What is the Volume Flux of Fluid Through a Surface?

In summary: S is just \frac{1}{2}.In summary, the velocity components of a flow are given by u=-x and v=y. The volume of fluid flowing per unit time per unit area through a small surface at (1,2) with a normal at a 60 degree angle from the positive x-axis is \frac{1}{2}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The velocity components of a flow are given by:
u=-x v=y
Compute the volume of fluid flowing per unit time per unit area through a small surface at (1,2) whose normal makes an angle of 60 deg with the positive x-axis.

Homework Equations

V= u i + y j (velocity vector)

dq = V dot n dS (volume efflux)

The Attempt at a Solution

So for this problem V = -1 i + 2 j
then dq/dS = Vcos(60) = -cos(60) i + 2cos(60) j

i believe it wants the magnitude of dq/dS which is where i get confused.

is the magnitude this:
magnitude dq/dS = sqrt((-.5)^2 + (1)^2)

or is it this:
magnitude dq/dS = sqrt(-(.5^2) + (1^2))
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  • #2
You have to compute the unit normal vector and take the dot product of this nornal with the velocity vector field.

You know that the surface is at 60 degrees from the positive x-axis. can you compute a normal from there?
  • #3
would the normal vector be...

n = cos(60) i + sin(60) j

so then...

dq/dS = V dot n = -cos(60) i + 2sin(60) j


magnitude of dq/dS = sqrt( (-cos(60))^2 + (2sin(60))^2)
  • #4
Almost, the dot product of 2 vectors is a scalar, so:
\frac{dq}{dS}=\mathbf{V}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{n}}=u\cos \Bigg(\frac{\pi}{3}\Bigg) +v\sin \Bigg(\frac{\pi}{3}\Bigg)

FAQ: What is the Volume Flux of Fluid Through a Surface?

1. What is a control volume in fluid mechanics?

A control volume is a specific region in space that is chosen to analyze the flow of fluids. It is often used in fluid mechanics as a way to simplify the analysis of complex fluid flows by focusing on a specific volume instead of the entire system.

2. What is the control volume flux problem?

The control volume flux problem refers to the challenge of accurately determining the rate of fluid flow through a control volume. It involves calculating the amount of fluid entering and leaving the control volume, as well as any internal sources or sinks.

3. How is the control volume flux problem solved?

The control volume flux problem is solved by using the principles of conservation of mass and energy. By applying these principles to the control volume, it is possible to determine the rate of fluid flow through the volume and identify any sources or sinks of fluid within it.

4. What are the key assumptions made when solving the control volume flux problem?

Some of the key assumptions made when solving the control volume flux problem include assuming a steady-state flow, neglecting any heat transfer or chemical reactions, and assuming that the fluid is incompressible and inviscid. These assumptions may be modified depending on the specific problem being analyzed.

5. What are some practical applications of the control volume flux problem?

The control volume flux problem has many practical applications, including in the design and analysis of fluid systems such as pumps, turbines, and heat exchangers. It is also used in environmental studies to understand the movement of pollutants in water or air, and in aerospace engineering to analyze the flow of air around aircraft or spacecraft.

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