What Should I Do About My Undergrad Dilemma?

  • Thread starter member 178484
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In summary, the conversation revolves around college admissions decisions and the disappointment of not getting into preferred choices. The individual is torn between pursuing physics or engineering and is considering transferring to other schools. They also inquire about the reputation of University of Richmond and the viability of a 3-2 engineering program with Columbia or UVa.
  • #1
member 178484
So college admissions decisions week has come and passed, and it left a pool of disappointment. I wasn't admitted to my first five choices, and only got into my safety, Rutgers, and into University of Richmond (a LAC in Richmond, Va). I was, however, waitlisted at BU and NYU. I'm a bit torn though because I was always fairly sure I wanted to go into physics, but recently I've been second guessing myself and now I feel like engineering (Biomed or Aerospace) might be the better option. I know URich doesn't have eng, but I really didn't like Rutgers when I visited. What should I do?

I'm also VERY open to transferring, even though I've always had reservations about it. If I were to transfer it'd be to any of UVa, William & Mary, Vanderbilt, or possibly a Cali school such as Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, Harvey Mudd, or Pomona
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
At this point if you want to do engineering you only have one choice: Rutgers. You could wait and see how BU and NYU shake out if you want.
  • #3
amill311 said:
or possibly a Cali school such as Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, Harvey Mudd, or Pomona

Keep in mind that California's state schools are undergoing severe budget cuts right now, because of the state's financial crisis.
  • #4
@ fss: I am not entirely sure if i want to, i just figured i would consider it as an option

@ jtbell: that's a good point, ill probably just save those for grad school then

However I mostly was wondering if anyone had an opinions on URichmond as a school. Is it known for producing physics grads that tend to do well in grad school and beyond? And also, they have a 3-2 engineering program there, and it is with either of Columbia or UVa, they offer it with both. Is a 3-2 engineering program worth it, or do grad schools/employers see those as insufficient in terms of the breadth of knowledge one would acquire in only 3 and 2 years compared to the full 4?
  • #5

I understand that decision-making can be a difficult and overwhelming process. It sounds like you are currently facing a dilemma about your undergraduate education and career path. My advice would be to take some time to reflect on your interests and goals. Consider what drew you to physics in the first place and why you are now second-guessing it. Are there specific aspects of engineering that appeal to you? What do you hope to achieve with your degree?

It may also be helpful to speak with current students or alumni from the schools you have been admitted to and those you are considering transferring to. They can provide valuable insights and experiences that can help inform your decision.

Furthermore, keep in mind that your undergraduate education is just the beginning of your academic and professional journey. You have the opportunity to explore different fields and gain new experiences through internships, research projects, and extracurricular activities. Don't feel pressured to have everything figured out right now - it's okay to change your mind and pursue different paths.

If you do decide to transfer, make sure to carefully research the schools you are considering and their programs in physics and engineering. Talk to advisors and professors to get a better understanding of the curriculum and opportunities available to you.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a path that aligns with your interests and goals. Whether you decide to stick with physics, pursue engineering, or transfer to a different school, remember that you have the potential to succeed and make a meaningful impact in whichever field you choose. Good luck with your decision!

FAQ: What Should I Do About My Undergrad Dilemma?

1. What factors should I consider when making a decision about my undergraduate studies?

When deciding what to do about your undergraduate dilemma, it is important to consider your personal interests, career goals, financial situation, and academic strengths. You should also research the different programs and universities available to you and consider their reputations and resources.

2. Should I choose a major that is in demand or one that I am passionate about?

This can vary depending on your individual circumstances. If you have a specific career goal in mind, it may be beneficial to choose a major that is in demand in that field. However, it is also important to pursue a subject that you are passionate about, as this can lead to greater success and satisfaction in the long run.

3. Is it better to attend a prestigious university or one that is more affordable?

This decision ultimately depends on your personal priorities and goals. Attending a prestigious university may open up more opportunities and connections, but it also comes at a higher cost. On the other hand, attending a more affordable university may allow you to graduate with less debt, but may not have the same level of reputation and resources.

4. Should I take a gap year before starting my undergraduate studies?

A gap year can be a great opportunity to gain real-world experience, travel, and figure out your goals and interests. However, it is important to consider the potential consequences of delaying your education, such as losing momentum and potentially missing out on scholarship opportunities. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your personal circumstances and goals.

5. How can I make the most of my undergraduate experience?

To make the most of your undergraduate experience, it is important to get involved in extracurricular activities, internships, and research opportunities that align with your interests and career goals. It is also important to build relationships with professors and classmates, as they can provide valuable guidance and support. Additionally, make sure to take advantage of resources such as career services and academic advisors to help you navigate your undergraduate journey.
