What is this object found on the ground before taking the ACT?

  • Thread starter clanijos
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation focused on a mysterious image found on the ground before an ACT exam. It was discovered that the image represented linear algebra, which deals with vector spaces and linear transformations. While matrices are an important aspect of linear algebra, they do not fully encompass the subject. The conversation also touched on the use of matrices in physical applications and the potential errors in a homework assignment. The importance of understanding linear maps in addition to using matrices was emphasized.
  • #1
So I found this on the ground before I took my ACT this morning:


It doesn't appear to be very difficult, but I don't really know what it is. It's probably pretty simple, I just don't recognize it.

If anyone could tell me what this represents, or what type of classes it might be associated with, that would be great!

(Also: If you're Josh Carison, I don't know who you are, but I think I may have found your homework)
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  • #2
That is linear algebra.
  • #3
So, It really is just vectors and matrices? I thought maybe there was something else to it. Hrm. Ok then.
  • #4
While vectors and matrices are an important part of linear algebra, they are far from representative of the whole subject. Linear algebra deals primarily with vector spaces, which are sets with addition and scalar multiplication satisfying certain axioms (regular vectors in Euclidean space also fall under this definition). A function T:V→W (where V and W are vector spaces) is called a linear transformation if T(u+v)=T(u)+T(v) and T(cv)=cT(v) for all u and v in V and all scalars c.

With the choice of a basis for a vector space V (a set of vectors which acts like a "coordinate system"), the elements of V can be written as lists and linear transformations from V to itself can be written as (square) matrices. Thus matrices are important in linear algebra, but ultimately just represent linear transformations in a particular basis (which makes calculations more convenient).
  • #5
That's quite helpful! Thanks!
  • #6
I don't like people to fall into the "matrix trap" (to get the impression that linear algebra is nothing more than solving systems of linear equations with matrices, etc). Matrices don't do the subject justice.
  • #7
Since the original purpose of this thread has been fulfilled, I think it's ok to go ahead and go off-topic for a bit.

I'm pretty sure Keanu Reeves is in the "Matrix Trap".
  • #8
A. Bahat said:
I don't like people to fall into the "matrix trap" (to get the impression that linear algebra is nothing more than solving systems of linear equations with matrices, etc). Matrices don't do the subject justice.

indeed, matrices stop being a useful way to think about linear transformations when we have non-finite bases.

still, it IS profitable to think of Rn with respect to the standard basis, and using standard bases for Rn,Rm allows us to easily compute the values of a linear transformation T:Rn→Rm using an mxn matrix.

and studying matrices does give one a "feel" for the ways in which an "abstract" linear transformation behaves. and often, in physical applications, one has certain "coordinate systems" in mind, from the outset, and one is looking for some numerical quantity which expresses something we are measuring in these coordinate systems (like, say, a force vector).

p.s.: i don't think the use of "matrix" in the famed movie series has anything to do with linear algebra, but rather is the broader english meaning of "an inter-connected web"

(matrix: < L. matrix, "expectant mother" < L. mater, "mother"...later "origin/source" or "place of development", and then (c. 17-th century) "embedding/enclosing mass").
  • #9
  • #10
By the way if you ever run into Josh Carison you could tell him that in addition to using very very sloppy notation he made some errors in his homework.
  • #11
Yeah, I assume that's why he cast it so hastily aside!

Thanks for the discussion everyone!
  • #12
Matrices for doing, linear maps for understanding.
  • #13
Well said.
  • #14
Indeed. Good work out of you.

Related to What is this object found on the ground before taking the ACT?

1. What is the best way to identify an unknown object?

The best way to identify an unknown object is to use the scientific method. This involves making observations, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments, and analyzing the results to come to a conclusion.

2. How can I determine the material of an unknown object?

There are several methods that can be used to determine the material of an unknown object. These include conducting a density test, using a magnet to check for magnetic properties, and performing a flame test to see how the material reacts to heat.

3. Is it possible to identify an object using only a photograph?

It may be possible to identify an object using only a photograph, but it would depend on the quality of the photo and the level of detail visible. Additional information, such as size and weight, may also be needed to accurately identify the object.

4. What are some common tools used for identifying unknown objects?

Some common tools used for identifying unknown objects include microscopes, chemical tests, and specialized identification kits. These tools can help scientists examine the physical and chemical properties of an object to determine its identity.

5. Are there any online resources for identifying unknown objects?

Yes, there are several online resources available for identifying unknown objects. These include websites and databases that specialize in identifying different types of objects, as well as forums and communities where experts can help with identification based on photos and descriptions.

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