What kind of evidence do we have for extra dimenisons?

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  • Thread starter Akriel
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In summary, despite of my efforts of trying to find the evidence pointing towards the extra dimensions many new theoretical physics theories suggest, i haven't been able to find one. Still many of the theoretical physicists seem to think that this is indeed the case - that we actually live in a universe which has many dimenisons beyond the 4 dimensions we are able to experience.
  • #1
Despite of my attempts of trying to find the evidence pointing towards the extra dimensions many new theoretical physics theories suggest, i haven't been able to find one. Still many of the theoretical physicists seem to think that this is indeed the case - that we actually live in a universe which has many dimenisons beyond the 4 dimensions we are able to experience.

Basically all i have been able to find is that many theories in theoretical physics need them to work, which isn't very convincing argument to me.

What kind of evidence do we have for them?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no experimental evidence. That's why these theories are still hypothetical.
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Likes ohwilleke
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
There is no experimental evidence. That's why these theories are still hypothetical.

Is there any clear referrence towards the extra dimensions, or is it all just pure guessing of theoretical physicists, in attempt to create an all explaining model to cosmology?
  • #4
I have no idea what your message means, nor the reference to cosmology.
  • #5
I mean, is there any reason at all why we should believe that there are extra dimensions, or are they just a random out of the box-approach by theoretical physicists in attempt to create better explaining models in physics?
  • #6
The models referred to are attempts to describe a 'GUT' -a theory from which both Quantum mechanics and relativity can be reconciled.
These models require extra dimension in order for the math to be internally consistent.
On the other hand there is no available model at present which describes such a unified theory using just the observed dimensions.
I agree that just being mathematically credible isn't sufficient reason to 'believe in' such models.
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Likes ohwilleke
  • #7
Akriel said:
I mean, is there any reason at all why we should believe that there are extra dimensions, or are they just a random out of the box-approach by theoretical physicists in attempt to create better explaining models in physics?

Those are not different things. Theorists create models to try and better explain observations.
  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
Those are not different things. Theorists create models to try and better explain observations.

What things do you mean?

"Theorists create models to try and better explain observations" ofcourse, and it's good, but the thing I am interrested is on how strong basis is the idea of extra dimensions currently? what is backing up that idea of extra dimensions? many people do believe them, and even call them probable, but still it seems to lack the reason to transform the concept of a dimension from spatial and time dimension with actual physical charateristics into something that seems to be just a number in equations.
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  • #9
The sole evidence for extra dimensions is that it is easier to come up with a theory that unifies gravity and the other forces and particles in an aesthetically pleasing way with an 11 dimensional theory than it is with a 4 dimensional theory.

FAQ: What kind of evidence do we have for extra dimenisons?

1. What is the concept of extra dimensions?

The concept of extra dimensions is based on the idea that there may be more than the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we are aware of in our everyday lives. It suggests that there could be additional spatial dimensions that are too small for us to detect, but still play a role in the universe.

2. How do scientists study and gather evidence for extra dimensions?

Scientists study and gather evidence for extra dimensions through various experiments and observations. One method is through high-energy particle accelerators, where scientists look for signs of particles moving in directions that cannot be explained by the three known dimensions. Another method is through gravitational wave measurements, which can provide insights into the behavior of gravity in higher dimensions.

3. What evidence do we currently have for extra dimensions?

There is currently no direct evidence for extra dimensions, but there are theories and mathematical models that suggest their existence. One of the most well-known is string theory, which proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are tiny strings vibrating in higher-dimensional space.

4. How would the existence of extra dimensions impact our understanding of the universe?

If extra dimensions are proven to exist, it would completely change our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could potentially explain phenomena that are currently unexplainable, such as dark matter and dark energy. It would also challenge our perception of space and time, and open up new possibilities for exploring the universe.

5. Are there any potential implications or applications of extra dimensions?

The potential implications and applications of extra dimensions are still largely unknown, as their existence has not been confirmed. However, if they do exist, it could lead to advancements in technology and our understanding of the universe. For example, it could potentially provide a way to travel through space and time, and revolutionize the fields of physics and cosmology.

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