What particles are measured in the Higgs experiment at CERN?

In summary, the Higgs experiment at CERN involves crashing protons together and analyzing the particles that are produced. The main focus is on measuring the decay products of the Higgs boson, which decays almost instantly into other particles. Different "decay channels" are analyzed to search for the Higgs boson signal. This information can be found in various publications and websites by searching for "Higgs decay channels."
  • #1
Gold Member
So I've done some research, but to no avail. Can anyone link me to some reasonably detailed information regarding the Higgs experiment at CERN?

I'm kind of new when it comes to this sort of thing. So a walkthrough of the experiment would be great (What they were looking for and why they were looking for that, as well as what measurements were taken)

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
BiGyElLoWhAt said:
So I've done some research, but to no avail. Can anyone link me to some reasonably detailed information regarding the Higgs experiment at CERN?
The most detailed (public) information are the publications. I guess this is not the level you are interested in - it would help to know what you are looking for and what you know about particle physics so far.

Just searching for "Higgs" and related keywords should give hundreds of news articles and web pages explaining the idea.
  • #3
My biggest question is what measurement did they take? I know for things, like the antihydrogen experiment, they were measuring gamma rays. What exactly were they measuring wrt those photons? I'm not sure.

I wouldn't say I know a whole lot. I've read up a lot about annihilation and decay, which seems to encompass a good amount of experiments. If I had to guess, I would say that the experiment had something to do with decay, partly because of the fact that everything I read makes a huge deal about the short lifetime of the higgs boson. That would imply that they are measuring something they expected to occur via the decay process. Photons? Exchange Particles? Wicked Voodoo Magic? I'm not sure. This is just more or less to satisfy my curiousity.
  • #5
BiGyElLoWhAt said:
My biggest question is what measurement did they take? I know for things, like the antihydrogen experiment, they were measuring gamma rays. What exactly were they measuring wrt those photons? I'm not sure.

I wouldn't say I know a whole lot. I've read up a lot about annihilation and decay, which seems to encompass a good amount of experiments. If I had to guess, I would say that the experiment had something to do with decay, partly because of the fact that everything I read makes a huge deal about the short lifetime of the higgs boson. That would imply that they are measuring something they expected to occur via the decay process. Photons? Exchange Particles? Wicked Voodoo Magic? I'm not sure. This is just more or less to satisfy my curiousity.

The basic gist of it is that they crash protons together, which one time in a billion or so produces a Higgs boson. The Higgs then decays (essentially instantly) into various other particles, which pass through the big detectors surrounding the collision points. These machines identify these particles and measure various things about them, and record it all for later analysis. Of course lots of other processes can produce the same particles, so one then does a lot of statistics and tries to determine whether non-Higgs processes can account for the data collected. If the fit to the data is much better when you assume there are Higgs bosons decaying in there somewhere, then hooray, you say you see a Higgs boson signal.

Obviously it is vastly more complicated than that in reality, but that is more or less how the story goes :). As Drakkith links for you, the different "decay channels" are the different final state particles which the Higgs can decay into. The analysis is divided up into several pieces by looking just at the subset of LHC collisions which result in each of these same final state particles. Thus there are "searches for the Higgs boson in the two-photon channel", "searches for the Higgs boson in the 4-lepton channel" and so on, depending on which final state particles are being selected for in each particular analysis.
  • #6
Aha, so it is the decay that they're measuring?

Like I said, I'm still pretty new to this stuff, and Decay Channel is not a term I'm familiar with, and thus would have never looked it up :P.

Thanks everyone, I'll come back later if I haven't dug up what I'm looking for.
  • #7
BiGyElLoWhAt said:
Aha, so it is the decay that they're measuring?
Yes - nearly all analyses in high-energy physics measure (or look for) decay products only. There are just a few particles actually flying through the detectors - pions, kaons, electrons, protons, neutrons (and the corresponding antiparticles) and rarely a few other particles. All those particles are known for decades now, and most suggested new particles would have very short lifetimes. There are a few exceptions, but those are quite exotic.

FAQ: What particles are measured in the Higgs experiment at CERN?

1. What is the Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that is believed to give all other particles their mass. It was first theorized in the 1960s by physicist Peter Higgs and was confirmed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012.

2. Why is the Higgs boson important?

The Higgs boson is important because it helps explain how particles acquire mass, which is a fundamental property of matter. Its discovery also confirmed the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

3. How was the Higgs boson discovered?

The Higgs boson was discovered through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists collided protons at high energies and observed the resulting particles to find evidence of the Higgs boson's existence.

4. What is the role of the Higgs field in the Higgs mechanism?

The Higgs field is a theoretical field that permeates the entire universe and interacts with particles to give them mass. According to the Higgs mechanism, when particles interact with this field, they gain mass through the exchange of Higgs bosons.

5. What does the discovery of the Higgs boson mean for future research?

The discovery of the Higgs boson opens up new avenues for research in particle physics and could potentially lead to a better understanding of the origins of the universe. It also provides a starting point for further studies on the properties of the Higgs boson and its interactions with other particles.

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