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What is your definition of randomness?

In summary, randomness is defined as the lack of pattern, predictability, or order in events or outcomes. It refers to situations where results occur by chance rather than through deterministic processes, making them inherently uncertain and unpredictable.
  • #1
I have recently read though the post WHat is random? I decided to start a new post concerning this subject when i realized that before this question can be asked another question must be answered.What is your working definition for the word "random"?If random is defined as activity that there is no known way to have been predicted than of course there is randomness in the universe. If people could find a way to predict the activity of the balls that generate the winning digits in the Lottery than the chances of winning would be greater then the one in the million odds that now exist.However there is another defintion for the word random that people use which suggests strongly that there is no random activty. This definition of the word has no relation to the human mind's potential for prediction.
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  • #2
I am glad to see someone else has realised that many people in this forum do not actually mean random when they say "random".
  • #3
quote:Originally posted by MitchBass:What is your working definition for the word "random"?Working definition...as in what we use daily? Well thats probably a stupid definition which doesn't really mean anything other than 'I don't know whats going to happen...it is therefore random'But when I posted that topic 'What is Truly random' i meant random to mean 'There is no law guiding the actions of the particles/matter/energy, and the outcomes are therefore completely chance based.' Irrelevant of what Humans think of it, irrelevent of what we calculate about it, irrelevent of whether we can predict it or not (because there is a lot which we can't predict which may not be random)...irrelevant of humans altogether, is there anything which is in nature, random.Prove me wrong, I might learn something