What is the Wavefunction of a Particle Confined in a Circular Tube?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the wavefunction of a particle confined to move in a circular tube with a constant radius. The speaker suggests using cylindrical polar coordinates to solve the time-independent Schrodinger equation and also mentions the use of Bessel functions. They also mention the importance of boundary conditions, such as the fact that the wavefunction must be zero on the boundary. They also discuss the potential and how it affects the wavefunction.
  • #1
I am not sure how to solve this question. I can only say that, the wavelength is an integral number multiple of the circumference. Then?

A particle is confined to move in a circular tube with radius R. Work out the wavefunction of this particle.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are they talking about a torus-shaped tube (donut)? what's the other dimension?
or a circular cross-section cylinder (what length?)
  • #3
lightgrav said:
Are they talking about a torus-shaped tube (donut)? what's the other dimension?
or a circular cross-section cylinder (what length?)

More like a string with two ends connected to each other to form a circle. Like a big letter "O" .
  • #4
You mean a ring of radius 'r'.
Have you learned the expression for the Hamiltonian in cylindrical co-ordinates?
  • #5
The only thing you can say is that there are an integer number of wavelengths.
You can write it as Aexp(imΦ) multiplied by a delta-function (r-R) .
but then you would be specifying a Φ=0 orientation,
so you should include an arbitrary phase angle in the exponent.

But this is really the same thing.
  • #6
touqra said:
A particle is confined to move in a circular tube with radius R. Work out the wavefunction of this particle.

To find the wavefunction, you have to solve the time independent Schrodinger equation [tex] H \Psi = E \Psi [/tex]. Because of the symmetry for a particle confined to move in a ring, working in the cylindrical polar co-ordinates will save you a lot of time.
So, if you write down the Hamiltonian Operator in the cylindrical polar co-ordinates(remember that the radius is constant), you will be able to work out the wavefunction of the particle.
  • #7
Separate variables in the time-indep SE and then, using boundary conditions (the wavefunction must be 0 on the boundar) find the solution. Hope you've seen and worked with Bessel functions before.

  • #8
dextercioby, I think it's possible to solve this question without any knowledge of Bessel fuctions.
Also, won't we be using the periodic boundary condition [tex] \Psi(\theta) = \Psi(\theta + 2\pi) [/tex]? How do we use the fact that the wavefunction must be 0 on the boundary?
  • #9
There is no as such some fixed wavefunction of the partyicle in a ring. Generally it is some exponential function , like for an electron in Bohr radius it is [itex]e^(-r)[/itex] . For deciphering the wavefunction , you also need to satisfy the boundary conditions , like how potential varies , it can assumed to be zero on the path particle moves , infinite potential generally implies the particle is forbidded to pass the barrier.


FAQ: What is the Wavefunction of a Particle Confined in a Circular Tube?

1. What is a wavefunction of a particle?

The wavefunction of a particle is a mathematical function that describes the quantum state of a particle. It contains information about the probability of finding the particle in a certain location and the particle's properties, such as momentum and spin.

2. How is the wavefunction of a particle found?

The wavefunction of a particle can be found by solving the Schrödinger equation, which is a mathematical equation that describes how the wavefunction evolves over time. This equation takes into account the potential energy of the particle and any external forces acting on it.

3. Can the wavefunction of a particle be measured directly?

No, the wavefunction of a particle cannot be measured directly. However, the square of the wavefunction, known as the probability density, can be measured and used to determine the likelihood of finding the particle in a particular location or state.

4. What factors can affect the wavefunction of a particle?

The wavefunction of a particle can be affected by external factors such as electric and magnetic fields, as well as the potential energy of the particle in its environment. It can also be influenced by the particle's interactions with other particles.

5. How does the wavefunction of a particle relate to the uncertainty principle?

The wavefunction of a particle is related to the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This is because the wavefunction contains information about the probability of finding the particle in a certain location, which means there will always be some level of uncertainty in its exact position and momentum.
