What Potential Difference Is Needed for Series Capacitors to Store Same Energy?

In summary, two capacitors, C1 = 20 µF and C2 = 5.0 µF, connected in parallel and charged with a 150 V power supply have an energy stored of 2.81*10^-1 J. To find the potential difference required for the same energy in series, the equation Delta V= sqrt of (2*Energy stored/C) can be used, with the effective capacitance being 1/C=1/C1+1/C2. It is important to use the series combination to find the effective capacitance.
  • #1
Two capacitors, C1 = 20 µF and C2 = 5.0 µF, are connected in parallel and charged with a 150 V power supply

A.) Energy Stored I found to be is 2.81*10^-1 J

B.)What potential difference would be required across the same two capacitors connected in series in order that the combination store the same energy as in (a)?

Delta V= sqrt of (2*Energy stored/C) This eqn can b used to solve for delta V

I have no idea what I am doing wrong! I have used the capacitor in parallel combo of C= C1+C2... Then I have converted the microFaraday charges of these sums to Faraday but no success

Any Suggestions??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You know that the effective capacitance of capacitors in series is given by:

[tex]\frac{1}{C}=\frac{1}{C_1} + \frac{1}{C_2}... [/tex]

You also know that the energy stored is given by:


So you have rearranged perfectly well but the problem could just be that you are using the parallel combination rather than the series combination to find the effective capacitance.
  • #3

I would first check the calculations to ensure they were done correctly. It is important to use consistent units when performing calculations involving different quantities. In this case, it appears that the units for the capacitance values were not converted to Farads before calculating the energy stored. Additionally, it is important to use the correct formula for calculating the energy stored in a capacitor, which is E = 1/2 * C * V^2.

Once the calculations have been checked and corrected, the next step would be to answer the second question about the potential difference required for the capacitors in series. As mentioned in the question, the formula to use would be Delta V = sqrt(2 * E / C). Again, it is important to use consistent units and to plug in the correct values for energy and capacitance. This will give the potential difference required for the capacitors in series to store the same amount of energy as in part (a).

If the calculations still do not match, it may be helpful to double check the values for the capacitance and potential difference given in the problem statement to ensure they were copied correctly. It may also be helpful to seek assistance from a colleague or reference a reliable source for the correct formulas and equations for calculating energy stored in capacitors.

FAQ: What Potential Difference Is Needed for Series Capacitors to Store Same Energy?

1. What is the definition of energy stored in capacitors?

Energy stored in capacitors refers to the potential energy that is stored in an electrical capacitor as a result of the separation of positive and negative charges on its plates. This energy is stored in the form of an electric field and can be released when the capacitor is connected to a circuit.

2. How is the energy stored in a capacitor calculated?

The energy stored in a capacitor can be calculated using the formula E = 1/2CV2, where E is the energy in joules, C is the capacitance in farads, and V is the voltage across the capacitor.

3. What factors affect the amount of energy stored in a capacitor?

The amount of energy stored in a capacitor is affected by its capacitance, the voltage applied to it, and the type of dielectric material used between its plates. A higher capacitance or voltage will result in a greater amount of energy stored.

4. Can the energy stored in a capacitor be discharged?

Yes, the energy stored in a capacitor can be discharged by connecting it to a circuit. As the capacitor releases its stored energy, the voltage across it will decrease until it reaches equilibrium with the rest of the circuit.

5. How is the energy stored in capacitors used in real-world applications?

The energy stored in capacitors is used in many different applications, including as a backup power source in electronic devices, in camera flashes, and in power factor correction circuits. Capacitors also play a crucial role in energy storage systems, such as in electric vehicles and renewable energy systems.
