecrettestimony.com/default2.asp go to the portion that says you can download the full program via windows media player.

Here is the snippet regarding this program:

National Press Club Washington, DC

Originally Broadcast Live on Wednesday, May 9, 2001

On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event.

The Disclosure project only works with people who are credible, meaning several witnesses, real life creditals in what they do, and a paper trail aka evidence. So for the others who lack these hard resources, but may be fully accurate in belief or experience do not qualify. This is the big leagues.
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  • #9
Atrayo said:
Dr. Steven Gneer...
...is a highly successful fraud.

FAQ: What is the truth behind suppressed technologies and their impact on society?

1. Is nuclear power really obsolete?

No, nuclear power is not completely obsolete. While it may have some drawbacks, it still plays a significant role in global energy production.

2. Why do some people consider nuclear power to be obsolete?

Some people believe that nuclear power is obsolete because of concerns over safety, waste management, and the availability of alternative energy sources.

3. What are the potential risks of using nuclear power?

The main risks associated with nuclear power include accidents, the storage and disposal of radioactive waste, and the potential for nuclear materials to be used for weapons purposes.

4. Are there any benefits to using nuclear power?

Yes, there are several benefits to using nuclear power. It is a reliable source of energy, produces low levels of carbon emissions, and can help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

5. What are some alternatives to nuclear power?

Some alternatives to nuclear power include renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power. There is also ongoing research into new technologies, such as fusion power, as potential alternatives.
