What should I do for a three week break for Christmas?

In summary, if you want to take a three-week break for Christmas, you might want to do things like read, watch movies, and/or play video games.
  • #1
what should i do for a three week break for Christmas?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You're 13, right? We should let members know that first. :)
  • #3
Delta31415 said:
what should i do for a three week break for Christmas?
Calculate more digits of π. Five is nothing for a real geek.
  • #4
practice some acts...
or read a normal book...
  • #5
You're 13. Grab a camera and go outside taking pictures of houses with the number 13 on them. Every day take exactly 13 pictures, never of the same house twice. Do that for 13 days, and use the rest to put the pictures together in a portfolio, presentation, mosaic, slideshow, or some other creative way.
See if you can get 13 friends to do the same thing.
  • #6
13? Clean your room. LOL
  • #7
Delta31415 said:
what should i do for a three week break for Christmas?
Apart from Doug Huffman's excellent suggestion (to which I'd add: resolve not to scream at, or otherwise disrespect, your long suffering elders, and try to be less of a selfish dick/twat at that time of year), I'd suggest: try to master something new.

Since you're posting at a physics forum, I presume you're interested in physics? How about maths? Are you interested enough in both those things to try some basic mathematical physics for yourself? E.g., special relativity?
  • #8
am 15(just turned 15 few days ago) and i i like relativity a lot read a few books on it
  • #9
Delta31415 said:
am 15(just turned 15 few days ago) and i i like relativity a lot read a few books on it
Happy birthday delta! Hope it was nice.
  • #10
Delta31415 said:
am 15(just turned 15 few days ago)
OK, better than 13. :D

[...] i like relativity a lot read a few books on it
Have you encountered calculus yet? (You'll need it to start doing relativity properly...)
  • #11
thank you Evo,and i have encountered a little bit of calculus mostly in books that i read in my free time not in school yet but will in a few years
  • #12
Delta31415 said:
what should i do for a three week break for Christmas?

Would you consider doing some kind of volunteer work?? It can be very rewarding. It also looks good on a college app. .)
  • #14
Certainly reading and movies are possibilities, or just hang out with friends and family. One could do volunteer work at a food kitchen.

Depending on where one lives, one could go to the beach. Most areas are probably cold, especially in the west and north, otherwise, I'd recommend hiking or climbing in the mountains.

If one has the income, one could go to the Caribbean or Central or S. America, or Africa, or Australia or NZ. I think one of my nieces is in Africa at the moment scouting out some business opportunities.
  • #15
Astronuc said:
If one has the income, one could go to the Caribbean or Central or S. America, or Africa, or Australia or NZ. I think one of my nieces is in Africa at the moment scouting out some business opportunities.
Well, he's 15, maybe sailing to Bora Bora can wait a few years.
  • #16
last year i got snowed in so winter break went to four weeks i might get a part time job,or go to Canada to visit family
  • #17
You could become an honorary Atheist and join my campaign to abolish Christmas before you get too deeply indoctrinated.
  • #18
i am not a christian in the first place
  • #19
Memorize an interesting poem.
  • #20
what kind of poem,a epic like Dante's divine comedy?
  • #21
  • #22
You could get a Russian-English dictionary and read the original "War and Peace"...
  • #23
Delta31415 said:
what kind of poem,a epic like Dante's divine comedy?
Poe's The Raven. Easy to memorize, expands vocabulary, scores points with the girls.
Warning: may turn an impressionable person into an emo.
  • #24
I'd look for a part-time job as a waiter in a restaurant, local mail, gift or parcel deliveryman during Winter vacation (I actually did when I was a student), supermarkets, 7-11, Lawson, K-Circle aka all convenience store also hire a lot of people...
  • #25
either get a part-time job, or do something productive. Like teaching yourself programming. Or [itex]\LaTeX[/itex].
  • #26
i have read war and peace and i know how to program a little at the moment. Dante's Divine comedy is not that big its noting compared to "paradise lost" by john milton
  • #27
Yeah but I don't know how much sense it makes to read translated literature.
If you want to read translated italian literature, I'd rather suggest Manzoni's The Betrothed
  • #28
Medicol said:
I'd look for a part-time job as a waiter in a restaurant, local mail, gift or parcel deliveryman during Winter vacation (I actually did when I was a student), supermarkets, 7-11, Lawson, K-Circle aka all convenience store also hire a lot of people...
He's not old enough, he just turned 15.

Related to What should I do for a three week break for Christmas?

1. What are some fun and festive activities I can do during my three week break for Christmas?

There are plenty of fun and festive activities you can do during your three week break for Christmas. Some ideas include visiting Christmas markets, ice skating, baking holiday treats, watching Christmas movies, and attending holiday concerts or shows.

2. How can I make the most of my three week break for Christmas?

To make the most of your three week break for Christmas, try to prioritize and plan ahead. Make a list of things you want to do or accomplish, and schedule time for each activity. Also, don't forget to take some time for rest and relaxation to recharge for the new year.

3. What are some affordable options for a three week break during Christmas?

If you're on a budget, there are still plenty of options for a fun and affordable three week break during Christmas. You can go on a road trip, have a staycation, visit local attractions, or have a movie marathon at home. You can also look for deals and discounts on activities and events in your area.

4. How can I make my three week break for Christmas meaningful and fulfilling?

To make your three week break for Christmas meaningful and fulfilling, consider giving back to your community by volunteering or donating to a charity. You can also spend quality time with loved ones, reflect on your goals and accomplishments, or try something new that you've always wanted to do.

5. What are some tips for staying productive during a three week break for Christmas?

To stay productive during your three week break for Christmas, set realistic goals and create a schedule for yourself. Take breaks when needed and prioritize self-care. Also, try to limit distractions and focus on one task at a time. And don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments!

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