What should I be most familiar w/for C++ Data Structs & Algorithms

In summary, the speaker will be taking C++ Data Structures and Algorithms in the upcoming semester, and is concerned about their limited experience in programming. They have covered procedural programming, OOP, pointers, inheritance, polymorphism, a portion of the STL, exceptions, and various data structures in previous courses. They will be using the book "Data Structures and Other Objects using C++" and are nervous about having a difficult professor. They are seeking recommendations for what to practice over winter break, and suggestions include reviewing OOP, pointers, and STL, as well as studying algorithms and data structures. The speaker is also considering taking a free course on algorithms and doing the assignments in C++. They are also recommended to read the book "Algorithms in
  • #1
in the rye
Hey all,

This coming Spring semester (starts in 6 weeks), I will be taking C++ Data Structures and Algorithms at my University. I started programming at University, so my experience is very limited (I've taken 3 programming courses, 1 in Python, 2 in C++).

Topics we've covered in C++ were procedural programming, some OOP, pointers, inheritance, polymorphism, a small portion of the STL, exceptions, single non-circular linked lists, dynamic stacks, and queues.

The book we will be using Data Structures and Other Objects using C++ by Michael Main. I'm a little nervous because I registered for the most difficult Data Structures professor our University has because I want to be sure I learn the material well. However, this semester I didn't have a great C++ professor so I'm not sure how prepared I am, and I want to be sure I make up any inadequacies before next semester.

The course covers lists, stacks, queues, trees (binary, tree traversals, height balanced trees), graphs, hash tables, sorting, searching, hashing, recursion, dynamic versus array implementations, modular programming using data structures, data structure implementation using header files and implementation files.

I feel fairly confident with my discrete math abilities, its more-or-less deficiencies in C++, so I want to know what I should practice over Winter break.

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  • #2
Before any recommendation keep in mind that C++ is generally a hard beast to tame. This is not a discouraging comment, just keep it in mind and be patient as you learn this programming language and it will finally pay back.

I would recommend checking what you've learned so far regarding the language itself, giving priority to OOP features and pointers as well as STL library - I'm assuming that you already have a good grasp of procedural programming beyond the beginner level so far. If this is not the case then you have to start your check from scratch.

You can use various sources: a good textbook - your textbook from previous semester(s) or if you don't find it very clear or helpful, I'd recommend to take a look at Deitel's textbook as it is very detailed and has a lot of good tips, exercises and problems besides teaching the language itself. There are many other great textbooks as well.

There are also many good online tutorial sites like cplusplus that you can search for specific things. Of utmost importance in my opinion is to be able to solve advanced problems utilizing the various features of the language.

The other part of your preparation is algorithms and data structures. You have to be confident enough about having a good grasp of the theoretical part of algorithms (e.g. searching, sorting) and data structures (e.g. lists, stacks, queues, trees etc.), in order to be ready to start utilizing all this through C++. My recommendation on this is - after doing some recap, start studying on your own some implementations of basic data structures and algorithms in C++.

You can find plenty of code online and also you can take a look at the textbook that you'll have in the next semester and get some rough idea how things work. A good book I'd like to recommend is Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedgewick. I think that if you get prepared enough on all these you'll have no problem at all.
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Likes Mark44 and in the rye
  • #3
My own view is that I really like Tim Roughgarden's free course on algorithms.

Parts 1 and 2 are available here:

This course is language agnostic. If you are extremely concerned about implementing these algorithms in C++, why not start over winter break by tackling part 1 of this course, and doing the assignments in C++?
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Likes QuantumQuest and in the rye
  • #4
QuantumQuest said:
I would recommend checking what you've learned so far regarding the language itself, giving priority to OOP features and pointers as well as STL library - I'm assuming that you already have a good grasp of procedural programming

I feel fairly competent with procedural programming. I was actually looking at getting that Data Structures book, but also considering the CLRS Intro. Algo. Book.

Are there any specific topics within OOP that I should focus on? Likewise with pointers and STL?
  • #5
StoneTemplePython said:
My own view is that I really like Tim Roughgarden's free course on algorithms.

Parts 1 and 2 are available here:

This course is language agnostic. If you are extremely concerned about implementing these algorithms in C++, why not start over winter break by tackling part 1 of this course, and doing the assignments in C++?

This is an excellent recommendation in my opinion as well. I took both parts of the course some years ago as a refresher, as for a while I was not particularly dealing with algorithms and I really enjoyed it. Tim Roughgarden is great and I personally tried the problems in various programming languages. He also gives a very good view of many theoretical aspects.
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  • #6
in the rye said:
...but also considering the CLRS Intro. Algo. Book.

This is an excellent idea. This a very valuable resource and I recommend digging in it as deep as you can.

in the rye said:
Are there any specific topics within OOP that I should focus on? Likewise with pointers and STL?

You need a good grasp of the basic concepts of OOP in general and to work with objects and classes in real code, in order to apply the basic features i.e. encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism in the context of C++. This becomes hard enough as you proceed to more advanced problems.

For pointers my recommendation is to get a good grasp of the concept of a pointer, as it is applied in a procedural way - in other words, in the same way as we work with pointers in C first, beyond basics. It is a hard concept to grasp in depth and see where and how you can apply it, although - quoting from Nick Parlante's "Pointers and Memory" (Stanford)
There's a lot of nice, tidy code you can write without knowing about pointers. But once you learn to use the power of pointers, you can never go back
I also recommend to read through this resource - if you haven't already done so and work with pointers on your own in real code by solving sufficiently hard problems.

For STL my recommendation is to just try getting used to it in a suitable pace i.e. don't hasten in any way. You must find the way of applying the templates in each and every occasion you have in the context of a problem and see the advantages of doing this. It will take time and efforts but the payback will be big with the most important thing being writing professional code.
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Related to What should I be most familiar w/for C++ Data Structs & Algorithms

1. What is the importance of data structures and algorithms in C++?

Data structures and algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science and are essential for efficient problem-solving and developing efficient software. In C++, data structures and algorithms allow for the organization and manipulation of data to achieve desired results. Understanding these concepts is crucial for writing efficient and scalable code.

2. Which data structures and algorithms should I be most familiar with in C++?

Some of the most commonly used data structures and algorithms in C++ include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, sorting algorithms (such as bubble sort, insertion sort, and quicksort), and searching algorithms (such as linear search, binary search, and hash tables). It is important to have a strong understanding of these concepts to be able to apply them effectively in programming.

3. How can I improve my knowledge of data structures and algorithms in C++?

The best way to improve your knowledge of data structures and algorithms in C++ is to practice regularly. Take on programming challenges and try to implement different data structures and algorithms in your code. Also, you can refer to online resources, books, and tutorials to learn more about these concepts and their implementations in C++.

4. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using data structures and algorithms in C++?

One common mistake to avoid when using data structures and algorithms in C++ is not considering the time and space complexity of your code. It is important to analyze the efficiency of your code and make necessary optimizations to avoid performance issues. Additionally, it is crucial to properly implement and handle edge cases to ensure the correctness of your code.

5. How can I apply my knowledge of data structures and algorithms in real-world projects using C++?

Data structures and algorithms are used extensively in software development, and having a strong understanding of these concepts in C++ can greatly enhance your problem-solving skills and make you a more efficient programmer. You can apply this knowledge in developing efficient algorithms, optimizing data storage and retrieval, and improving the overall performance of your projects. Familiarity with these concepts is highly valued in the tech industry and can open up many job opportunities.

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