What should i study for Quantum Mechanics

In summary: People can still read what you read in that thread - even the part where you think you don't need E&M to study QM.
  • #1
I want to start learning quantum mechanics but i have no idea where to start . I want to know which other fileds and physics branches i have to study before quantum mechanics and if i want to go more deeply for this (like taking a graduate course ) what should i study before this in physics math and chemestery
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Maths, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and eventually operator theory. Physics, study all the basic physics first like Newtonian mechanics, Electromagnetism, special relativity and basic modern physics. Basically what you learn in a physics course at uni, until you get to quantum in 3rd year usually.

Then pick up a friendly book like Zetilli's Quantum mechanics and work through it thoroughly, do the worked examples and some problems.
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Likes Peter25samaha
  • #3
Peter25samaha said:
I want to start learning quantum mechanics but i have no idea where to start . I want to know which other fileds and physics branches i have to study before quantum mechanics and if i want to go more deeply for this (like taking a graduate course ) what should i study before this in physics math and chemestery
Quantum mechanics is nowhere near a graduate-level course - you'll meet it no later than the second year of an undergraduate physics program and will still be many years of study away from the stuff that gets covered in A-level threads here.

To get through the first course in quantum mechanics, you will need
- Math: Multi-variable and vector calculus, elementary complex analysis, elementary and multi-variable differential equations, elementary linear algebra. This material is covered in more or less the second year of a college-level math program (a serious treatment of elementary differential and integral calculus is the first year).
- Physics: Classical mechanics at the level of Kleppner and Kolenkow or equivalent, E&M at the level of Purcell or equivalent, and then a semester on wave phenomena.

If you're going to go beyond introductory QM you will need the Hamilton/Lagrange formulation of classical mechanics, much more differential equations and complex analysis, and a serious course on abstract algebra. This can be studied in parallel with your intro QM class.
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Likes Peter25samaha
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
The answer hasn't really changed since Thursday, the last time you asked it.
If you can see well the last time i asked about cosmology and gravity , and i asked in which branch we can put them not what to study for them
  • #6
People can still read what you read in that thread - even the part where you think you don't need E&M to study QM. The advice there was spot on.

FAQ: What should i study for Quantum Mechanics

What are the basic concepts of Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Its basic concepts include wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, superposition, and entanglement.

What math skills are needed to study Quantum Mechanics?

A strong foundation in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations is necessary for understanding the mathematical concepts involved in Quantum Mechanics.

What are the real-world applications of Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum Mechanics has numerous applications in modern technology, including the development of quantum computers, cryptography, and quantum sensors. It is also used in the fields of chemistry, material science, and biology.

What are some recommended resources for studying Quantum Mechanics?

Some popular textbooks for studying Quantum Mechanics include "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" by David Griffiths and "Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Applications" by Nouredine Zettili. Online resources such as MIT OpenCourseWare and Khan Academy also offer free lectures and tutorials on the subject.

What are the current challenges in understanding Quantum Mechanics?

Some of the current challenges in Quantum Mechanics include the interpretation of its complex mathematical equations, the measurement problem, and the unification of Quantum Mechanics with the theory of relativity.

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