What Rotational Speed is Needed for a Satellite's 30-Minute Scan Cycle?

In summary, the rotation speed of a satellite refers to the rate at which it rotates around its own axis while orbiting the Earth. This speed is crucial for maintaining the satellite's stability and ensuring that it remains in its designated orbit. Different factors, such as the satellite's size, altitude, and purpose, can affect its rotation speed. A higher rotation speed can also allow a satellite to cover a larger area of the Earth's surface in a shorter amount of time. However, too much rotation speed can cause the satellite to become unstable and potentially lead to a loss of control. Accurately determining and controlling the rotation speed is essential for the successful operation of a satellite.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A geostationary satellite is located at 0'N 0'E (degrees), 36000 km above a spherical Earth with radius R(earth) = 6370 km. To scan the fieldof view, the satellite rotates around its own axis(oriented parallel to the Earth's rotation axis). It records one (constant latitude) scanline per rotation with the scan mirror steering the scanline in latitude with every rotation. A scan of the complete disc from North to South is allowed to take 25 min. With additional 5 min being required for returning the scan mirror back to its start position, one complete scan can be provided every 30 min.

When the horizontal resolution of a single scan pixel at the subsatellite point is 7.5 x 7.5 km, what is the rotational speed required to archieve this scan cycle ?

Homework Equations

αlat,lon = 2tan-1(Resolution/R(geo))

v = wr

v = 2H/t

The Attempt at a Solution

v = 2H/t = (2*7.5)/(30 min) = 0.5 km/min

w = v/r = (0.5 km/min)/(36000 km) = 1.38*10^-5 rad/s

Which is wrong. What is it that i don't understand here ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't understand your attempt. What is the logic behind your first equation there?

I would start by finding how many rotations are needed to cover the North-South distance.

Edit: I suspect that either you have not understood the question or I haven't. It might help if you were to describe your interpretation.
  • #3
I don't know what to do, if i have the e.q, αlat,lon = 2tan-1(Resolution/R(geo)) and

And if one rotation takes 1 hour. What should i do ?
  • #4
Start by making a sketch showing the angle that the vertical scan must cover in order to "see" the entire image of the Earth from pole to pole. Draw the scan profile at the distance that you know the resolution of the scan. How many scan lines are required to cover that profile?
  • #6
Notice how the lines that you drew from the satellite to the poles cut through the circle of the Earth? That means there's some small portion that's lying outside of the scan. So those lines really should meet the Earth surface at a tangent, and not simply connect to the poles.

Sketch in the scan profile: That would consist of a circular arc centered at the satellite that touches the surface of the Earth at the sub-satellite position (where you also happen to know the resolution). What's the value of the angle ##\alpha##? What's the length of that arc bounded by the tangent lines?
  • #7
gneill said:
Notice how the lines that you drew from the satellite to the poles cut through the circle of the Earth? That means there's some small portion that's lying outside of the scan. So those lines really should meet the Earth surface at a tangent, and not simply connect to the poles.
The pixel area is quoted in sq km, not sq seconds of arc, so I assume that for the purposes of this problem the satellite altitude is considered great enough that we can treat the Earth as a flat disc.
@Firben, consider a rotation of the satellite during which it scans at some latitude theta. Sketch the region of the Earth scanned.
  • #8
@haruspex, I'm assuming that the satellite distance r is sufficient that the profile arc can be well approximated by a concatenation of short straight line segments of length r⋅dα = 7.5 km. This because the resolution at the center of the arc is 7.5 x 7.5 km, and by following an arc of the same radial distance from the satellite the resolution will be uniform over the whole arc. I think this will be simpler to manage mathematically than the flat disk.
  • #9
gneill said:
@haruspex, I'm assuming that the satellite distance r is sufficient that the profile arc can be well approximated by a concatenation of short straight line segments of length r⋅dα = 7.5 km. This because the resolution at the center of the arc is 7.5 x 7.5 km, and by following an arc of the same radial distance from the satellite the resolution will be uniform over the whole arc. I think this will be simpler to manage mathematically than the flat disk.
Ok, so you are suggesting converting the 7.5km to an angle? Your r is the satellite altitude I take it.
That's a bit more complicated than my method (which only needed Earth diameter/7.5km), but it is certainly more accurate.
  • #10
haruspex said:
Ok, so you are suggesting converting the 7.5km to an angle? Your r is the satellite altitude I take it.
That's a bit more complicated than my method (which only needed Earth diameter/7.5km), but it is certainly more accurate.
Yes, that r is the 36000km "height" of the satellite. But all I need is the length of the arc, which is trivial once the subtending angle is known.
  • #12
Firben said:
I sketched the following:
http://s716.photobucket.com/user/Pitoraq/media/RS 2_zpsppltkqph.png.html
Im not sure if i understand the question, what are they after ?
The drawing is a little inaccurate. Where the tangent touches, what is the angle between the tangent and the radius? What is the distance from the satellite to the centre of the earth? What does that give you for alpha?
  • #13
Firben said:
Im not sure if i understand the question, what are they after ?
They want to know how fast the satellite needs to rotate in order to completely map the observed surface area in 25 minutes. The mapping is done in horizontal strips, the width of which is dictated by the resolution. You should try to determine how many such strips will be required to complete the image.
  • #15
Here's my sketch:

