What Motor Power is Needed for a 2-3kg Helicopter?

  • Thread starter goral09
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In summary, building a helicopter requires careful consideration of weight, acceleration, and velocity. You will need to calculate the required motor power based on these factors and may need to use multiple motors. Online forums and websites, such as RC Groups, can provide valuable tips and information for your project.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I'm thinking about building x-ufo helicopter, and I'd like to know how strong motors I need. I've been looking for some info in the internet but didn't came across anything interesting. Can you help me and show me a book or a site where i can find some tips and infos

I want to lift 2-3kg helicopter.

I know that if I want my helicopter to lift it has to have greater acceleration than g = 9.8 m/s^2, if I want it to stand still motors have to produce enough power to balance the gravity. But these are the most basic laws, what next?
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  • #2
Hi there goral09, if you want to lift a 2-3 kg helicopter you need a minimum of 20 - 30 N of lift. Your helicopter doesn't need an acceleration capability of 9.8 m/s^2 technically as that's factored into the Weight, which is W = mg. So in order to hover your Lift needs to equal Weight (W). I can't really help you out on the motors though. You could maybe test a few motors with a prop, and have it pull on a spring scale to see how much thrust is produced, and then deduce how many you would need.
  • #3
Hi there,

Building a helicopter can be a fun and challenging project! Choosing the right motors for your project will depend on a few factors such as the weight of your helicopter, the size and shape of the blades, and the desired flight characteristics.

Firstly, you will need to determine the total weight of your helicopter including the frame, motors, batteries, and any other components. As you mentioned, the motors will need to produce enough power to lift this weight against the force of gravity (9.8 m/s^2). However, you will also need to consider the additional force required to move the helicopter forward, backward, left, and right.

To calculate the required motor power, you can use the following formula:

Power = Weight x Acceleration x Velocity

Where acceleration is the maximum acceleration you want your helicopter to achieve and velocity is the maximum speed you want your helicopter to reach.

Once you have this number, you can start looking for motors with the appropriate power rating. Keep in mind that you may need to use multiple motors to distribute the weight and power evenly.

In terms of resources, there are many online forums and websites dedicated to DIY helicopter building that can provide valuable tips and information. One great resource is the RC Groups forum (https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/index.php), where you can find discussions and tutorials on various aspects of building and flying helicopters.

I hope this helps and good luck with your project!

FAQ: What Motor Power is Needed for a 2-3kg Helicopter?

1. How do I calculate the amount of power I need for my experiment?

To calculate the amount of power needed for an experiment, you will need to determine the voltage and current requirements of your equipment. Once you have these values, you can use the formula P=VI to calculate the power needed.

2. What is the difference between peak power and average power?

Peak power refers to the maximum amount of power that can be delivered by a source, while average power refers to the average amount of power delivered over time. Peak power is usually higher than average power, as it takes into account any spikes or surges in power output.

3. How does the power supply affect my experiment?

The power supply is an important factor in any experiment, as it provides the necessary energy for equipment to function properly. If the power supply is not sufficient, it can lead to unreliable results or even damage to the equipment.

4. What is the ideal power supply for my experiment?

The ideal power supply for your experiment will depend on the specific requirements of your equipment. It is important to ensure that the power supply can deliver the necessary voltage and current without exceeding the maximum power rating.

5. How can I ensure that I have enough power for my experiment?

To ensure that you have enough power for your experiment, it is important to carefully calculate the power requirements and choose a power supply with a slightly higher maximum power rating than what is needed. It is also a good idea to have a backup power supply in case of any unexpected power fluctuations.

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