What should I do with my life? At a crossroads

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In summary, this person graduated college with an EE degree and is currently unemployed and unhappy with their chosen profession. They are considering becoming a medical doctor, but their parents are against the idea because of the amount of debt they would need to take out. They suggest trying different professions or exploring their hobbies more.
  • #1
Gold Member
I graduated college with an EE degree (and lots of chemistry) back in 2008. I went into a PhD program for a year and was somewhat successful in my research and good enough in my classes. However, I had a nervous breakdown that forced me to leave. I looked for a job to no avail and went back to the same grad school with no funding and I took out additional loans. Well, I ended up getting severely depressed and I ended up dropping out. When I dropped out I had a long string my short term jobs and the most recent one I was fired from because I didn't "show enough initiative".

Now I am unemployed and I am unhappy with doing engineering for the rest of my life. I considered becoming a hs teacher but the amount of things required to get a teaching credential turns me off considering the abysmal pay.

Now I would like to become a medical doctor. All I need to take is 2 bio classes with labs and the MCAT (and shadowing/volunteering). However, my parents are against the idea because I would need to take out ~200K in loans and since I have screwed up so many times before they are afraid I will ended up dropping out of med school.

Should I just follow my instincts and try getting into med school or should I continue looking for a job as an engineer even though it doesn't make me happy?


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  • #2
Also, I am not exactly a spring chicken. I am 27
  • #3
My question is this: Why do you think being a doctor will make you happier? I've found that many doctors had an interest of being a doctor for quite some time, and it's that interest that encourages people to take classes they hate, and debt that will break them if they fail. If it's just an idea that 'popped' into your head, then I advise you volunteer at a hospital to see if you enjoy talking to patients. If you find that you don't get some sort of 'hight' from this experience, you're probably not aiming for the correct goal.
  • #4
you are getting into huge debt and it sounds like university isnn't the right environment for you at the moment.
  • #5
Echo MarneMath and streeters. This university thing is working out really bad for you. Adding on another $200k and 4-10 years to it isn't the wise plan.
  • #6
You don't have to work as an engineer. Look at your skills again or get a mentor somewhere (aunt, uncle, friend, friends mother / father, complete stranger...) to help you assess your skills. Maybe software engineering, maybe retail... Try something totally different.

if you really like medical, why not take some courses while you work at the local community college for radiologist, or PA or even nursing and see what fits.

Don't let your depression, make you anxious and depress you further.
You're not a spring chicken, I'm a spring chicken. You still have time to
  • #7
If you're considering med school only because of the course requirements, it probably isn't best to get into the profession without further foresight. As jedishrfu suggested, look into your skills and try to seek employment. Best of luck.
  • #8
I checked out your recent activity on the forum, and I understand you're considering a wide range of jobs. Just please make sure you do something you enjoy. When you asked I'd it's better to teach high school physics out math due to your degree, I'm sure what matters more is that you enjoy what you teach and working with young minds.
  • #9
Look, after working at the same place for nearly 27 years, let me say this loud and clear:


You will find joys, satisfaction, failures, mistakes, stupidity, slothfulness, respect, and lots of dumb luck. It is life. We can't promise you perfection. You have to make it for yourself. There are days of drudgery. There are exhilarating highs of accomplishment. There are times when I know they don't respect my abilities and there are times when I feel I have more respect than I deserve.

It's not all sweetness and light. Sometimes home is the refuge from work. Sometimes work is the refuge from home. This is why it is good to maintain a hobby. This is why it is good to have a pet. This is why it is good to eventually settle down and start a family.

You are focused on one goal and one idea and then you find dissatisfaction when it turns out that it's not what you thought. Wander around some. Smell the flowers. Make friends outside your profession and try different things.

I have had depression when I found that things weren't what I thought. And then I picked up the pieces, and decided what I really wanted to do. And consider what I thought I wanted to do when I was your age: I really wanted to design communications spacecraft . But then the cold war ended, literally half of my class at Hopkins evaporated in search of work (many were on scholarships from defense contractors) and I took a careful look at where I was working. There were virtually no aerospace jobs to be found.

I was working on terrestrial telecommunications gear for a large water and sewer utility. I had lots of cool toys. I had a decent budget to work with. I had meaningful work. And so what if it doesn't fly at thousands of miles per hour? With my spare time and money I earned a pilot's license. I continued to play with computers, and ham radio. I tried photography, brewing beer, shooting sports, and all sorts of different things.

Life gets better. It really does. Education is important, but most of all, living an interesting life is important. Stop studying everything and try using what you know. It doesn't have to be in the work-place, it can be volunteering in a scouting organization, 4H, local religious institutions, even a prison, a museum, an airport, or an animal shelter.

When you realize what you like and what you don't, you'll know what, if anything, you want to study. And it doesn't have to be for work. It can be for fun too.

Good Luck!

Related to What should I do with my life? At a crossroads

1. What are the different career options available to me?

There are countless career options available, but it's important to consider your skills, interests, and values when making a decision. Some popular options include healthcare, technology, finance, education, and entrepreneurship. Research different industries and job roles to see what aligns with your strengths and passions.

2. How do I know which path is the right one for me?

Choosing a career path can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that there is no "right" or "wrong" choice. It's more about finding a path that aligns with your goals and values. Consider your strengths, interests, and long-term goals when making a decision, and don't be afraid to explore different options before committing to one.

3. Should I follow my passion or choose a more practical career?

This is a common dilemma when it comes to deciding on a career. While it's important to have a job that you enjoy, it's also important to consider practicality and job demand. You may be able to find a career that combines your passion with practicality, or you may need to prioritize one over the other. It's ultimately up to you to decide what balance works best for you.

4. How do I make a career change if I'm already established in a certain field?

Making a career change can be intimidating, especially if you've already established yourself in a certain field. However, it's never too late to make a change and pursue something new. Consider your transferrable skills and seek out opportunities to gain experience in your desired field. Networking and reaching out to mentors can also be helpful in making a successful transition.

5. What steps can I take to make an informed decision about my career?

Making an informed decision about your career involves considering various factors such as your interests, skills, values, job outlook, and potential for growth. It's important to research different career options, talk to professionals in your desired field, and gain hands-on experience through internships or job shadowing. Additionally, creating a pros and cons list and seeking advice from trusted individuals can also aid in the decision-making process.

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