Find the value of ##\alpha##. Find the length of the arc ab. How many "slices" of width 7.5 km does it take to sum up to the length of the arc? That's how many rotations are required to scan the arc. You need to complete that many rotations in the specified time.
  • #16
If i use the following eq.

α = 2*tan-1(3.75/36000) ≈ 0.0119°
s = rα = 36000*0.0119 ≈ 428.4 km

It takes 57 slices to sum up the length of the arc (428.4/7.5) = 57.12

then v = 57.12km/30 min = 1.9 rad/s

Is this right ?
  • #17
Firben said:
If i use the following eq.

α = 2*tan-1(3.75/36000) ≈ 0.0119°
No, that's the angular size of one "slice", not the angular extent of the whole arc (from a to b on the diagram that I posted above).
s = rα = 36000*0.0119 ≈ 428.4 km
You've used an angle in degrees. That won't work in the formula arclength = radius x angle. You must use radians. The calculation you've specified would return the width of the slice in kilometers, not the length of the entire arc.
It takes 57 slices to sum up the length of the arc (428.4/7.5) = 57.12

then v = 57.12km/30 min = 1.9 rad/s

Is this right ?
Nope. Find the angle subtending the whole arc from a to b, then the arc length from that. Then find out how many "slices" fit the whole arc. Note that 30 minutes is not the scan time; it includes the 5 minutes required to re-position the apparatus to begin again.
  • #18
How can i find the angular size of the entire arc a and b ? I don't know the angle α, if I am using s = rα . I don't have much information to after
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  • #19
Firben said:
How can i find the angular size of the entire arc a and b ? I don't know the angle α, if I am using s = rα . I don't have much information to after
Look at the diagram. Are there any right-angled triangles that include α for which you know some side lengths?
  • #20
If I am using α = tan-1(Re/(Re+RGeo) is that what you mean ?
  • #21
Firben said:
If I am using α = tan-1(Re/(Re+RGeo) is that what you mean ?
That's the idea, but you've chosen the wrong trig function. Note where the right angle is. Which side is the hypotenuse?
  • #22
I got α to be equal to 81.45° ≈ 1.42 rad
s=rα = 36000*2*1.42 = 102240 km
and the number of slices in 102240 km is 13632

v = 13632/25min = 545.4 km/s

Im missing something ?
  • #23
Firben said:
If I am using α = tan-1(Re/(Re+RGeo) is that what you mean ?
That's what I mean. The tan function choice is incorrect. Look at the diagram and identify which side is the hypotenuse.
  • #24
I switched side and got α to be equal to 81°,α = tan-1((Re+Rgeo)/(Re)
  • #25
No! "tan" is wrong. You don't have the opposite and adjacent sides of the triangle. Which sides do you have?
  • #26
But i only know the side that is Re and the other Re+RGeo
  • #27
Firben said:
But i only know one side that is Re
Then how did you write Re/(Re + Rgeo) ?

