What non-physics degrees can increase job prospects for a physics major?

In summary, the speaker is a second year physics/astronomy major with a math minor who hopes to get into a PhD program in the future. They are unsure of which specific field of physics they want to pursue. They are aware that many physics majors do not end up getting a PhD and settle for a master's or undergraduate degree. The speaker is curious about the job prospects with a master's or undergraduate degree in physics and what other majors could increase their value in the job market. They mention that some physics graduates pursue non-physics degrees for better job prospects, such as education or engineering.
  • #1
At the moment, I'm a second year phyics/astronomy major, along with a math minor. And like most people majoring in STEM fields, I hope to get into a PhD program in a few years or so (I don't exactly know what to go into specifically, I have an interest in a couple of somewhat specific fields of physics, but I digress), however, I know that the majority of physics majors usually end up not going for a PhD, and end up just settling for a master's, or rarely, undergraduate.So can I make a living just from a master's, or even an undergraduate degree? What kinds of jobs could I expect if I do (I know considering my majors, the odds of stopping at a bachelor's and getting a good job are astronomical, but I still am curious)? If I go for a master's, what major would really increase my value in the job market? My gpa and the classes I'm taking at the moment are, more or less, what's to be expected of a physics major, but I still would like to know about all the safety nets available.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can make a living with no degree at all.

If you get a masters in physics the job outlook is not much better than any ol' BS degree. But many physics grads get masters in specialized non-physics areas that do have better prospects than a physics BS or MS. The most popular masters degree of my undergrad class was in education. Others found themselves doing a variety of things like computer programming, truck driving, the armed forces, working at a bar, etc. I studied engineering for a bit after studying physics and got a job as a engineer in the semiconductor industry.

If the PhD doesn't work out consider a non-physics degree for specialization and specific career applicable skills.
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FAQ: What non-physics degrees can increase job prospects for a physics major?

1. What are the benefits of having a back up for a physics major?

Having a back up for a physics major can provide peace of mind and ensure that important data and research are not lost in case of accidents or technical failures. It also allows for easy access to previous work and data for reference and analysis.

2. What types of data should be included in a back up for a physics major?

A back up for a physics major should include all research data, lab reports, project files, and any other important documents related to your studies. It is also recommended to back up any software or coding projects that you have worked on.

3. How often should a back up for a physics major be performed?

It is recommended to perform a back up for a physics major at least once a week. This will ensure that any recent work or data is not lost in case of a technical failure or accident.

4. What is the best method for backing up data for a physics major?

The best method for backing up data for a physics major is to use a combination of physical and digital storage. This can include saving files on an external hard drive or using cloud storage services for easy access to data from anywhere.

5. Is it necessary to have multiple backups for a physics major?

Yes, it is recommended to have multiple backups for a physics major. This can provide an extra layer of protection in case one backup fails or is lost. It is also recommended to keep at least one backup in a different location to protect against natural disasters or theft.

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