What is the Wave Function and How Does it Compare to the Schrodinger Equation?

In summary: This equation is known as the Schrodinger equation, and it governs the evolution of a particle in space and time. In general, the Schrodinger equation is a lot more complicated than the wave function. For example, it includes potential energy and kinetic energy terms. Additionally, the Schrodinger equation takes into account the effects of external forces. However, despite all of its complexity, the Schrodinger equation is still one of the few equations that can accurately predict the outcome of any experiment.
  • #1
What is the wave function? does it have several different forms?
how does the Schrodinger equation compare to the wave function?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Xilus said:
What is the wave function? does it have several different forms?
how does the Schrodinger equation compare to the wave function?
The wave function is a mathematical construct that has no (or many) clear physical meaning. The Schrodinger equation is one of a handful of equations (Dirac and Klein-Gordon are the main alternative single particle equations) governing the evolution of this wave in space and time. The math behind quantum mechanics and its physical predictions are well defined, but interpreting what it means is much more complicated. The wave function itself is not a physical observable, meaning you can never measure or see it. This has given way to a huge number of interpretations of quantum mechanics, which attempt to give a philosophical meaning to the math. The two most common are:

Copenhagen interpretation, which treats the wave function as a 'real' object that collapses into a classical value under measurement. This is basically just a literal interpretation of the underlying equations
Many-worlds interpretation, which treats every possible classical world allowed by the wave function as a distinct universe. Here, measurement merely splits the universe around the observer, producing multiple observers which each measure something different.

These are just two though. There are an endless number of interpretations which, by definition, predict the exact same outcomes to any experiment and are therefore indistinguishable
  • #3
Thanks for the response. Can you explain more of the mathematics of the wave function?
Is this it?
  • #4
This is the 1-dimensional time-independent Schrodinger equation for a free particle. So by using this equation, as opposed to the general one, you're making some assumptions:
1) 1-dimensional: this particle is confined to 1 spatial dimension
2) time-independent: this particle has a fixed energy (i.e. it is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian)
3) free: this particle is not under any external forces, which would produce a potential energy term
Given the restrictive nature of this equation, the solution can be easily expressed as
[itex]\Psi(x) = Ae^{ikx} + Be^{-ikx}[/itex]
where A and B must be determined by boundary and normalization conditions.

As I mentioned above, the wave function isn't a physical observable. However, its absolute square [itex]|\Psi|^2[/itex] is, and represents the probability density for finding a particle at a point x. To calculate the probability of the particle being observed between two points a and b, you just need to integrate:
[itex]P(a,b) = \int^a_b |\Psi(x)|^2dx[/itex]
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FAQ: What is the Wave Function and How Does it Compare to the Schrodinger Equation?

1. What is a wavefunction?

A wavefunction is a mathematical description of a quantum system that represents the probability of finding a particle at a particular position and time.

2. How is a wavefunction different from a classical wave?

A classical wave is a physical disturbance that propagates through a medium, while a wavefunction is a mathematical description of the quantum state of a particle.

3. Can a wavefunction be observed directly?

No, a wavefunction cannot be observed directly. It is a mathematical construct used to describe the behavior of quantum systems.

4. What is the role of the Schrödinger equation in wavefunction clarification?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the time evolution of a wavefunction. It is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle at a particular position and time.

5. How does wavefunction collapse occur?

Wavefunction collapse occurs when a measurement is made on a quantum system, causing the wavefunction to collapse to a specific state. This is known as the collapse postulate in quantum mechanics.

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