Look again at the diagram. I've highlighted the triangle in question in red. Of the three sides SC, SM, and CM you have values for both SC and CM. From the point of view of angle α which sides are they (Hypotenuse, Opposite, Adjacent)? What ratio can you form and what trig function does it represent?
  • #28
If I am using Sin(α) = Re/(Re+RGeo) i got α to be ≈ 8.646°
Is this right ?
  • #29
Firben said:
If I am using Sin(α) = Re/(Re+RGeo) i got α to be ≈ 8.646°
Is this right ?
Yes, that looks much better. Be sure to use radians when you calculate the arc length.
  • #30
So if
s = rα = 36000*2*(π/180)*8.646 ≈ 10864.9 km
and the number of slices in 10865.9 is 1448.65
v = 1448.65/25 ≈ 58 km/s
Is this right ?
  • #31
Firben said:
So if
s = rα = 36000*2*(π/180)*8.646 ≈ 10864.9 km
and the number of slices in 10865.9 is 1448.65
v = 1448.65/25 ≈ 58 km/s
Is this right ?
You're looking for an angular velocity. What units are appropriate? What units are associated with your values "1448.65" and "25"?
  • #32
v = 1448.65/25 = 58 rad/s
Is this approachable ? or is I am missing something ?
  • #33
Firben said:
v = 1448.65/25 = 58 rad/s
Is this approachable ? or is I am missing something ?
You're almost there, but you didn't answer my last question: What units are associated with your values "1448.65" and "25"?
  • #34
1448.65 is km or dimensionless and 25 is minutes. I am not sure what unit i should use here
  • #35
Firben said:
1448.65 is km or dimensionless and 25 is minutes. I am not sure what unit i should use here
A value can't both have units of km and be dimensionless; it's a logical contradiction.

In fact, the "1448" value represents the number of slices, and one slice requires one rotation of the satellite. So an appropriate unit for it is "rotations". So your ratio is rotations/minutes, or rotations per minute, or "rpm" to use the common nomenclature.

rpm is a perfectly good unit for angular velocity, but you could also convert that to radians per second if they are looking for the answer to be expressed that way.
<h2>What is the rotation speed for a satellite?</h2><p>The rotation speed for a satellite depends on its altitude and the type of orbit it is in. Satellites in low Earth orbit typically have a rotation speed of around 7.8 kilometers per second, while those in geostationary orbit have a rotation speed of about 3 kilometers per second.</p><h2>How is the rotation speed of a satellite measured?</h2><p>The rotation speed of a satellite is typically measured using a combination of ground-based tracking stations and on-board sensors. These measurements are then used to calculate the satellite's position and velocity in its orbit.</p><h2>Can the rotation speed of a satellite be changed?</h2><p>Yes, the rotation speed of a satellite can be changed by using thrusters or other propulsion systems. This is often done to adjust the satellite's orbit or to maintain its position in relation to Earth.</p><h2>Why is the rotation speed of a satellite important?</h2><p>The rotation speed of a satellite is important for several reasons. It affects the satellite's orbit, which in turn determines its coverage area and communication capabilities. It also impacts the satellite's stability and the amount of fuel needed for orbital adjustments.</p><h2>How does the rotation speed of a satellite affect its lifespan?</h2><p>The rotation speed of a satellite can affect its lifespan in a few ways. A higher rotation speed can lead to more wear and tear on the satellite's components, potentially shortening its lifespan. However, a faster rotation speed can also help the satellite resist atmospheric drag, which can extend its lifespan. Ultimately, the specific factors that affect a satellite's lifespan will vary depending on its design and operating conditions.</p>

FAQ: What Rotational Speed is Needed for a Satellite's 30-Minute Scan Cycle?

What is the rotation speed for a satellite?

The rotation speed for a satellite depends on its altitude and the type of orbit it is in. Satellites in low Earth orbit typically have a rotation speed of around 7.8 kilometers per second, while those in geostationary orbit have a rotation speed of about 3 kilometers per second.

How is the rotation speed of a satellite measured?

The rotation speed of a satellite is typically measured using a combination of ground-based tracking stations and on-board sensors. These measurements are then used to calculate the satellite's position and velocity in its orbit.

Can the rotation speed of a satellite be changed?

Yes, the rotation speed of a satellite can be changed by using thrusters or other propulsion systems. This is often done to adjust the satellite's orbit or to maintain its position in relation to Earth.

Why is the rotation speed of a satellite important?

The rotation speed of a satellite is important for several reasons. It affects the satellite's orbit, which in turn determines its coverage area and communication capabilities. It also impacts the satellite's stability and the amount of fuel needed for orbital adjustments.

How does the rotation speed of a satellite affect its lifespan?

The rotation speed of a satellite can affect its lifespan in a few ways. A higher rotation speed can lead to more wear and tear on the satellite's components, potentially shortening its lifespan. However, a faster rotation speed can also help the satellite resist atmospheric drag, which can extend its lifespan. Ultimately, the specific factors that affect a satellite's lifespan will vary depending on its design and operating conditions.

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