What is the Yield Strength vs Temperature Relationship for 4130 Steel?

  • Thread starter Physics_Kid
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In summary, yield strength is the maximum amount of stress or force a material can withstand before it permanently deforms or breaks. It is typically measured by subjecting the material to a controlled amount of stress and measuring the resulting deformation. The yield strength of 4130 steel decreases as temperature increases, with a decrease from 63,000 psi at room temperature to 50,000 psi at 500 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to the increased atomic vibrations at higher temperatures, making the material more ductile and less able to resist deformation. As a result, 4130 steel may not be suitable for use in high temperature applications that require a high yield strength, but it is commonly used in lower temperature applications such as aircraft frames and automotive parts
  • #1
i am looking for a graph of yield strength vs temp for 4130 steel, a bonus if the graph will shows various tempered 4130's too.
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FAQ: What is the Yield Strength vs Temperature Relationship for 4130 Steel?

1. What is yield strength?

Yield strength is the amount of stress or force a material can withstand before it permanently deforms or breaks.

2. How is yield strength measured?

Yield strength is typically measured by subjecting a material to a controlled amount of stress and measuring the amount of deformation that occurs.

3. What is the yield strength vs temperature relationship for 4130 steel?

The yield strength of 4130 steel decreases as temperature increases. At room temperature, the yield strength for 4130 steel is around 63,000 psi, but at 500 degrees Fahrenheit, it decreases to around 50,000 psi.

4. Why does the yield strength of 4130 steel decrease with increasing temperature?

As temperature increases, the atomic vibrations within the steel increase, causing the material to become more ductile and less able to resist deformation. This leads to a decrease in yield strength.

5. How does the yield strength vs temperature relationship for 4130 steel affect its use in different applications?

The decrease in yield strength at higher temperatures can affect the performance of 4130 steel in certain applications. It may not be suitable for use in high temperature environments where a high yield strength is required, but it is often used in lower temperature applications such as aircraft frames and automotive parts.
