What originally got you interested in physics?

  • Thread starter Fig Neutron
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In summary, the speakers became interested in physics in different ways, such as through a good science book, access to Wikipedia, a sci-fi television show, and the space race. They also mention an interest in astronomy, maths, and chemistry, and how their passion for physics has stayed with them throughout their lives.
  • #1
Fig Neutron
I originally became interested in physics in 9th grade. I had a really good science book and access to Wikipedia. Math and science have always been my two favorite subjects in school, and physics seemed like a good balance of the two. I researched the subjected and began impressing my friends with terms I didn't even understand.

Ok, if we're being honest here, a scifi television show might have played a role in getting me started, but that's not the only thing.

So my question is what got you interested in physics. Whether you have always enjoyed it, something in school got you interested, a good book on the subject, or if you watched Star Trek as a kid, here is your chance to tell your story.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Fig Neutron said:
So my question is what got you interested in physics.

I was born in 1960, and the space race in 60s captured my attention as a kid. This led to an interest in astronomy, which, in turn, led to to an interest in physics and maths. The 60s Star Trek TOS certainly helped. I am now going through the DVDs for TOS with my 11-year-old daughter, and she loves it.
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Likes Fig Neutron and Richie Smash
  • #3
When I was in junior high school (early 1950s), a group of radiologists in my town decided that they would offer some evening classes in basic physics (I have no idea to this day what their motivation was). I learned about Newton's second law and the CGS units system, all of which was fascinating to me. Later, when I started college (late 1950's) my first physics course was classical mechanics, and I loved it. I've been doing this same stuff ever since.
  • #4
I love the universe, anything to do with astronomy, stars dark matter etc, I just like discovering new things, also I do find chemistry rather hard xD

FAQ: What originally got you interested in physics?

1. What sparked your interest in physics?

My interest in physics was sparked by my curiosity about how the world works. I was always fascinated by the laws and principles that govern the universe and wanted to understand them on a deeper level.

2. Did you have a specific experience that led you to pursue physics?

Yes, I had a physics teacher in high school who made the subject come alive for me. His passion and enthusiasm for the subject inspired me to further explore the field.

3. What made you choose physics as your career path?

I chose physics as my career path because it offers endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. It also allows me to constantly challenge myself and push the boundaries of knowledge.

4. What do you find most interesting about physics?

What I find most interesting about physics is its ability to explain the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of the universe. It also allows us to make predictions and understand complex phenomena.

5. Have you always been interested in physics or did your interest develop later in life?

I have always been interested in physics, but my understanding and passion for the subject have developed and evolved throughout my academic and professional journey. It continues to grow as I learn more about the intricacies of the universe.

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