What should sex offenders be faced with?

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  • Thread starter megas
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In summary, the conversation discusses the severity of sex crimes and debates appropriate punishment for offenders. The recent case of a man raping and burying a 9-year-old girl alive sparks discussion about the need for stricter laws and consequences for sex offenders. Some argue for life imprisonment or even death, while others suggest mandatory ankle monitoring and increased reporting requirements. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for a zero tolerance policy towards sex crimes in society.
  • #1
maybe death? or life in prison?
The case recently that happened, was that somebody rapped and buried a 9 year old girl, alive...now that's just me, but, i don't think this person should ever see the light of day agian, What do you think should happen to this guy? I am sorry i can't find the article for this case but it was just recent so maybe some one could help me out, thanks.
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  • #2
'Sex offender' isn't a very useful criterion by itself for determining a punishment. Offenses can range anywhere from having sex with someone two years younger than you (or in certain states, having anal sex with someone the same age as you) to bringing your drinking buddies together to gang-rape your 10 year-old sister.
  • #3
In the case of Paul Reubens, aka Pee Wee Herman, he collected old fashioned body building magazines with nude models. A few of whom by todays standards would be underage. So he's a registered sex offender, despite never hurting anybody. The only thing I think the justice system should do with him is give him an apology.

The guy who killed and raped that girl isn't just a sex offender, he's a murderer too, not just a sex offender. He won't be seeing the light of day again.

So what should we do with sex offenders? That's for juries and judges to decide on a case by case business. This idea of having a blanket sentence for alll "sex offenders" is ridiculous. Saying "first we shoot him, then we hang him, then we stab him, and then we kill him" is just plain ridiculous.

  • #4
ok, i understand where TRCSF is going with that idea of "sex offenders", i guess i got lazy and should restate what i was trying to get at. I meant that sex offenders who have raped, is a crime, agreed? and it does matter how it happened. i agree, but let's say he just raped a girl and didnt do anything to her, just had sex with her, without her consent, now how should this person be punished? i think they should stay in jail, for a good 10 years, or more! only because "most" sex offenders" who have commited a crime, usually do it agian. In this case of the 9 year old girl, it has happened, when judges and jurors let these sex offenders go and who's to say if these people (criminals) will do it agian? I think this 9 year old girl should get justice, and not only that, but, hopefully no other girl has to go through any of this. This is rediculas.
  • #5
Yeah, rape is a pretty violent and serious crime, with long-lasting consequences for the victim and there are many repeat offenders. Even here, though, there are degrees. The man who pushed the issue with a friend of his even though she said no isn't really guilty of as aggregious a transgression as the man who kidnaps women and threatens them at knife point in the back of his van. Most rapes are of the former kind and, while I don't want to downplay completely the seriousness of these crimes, these men are not predators.
  • #6
loseyourname said:
Yeah, rape is a pretty violent and serious crime, with long-lasting consequences for the victim and there are many repeat offenders. Even here, though, there are degrees. The man who pushed the issue with a friend of his even though she said no isn't really guilty of as aggregious a transgression as the man who kidnaps women and threatens them at knife point in the back of his van. Most rapes are of the former kind and, while I don't want to downplay completely the seriousness of these crimes, these men are not predators.

if a man has the audacity to rape a woman he knows once, there's a likelihood he will do it again to another woman he knows down the road. i see no difference in degrees of guilt if a man rapes a woman he does or does not know. to me, this can lead to predatory behaviors. the bottom line is he took something from someone that wasn't his by using aggression. this causes horrific pychological problems in a woman-regardless if she was lovers with him or not previously. lose-please show some sensitivity in this issue. there are many people who are sexually abused that may be reading this very thread-ones you may not have any idea about.
  • #7
megas said:
maybe death? or life in prison?
The case recently that happened, was that somebody rapped and buried a 9 year old girl, alive...now that's just me, but, i don't think this person should ever see the light of day agian, What do you think should happen to this guy? I am sorry i can't find the article for this case but it was just recent so maybe some one could help me out, thanks.

yes, this has to do with Jessica Lunsford, and in Florida they have created an act by her name that would tighten the belt on sex offenders. the man responsible for this crime did not tell his whereabouts when he moved, thus the city/county was unable to publish his information so that the public can be informed. also, the home he was staying at did not report him living there either. the act would mandate that sex offenders report where they are living twice a year instead of once a year, and if there is no reply in their whereabouts, they would have to wear an ankle monitor.

personally, i wouldn't mind seeing an ankle monitor around these sorts until they had a clean record for X amount of years. if they can give it to martha stewart, they can certainly administer them for these people. our society really needs to have zero tolerance for any sort of sex crime, but we are somewhat lax in my opinion.

this story broke my heart mostly because i have a daughter that is her age approx. i think this guy guilty of this murder/crime will have his rounds in prison, that is if they let him mingle with the other prison mates. that's got to be the worst punishment.
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  • #8
yes, thank you kerrie :) the idea of ancle monitors is well, i agree a great idea. But there are a lot of "sex offenders". i mean a lot, i think the idea of "sex offenders" in most peoples minds is rape, but it isnt, in my mind, a sex offender that has commited a crime of rape, and has a criminal record, which usually means they will do this agian, if they have rapped an innocent young girl they have taken maybe her virginity? Rap is no good, and i agree, should not be tolerated, in conclusion, the ancle monitors will work for the sex offenders who have rapped anyone, that's my idea of it. But if they have murdered their VICTIM, then well, they should sit in jail for the rest of their lives...
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Related to What should sex offenders be faced with?

1. What type of punishment should sex offenders face?

The type of punishment for sex offenders varies depending on the severity of the crime and the laws in the specific jurisdiction. In general, the punishment can include prison time, probation, community service, and/or mandatory counseling or therapy.

2. Should sex offenders be allowed to live in residential areas?

This is a highly debated topic, as some believe that sex offenders should be allowed to live in residential areas after serving their sentence, while others argue that they should be restricted from living near schools, parks, or other areas where children may be present. Ultimately, the decision is made by the court and is based on the individual's risk level and the laws in the specific jurisdiction.

3. Is rehabilitation possible for sex offenders?

Rehabilitation for sex offenders is possible, but it can be a long and difficult process. Treatment typically involves therapy and counseling to address underlying issues and behaviors that led to the offense. However, it is important to note that not all sex offenders can be successfully rehabilitated.

4. Should sex offenders be given the opportunity for parole or early release?

This is another controversial question and the answer varies depending on the case. In some instances, sex offenders may be eligible for parole or early release if they have completed a rehabilitation program and have shown improvement in their behavior. However, this decision is made on a case-by-case basis and is ultimately up to the court and parole board.

5. Can sex offenders be cured?

There is no definitive answer to this question. While some individuals may be able to successfully complete treatment and not reoffend, others may have a higher risk of reoffending. It is important to understand that sex offending behavior is complex and often has deep-rooted causes, making it difficult to completely cure. However, with proper treatment and management, some individuals may be able to control their behavior and avoid reoffending.

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