What materials are compatible with different chemicals and substances?

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In summary: I'm not sure how much help this is, but it looks like you're looking for information on materials compatibility with various solvents and acids. There are many resources out there, but I would recommend "Corrosion Engineering" by M.G. Fontana, McGraw Hill International. It can be found at most libraries or can be ordered online.
  • #1

Does anyone know a good reference literature or internet resource regarding what materials are compatible with which acids, solvents etcetera? I'm no good at this at all. I had e.g. no idea that ammonia attacks aluminium.
Are silicon and amorphous carbon attacked by anything or are they inert?

I would like to have a site to go to or a book to open when I want to know what materials cope with which fluids (e.g.) and preferentially also with explanations like "forms passive layer of oxide" etc. Does someone have a book to recommend?
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sounds like you primarily want to find a book discussing corrosion in engineering materials. This is an incredibly diverse field.

May I suggest "Corrosion Engineering" by M.G. Fontana, McGraw Hill International.
  • #3
No, rather something stating:
silicon - stable towards ..., ..., ...
gold - attacked by aqua regia (formation of soluble complexes)

Not that I checked the book, but your reply as well as the book's title give me the impression that this is more a book about corrosion principles, corrosion testing, corrosion prevention, whereas what I want to know is rather: can I clean this substrate with nitric acid without destroying it? do I have to worry when putting a suspension on aluminium foil if it contains ammonia? etc. etc. (and for understanding / mnemonic purposes a few-word "explanation" would also be valuable)
  • #4
Takes a little while to learn how to drive the index and cross-referencing, but sounds like you might be looking for the NFPA codes --- "rots a ruck" finding them in whatever libraries you have available --- thought I'd be able to find you an LOC or ISBN --- you'll have to settle for whatever you can get from their website as far as telling librarians what you want --- http://www.nfpa.org/aboutthecodes/list_of_codes_and_standards.asp?cookie_test=1

(link works)

It's a lot of shelf space, expensive, and seldom used, making it a little tough to find (interlibrary loan should get you specific volumes if you can identify which are going to be useful).

You'll find useful little tidbits like why you don't use chorinated solvents to clean machined aluminum, how long the asphalt in the parking lot remains explosive following LOX spills, and all sorts of anecdotal accounts of "exciting" educational experiences in shops, labs, plants, kitchens, you name it.
  • #5
NACE International–The Corrosion Society - www.nace.org


The Corrosion Source.

Corrosion - The chemical or electrochemical reaction between a material, usually a metal, and its environment that produces a deterioration of the material and its properties.

You may find the sitemap useful - http://www.corrosionsource.com/sitemap.htm

CorrosionSource provides a good glossary of terms - http://www.corrosionsource.com/handbook/glossary/

Corrosion Source Mission Statement:

Characterising and studying corrosion requires a fundamental understanding of principles underlying multiple disciplines, from electrochemistry and fluid mechanics to materials science and engineering. Such complexity makes finding good technical content related to corrosion difficult, and online, this task has become even more onerous due to the lack of a portal that can point in the right direction.

Corrosionsource.com aims to fill this void through a website that has over the last four years, served as the default location on the web for corrosion information. At corrosionsource.com our aim is to provide you with high quality technical information related to corrosion. Our focus is to educate, enrich and interact, and bring together the worldwide corrosion community. We have come a long way in this effort over the years, and hope that you will help us in making this site what it is meant to be, the be all and end all of everything related to corrosion.

Otherwise - you will have to try to find reports on specific materials.

ASM International has a good handbook on Corrosion - but it costs.

I am sure NACE also has handbooks.

IIRC, there are moderately expensive databases available.

Otherwise - brewnog made a good suggestion. Fontana's book is a classic, but it may be too basic.
  • #6
Bystander said:
You'll find useful little tidbits like why you don't use chorinated solvents to clean machined aluminum, how long the asphalt in the parking lot remains explosive following LOX spills, and all sorts of anecdotal accounts of "exciting" educational experiences in shops, labs, plants, kitchens, you name it.

This sounds really good, but also too complicated to find anything specific (/ too extensive to read it all and become almost all-knowing :wink: )
(No chance of you telling me what happens with aluminium on contact with chlorinated solvents? :wink: :wink: )
So they give out "standards" that are some sort of volumes containing useful information for firemen in different situations?
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  • #7
Anything that makes it to NFPA is generally "exciting" --- recollection is that the Al - chlorinated solvent problem was "explosivel" --- no details, and the possible chemistries aren't all that energetic --- so, "explosive" probably means rapid reaction that gets hot enough to start fires and throw small projectiles with enough energy to cause puncture wounds, or produces fumes causing respiratory problems.

Just went through the list in the link again, and didn't find an index volume listed --- their "search" is only of titles within volumes rather than text, and "table of contents" for volumes picked at random just sort of sits there --- try siccing a librarian on it --- some IT whiz may have improved the structure of the thing to the point that nothing can be found. "Liquid oxygen" yields "no codes that match your search criteria" --- got to be the IT whiz.

Recollection is a little fuzzy, and this is second hand, but supposedly the THF-LiAlH4 explosion hazard was documented in NFPA a couple years before it was recognized by chemists, and ACS, JACS, and J. Chem. Ed. managed to disseminate it to the general chemical public.
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  • #8
I believe that I have seen such a list in the back of the Omega catalogs, it is not comprehensive of course but covered a good number of chemicals. You might also check the web page of Integris, they make pluming for chemical handling so are very conscious of what materials can be used to handle different chemicals.


TMAH = Tetramethyl Amoniamhydroxide ( spelling questionable of course)

Related to What materials are compatible with different chemicals and substances?

What is corrosion?

Corrosion is the process of materials deteriorating and losing their structural integrity due to chemical reactions with their environment.

What causes materials to corrode?

Materials can corrode due to exposure to moisture, oxygen, acids, or other corrosive substances. It can also be caused by physical factors such as stress or abrasion.

How can materials be protected from corrosion?

Materials can be protected from corrosion through various methods such as coating them with a layer of paint or using corrosion-resistant materials. Other methods include cathodic protection and corrosion inhibitors.

What are the different types of corrosion?

The different types of corrosion include uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and intergranular corrosion.

How does corrosion impact society and the environment?

Corrosion can have a significant impact on society and the environment. It can cause structural failures, leading to safety hazards and costly repairs. Corrosion can also damage infrastructure and decrease the lifespan of equipment, resulting in economic losses. Additionally, corrosion can pollute the environment by releasing toxic substances into the air and water.

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