What is the value of this complex line integral?

In summary, we are trying to find the value of the integral \int\limits_{0}^{2\Pi} e^{-\sin t} \sin\lbrace (\cos t ) - (n-1) t \rbrace dt and have considered various complex functions such as e^z, e^{iz}, ze^{z}, z^2e^{iz}, e^{z}/z, and e^{z}/(z^2). From evaluating the integral numerically, it is equal to zero if n is an odd integer and equal to \frac{2\pi (-1)^\frac{n+2}{2}}{(n-1)!} if n is an even integer. However, we are still looking
  • #1
find the value,

[itex] \int\limits_{0}^{2\Pi} e^{-\sin t} \sin\lbrace (\cos t ) - (n-1) t \rbrace dt [/itex] ?

I have no idea...
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, since you title this "complex line integral 2" but there is no complex line integral in the problem, did you consider converting it to one? Can you find complex function that reduces to that integrand on the unit circle in the complex plane?
  • #3

I can't find

[itex] \int\limits_{0}^{2\Pi} e^{-\sin t} \sin\lbrace (\cos t ) - (n-1) t \rbrace dt [/itex] ?
  • #4
burbak . . . remove that other one. Need to just try things and these things lead you to other things and sometimes they lead you to the solution. Tell you what, how about . . . I don't know, say e^z? What happens if I consider:

[tex]\oint_{|z|=1} e^z dz[/tex]

and I let z=e^{it} and convert that all to sines and cosines? What's it look like? Close huh? One of the most important things I can tell you about succeeding in math is just get it close to start. See, that's it! Ok, say e^{iz}. What about that? What's that look like? Better? How about ze^{z}? Again, convert it all to sines and cosines. We makin' progress I think. How about z^2e^{iz}. Again, turn the crank. Then maybe e^{z}/z or e^{z}/(z^2). What's that look like? Now here's what to do. You try one or a few of theses and then report back what you found. That way it looks like you're trying and others will be motivated to help you further.
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  • #5

Interesting! From evaluating this integral numerically, it is clear that it is equal to zero if n is odd, and it is equal to:
[tex]\frac{2\pi (-1)^\frac{n+2}{2}}{(n-1)!}[/tex]
if n is even. However, I don't see a way to show this. Does anyone?
  • #6

The integral = 0 if n is an integer. Otherwise, you'll probably have to do it numerically. Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 3.936.2 is a near miss.
  • #7

obafgkmrns said:
The integral = 0 if n is an integer. Otherwise, you'll probably have to do it numerically. Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 3.936.2 is a near miss.

It's only zero for odd integers. If you plot it, you'll see that it is clearly not zero for even integers.
  • #8
Moderator's note: merged two threads created by duplicate posts.

FAQ: What is the value of this complex line integral?

What is a complex line integral 2?

A complex line integral 2 is a mathematical concept that involves calculating the integral of a complex-valued function along a curve in the complex plane.

What is the difference between a complex line integral 2 and a regular line integral?

The main difference is that a complex line integral 2 takes into account the complex nature of the function being integrated, whereas a regular line integral only deals with real-valued functions.

How is a complex line integral 2 calculated?

A complex line integral 2 is calculated using the same principles as a regular line integral, but with the added complexity of dealing with complex numbers. It involves breaking the curve into smaller segments and approximating the integral using the Riemann sum method.

What are some applications of complex line integral 2?

Complex line integrals 2 are commonly used in physics, engineering, and mathematics to solve problems involving complex functions, such as electric fields, fluid flow, and quantum mechanics.

Is it possible to calculate a complex line integral 2 analytically?

In some cases, it is possible to calculate a complex line integral 2 analytically using techniques such as Cauchy's integral formula or the Cauchy-Riemann equations. However, in most cases, numerical methods are used to approximate the integral.

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