What minor or double major would you pick for a bs in aerospace engineering?

In summary: Any classes you take in addition to your major will be helpful, and will give you a leg up in the job market. Taking classes in fields that interest you is a great way to stay interested in your major and have a variety of interests to market yourself with.
  • #1
"AES students are also encouraged to consider a technical minor or double major in electrical engineering, computer science, applied math, engineering physics, astrophysical and planetary sciences, or atmospheric and oceanic sciences."

-CU Boulder Aerospace engineering requirements page

I'd like to know what subject area you would find most useful paired with aerospace in the job market.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Electrical engineering would be helpful, as modern aircraft are obviously controlled by complex webs of circuitry and computers.

Applied math would help as an aerodynamicist because, well, that's what they do.

The rest are all helpful, also.

If they offer mechanical engineering, that could help too, if you don't want to be on the strictly math side of things.
  • #3
If you want to be an Aerospace Engineer, it seems like studying astrophysics would be of great benefit to you. An in depth understanding of how the universe works, especially in outer space, would be useful in your pursuits to become an Aerospace Engineer. The applications that you would gain would be unparalleled by any of the other categories.
  • #4
Several options present themselves.

1) Business. Companies love their engineering managers. I personally think managers occupy their own special level of Dante's Hell, so this one isn't for me, but you might find it enjoyable. Definitely will aid your job prospects too, and it'll give you an edge once you start managing large projects.

2) Math, pure. A solid foundation in mathematics ensures that you'll never have problems in the subject. All the theorems will make sense, and you'll be able to read about math that applies to your field much easier.

3) Math, applied. Useful for a more engineering-focused plan.

4) Computer science. You can never be too good of a programmer in this day and age, especially as an aerospace engineer.

5) Materials engineering, if you can minor/double major in it. Materials take on a special importance in aerospace, given the high-stress nature (stress as in the colloquial definition) of the design constraints.

There are others of course, but as an aerospace engineering student myself, that's my perspective. Then again, I'm not minoring in anything. Don't see the point in it myself.
  • #5
Angry Citizen said:
Several options present themselves.

1) Business. Companies love their engineering managers. I personally think managers occupy their own special level of Dante's Hell, so this one isn't for me, but you might find it enjoyable. Definitely will aid your job prospects too, and it'll give you an edge once you start managing large projects.

2) Math, pure. A solid foundation in mathematics ensures that you'll never have problems in the subject. All the theorems will make sense, and you'll be able to read about math that applies to your field much easier.

3) Math, applied. Useful for a more engineering-focused plan.

4) Computer science. You can never be too good of a programmer in this day and age, especially as an aerospace engineer.

5) Materials engineering, if you can minor/double major in it. Materials take on a special importance in aerospace, given the high-stress nature (stress as in the colloquial definition) of the design constraints.

There are others of course, but as an aerospace engineering student myself, that's my perspective. Then again, I'm not minoring in anything. Don't see the point in it myself.

Thanks so much! What do you mean math by math, pure? What would that be called at the college.. pure math? lol Your insight was very helpful! I thinking I'm leaning toward mechE now though. either way.. i might do something extra on the math end..
  • #6
What do you mean math by math, pure?

Drinking coffee and provin' theorems, as someone once said. Pure math is less computational, more abstract. It gets into the meat of why such-and-such equation is valid, or how it might be derived, or something.

I thinking I'm leaning toward mechE now though.

Aerospace and mechanical are pretty much identical degrees, at least at my school. What I'm doing as far as extra classes is to take a computational fluid dynamics class and likely an advanced strength of materials class as well. That'll be my 'minor'. You might consider something similar - taking advanced classes in the fields that interest you most.
  • #7
I'm an aerospace engineering student minoring in mathematics.
  • #8
Please note that Astrophysics has absolutely nothing to do with Aerospace engineering. A quick Wikipedia search of each will show this. Read the first sentence of this and this.

jhae2.718 said:
I'm an aerospace engineering student minoring in mathematics.

This is probably the best thing you can do. math, Math, MATH!

FAQ: What minor or double major would you pick for a bs in aerospace engineering?

1. What are the most common minors or double majors for a BS in aerospace engineering?

The most common minors or double majors for a BS in aerospace engineering include mathematics, computer science, physics, mechanical engineering, and materials science. These fields are closely related to aerospace engineering and can provide additional knowledge and skills to complement the major.

2. How do minors or double majors benefit a BS in aerospace engineering degree?

Minors or double majors can provide a more well-rounded education, as they allow students to explore other fields of interest while still focusing on their major. They can also enhance a student's resume and make them more competitive in the job market.

3. Can I minor or double major in a completely unrelated field with a BS in aerospace engineering?

Yes, it is possible to minor or double major in a field that is unrelated to aerospace engineering. However, it may require more planning and course load management to complete both degrees within the typical four-year timeframe.

4. Are there any minors or double majors that are not recommended for a BS in aerospace engineering?

While there are many options for minors or double majors, some may not align well with a BS in aerospace engineering. It is recommended to avoid majors that are too similar to aerospace engineering, such as mechanical engineering or aeronautical engineering, as they may have overlapping coursework.

5. Do minors or double majors affect the time and cost of completing a BS in aerospace engineering?

A minor or double major can add additional time and cost to completing a BS in aerospace engineering. However, with careful planning and course selection, it is possible to complete both degrees within the standard four-year timeframe without significantly increasing the cost.

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