What *precisely* makes cause and effect asymmetric?

  • Thread starter Whitefire
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time reversal symmetry and how it applies to the laws of physics. The speakers consider various scenarios, such as a recording played backwards and the concept of entropy, to explore where time reversal symmetry may break down. They also mention examples such as a cup of hot water and an ice cube, and a cold virus and its symptoms, to illustrate this concept. Overall, the conversation raises questions about the underlying causes of time asymmetry and its connection to the fundamental forces of nature.
  • #1
My question is slightly philosophical, so be warned.

If we could only experience the world through a recording played backward, what laws would we form?

I am asking, because the strangest thing occurred to me: at least some of these laws would be exactly like ours.

Say, you have two coins. They travel through void. They hit. Bounce off. Now they travel in different directions. Now imagine you record the whole thing happening and you play it backwards. The funny thing is, your recording still makes sense. As much sense, as the 'proper' recording. Energy preserved. Cause and effect just "traded places". Cause and effect (= time?) is "symmetric".

Earth revolves around Sun. We play it backwards.
Still makes as much sense.

But, obviously, not all causes and effects can be reversed like this. Let's say an asteroid hits the Moon and it explodes. Little pieces fly in all directions and come to rest at the surface of the Moon. If we reverse this, we get small pieces detaching themselves, for no apparent reason, from the surface; jumping together; forming the asteroid and then flying away into the space. It's hard to imagine what set of alternate-physics laws would it take to do that. Gravity working in opposite direction, that's for one (or maybe the void working as the source of gravity-like force). I am not sure if it could be explained by any laws... but maybe?

What of entropy? In our world, it increases with time. In alternate reverse-time world, the laws would have to state "entropy decreases with time". Ironically, it appears just as logical as our "increases with time".

After all, physics is generally like mathematics. It has equations... Symmetric, reversible. 2+2 is 4 and therefore 4 is 2+2. E=mc2 and mc2=E. And yet in real life, in physics, when we get to cause and effect, this symmetry gets broken.

Does it?

If we tried to form laws of physics for a "recording-played-backward world", where exactly would they lose symmetry with our laws? Or wouldn't they?
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  • #2
Some interactions have time reversal symmetry, some do not.

In other cases, it's not just adding a component like entropy increasing that breaks time reversal symmetry.

A cold virus can cause certain symptoms, but certain symptoms can never cause a cold virus.

Science often only answers what rather than why. It is enough that we can enumerate interactions that do and do not have time reversal symmetry.
  • #3
Whitefire said:
If we tried to form laws of physics for a "recording-played-backward world", where exactly would they lose symmetry with our laws? Or wouldn't they?

The underlying laws of physics are time-symmetric, but these time-symmetric laws still give us two ways of recognizing when we're looking at a recording played backwards.

The first is so easy and natural that we do it without even noticing: We know more about the physical system than just what's in the film we're watching, and we use that information to decide whether we're watching the real thing or a time-reversal. For example, a video of an object falling through an opened trapdoor under the influence of the attractive force of gravity could also be interpreted as an object being forced upwards by some repulsive force and being captured by the closing trapdoor - but if we assume that the video was filmed on the Earth's surface where gravity is attractive we will reject that interpretation.

The second is entropy, a concept that is much more precise than the mushy "increasing disorder" that you'll find in pop-sci writing. Google will find you the real definition, but here's an example that will show you how it works. Suppose I have a box with fifty coins neatly laid out on the bottom. We film me shaking the box so that coins flip back and forth between heads and tails more or less randomly. If we focus on the behavior of just one coin, it is completely time-symmetric - heads flipping to tails can be played backwards as tails flipping to heads and they're both equally sensible. However, if we're looking at all fifty coins, and the film shows them starting in in some random-looking configuration and ending up all heads... There is only one chance in ##2^{50}## that the film is being played in the forward direction; it's much more likely it's a film of fifty heads-up coins being shaken into a random pattern and played backwards. Thus, a very strong sense of the one-way direction of time (we can shake the box to destroy the all-coins-up pattern, but not to restore it) emerges from the completely time-reversible behavior of the individual coins.
  • #4
The classic example: Imagine a cup of hot water and an ice cube dropped into it. The result: a cup of tepid water. Could you imagine a time reversal - a cup of tepid water suddenly getting hotter while an ice cube is created in the water?
  • #5
Svein said:
The classic example: Imagine a cup of hot water and an ice cube dropped into it. The result: a cup of tepid water. Could you imagine a time reversal - a cup of tepid water suddenly getting hotter while an ice cube is created in the water?
Actually, I think the classic example is just a water glass shattering.
  • #6
phinds said:
Actually, I think the classic example is just a water glass shattering.
Possibly. I just quote from an example involving "Maxwell's demon".
  • #7
You guys made a good point, I can see that entropy is not time-symmetric. And I don't want to dismiss it, but... Well, entropy is more like an effect, an observed result, not a cause of why do things happen. So it seems to me. And if it is not just an effect -- is it a reason for all asymmetry?

Is there any explanation that ties the causes of entropy to the fundamental forces? Some good article maybe?
  • #8
Dr. Courtney said:
A cold virus can cause certain symptoms, but certain symptoms can never cause a cold virus.

This example is obviously correct but it is far too complicated to be useful in any way, just like all examples involving living creatures.

The simplest example of time-asymmetry and the simplest example of entropy I could think of is this:


Two adjacent balls, simultaneously hitting a third ball. They bounce off and get separated. The same event played backwards just doesn't happen. There is something magic about the geometry in this example. You can exchange balls for atoms or elements or forces. It doesn't matter because the geometry is the same. State A changes into state B and it cannot be reversed simply by using the-same-but-opposite forces. I would love to understand if mathematics can explain this lack of symmetry. It is really like 2+2 is 4 but not the other way around.
  • #9
Whitefire said:

Two adjacent balls, simultaneously hitting a third ball. They bounce off and get separated. The same event played backwards just doesn't happen.
Why not?
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Related to What *precisely* makes cause and effect asymmetric?

1. What is the definition of cause and effect asymmetry?

Cause and effect asymmetry refers to the unequal relationship between two events, where one event (the cause) directly leads to another event (the effect) but not vice versa. This means that the cause is necessary for the effect to occur, but the effect does not necessarily cause the cause.

2. What factors contribute to cause and effect asymmetry?

There are several factors that can contribute to cause and effect asymmetry, including the direction of time, the presence of feedback loops, and the complexity of the causal relationship. Additionally, the level of control and predictability of the cause and effect can also affect the asymmetry.

3. How does cause and effect asymmetry relate to causality?

Cause and effect asymmetry is a fundamental aspect of causality. It is one of the key principles that distinguishes a causal relationship from a mere correlation. In a causal relationship, the cause must come before the effect, and the effect must be a direct result of the cause.

4. Can cause and effect asymmetry be observed in all types of systems?

Yes, cause and effect asymmetry can be observed in all types of systems, including physical, biological, and social systems. However, the level and extent of asymmetry may vary depending on the complexity and dynamics of the system.

5. How does understanding cause and effect asymmetry benefit scientific research?

Understanding cause and effect asymmetry is crucial for scientific research as it allows for the identification and validation of causal relationships. It also helps scientists to better understand the mechanisms and processes behind the observed phenomena, leading to more accurate predictions and explanations.

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