What Should We Name Our Band?

  • Thread starter Jonny_trigonometry
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In summary, the band members are still trying to come up with a name, and they are looking for something funny and memorable. They suggest "Classic Fazz", but realize that it may not be appropriate for public use. They also suggest "They told us not to make this band name too long - so we did just to piss them off", "ttuntmtbntl-swdjtpto for short", or "Chuck Norris".
  • #36
wow, there are some great ideas here
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Aphrodesiac (spelled wrong intentionally)
Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO)
Statutory Ape
  • #38
damn tribdog, you're dominating! You're like a band name guru or something
  • #39
Tomatoes For Sale
Groupies Wanted
both sound like good ones to me.

You could use your own screenname in there.
Jonny Trigonometry and the Vectors.

Too bad it's not a two man deal you could do
Victor Vector and Jonny Trig

Jonny Trig and Remedial Calculus (or -the Remedial Calculi)
  • #40
Smurf said:
Aphrodesiac (spelled wrong intentionally)
Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO)
Statutory Ape
No Stealing My Name!
Ofcourse I stole it elsewhere and I've seen at least one other person use it for something aside from me.
  • #41
hehe, how about:

JT and the Diophantines
The Nerdy Kid
Albert Feynmann
Cauchy's Secret Stash
The Grand Blunder
Flashy Space Debris
Meromorphic Mayhem!
Buy Me A Wagon
The Truth Behind Carrot Top
Euler in his Prime
Fourier Transformed My Potato
We Suck
Maximum Blue Shift (maximum BS)
Conformal Mapping
Stallin Stole My Wheelchair
Let's Go Sledding!
Math Is The Devil
K-Fold Hyper Think Spot
Wave My Number
Bush Is Double Plus Good
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Tater Tot Hotdish
Tools of the Sharade
  • #42
LOL! From that list, I like "Weapons of Mass Distraction." :smile:
  • #43
A more serious one, but it works I think, because you said you are currently a kind of jazz rock fusion band:

Nuclear Fusion
  • #44
or Nuculer in the South
  • #45
I always liked the name "The Jews", but i suppose some people might get mad at that, that's exposure though. :smile:
I agree that Weapons Of Mass Distraction is a cool name. Nice one.
  • #46
"Apple Jews":smile:
  • #47
Axe Murderers
  • #48
From a news item that I've never been able to get out of my head: 'Bundling Squirrels'. (Don't ask.)
  • #49
How about 'Lower Your Expectations'?

Here are a couple that I always liked, but you probably can't use:

Free Beer and Chicken
Nuclear Creamcheese
  • #50
Some band name ideas:

The Russians
Until Death
Under a Blood Red Sky
Indigenous Peoples
Swollen Lip
White Knuckle War
Standup and Fight
Toe the Line
Ear Trauma

probably doesn't fit your musical style but there free to anyone who wants them- no more bands for me.
  • #51
No Hit Wonder
Just Wanna Pay for these Amps
Pawned Instruments
Part time Fry Cook
Cherry Flavored Frozen Dog Testicles
  • #52
LOL, I love you're ideas folks!
I don't know why, but it's way more accepted to make fun of the Jews than it is of most other people who get persecuted, what is wrong with America? Is anybody making fun of the Falun Dafa and Falun Gong believers who are being persecuted by the Chinese Governemnt? http://www.faluninfo.net/
Sorry, I just had to be serious for a bit. I'm back to being non-serious now... while we're on the topic, I read in a Melvins inspired art book "Nierther here nor there" two band names that are somehow funny: The Gentle Swastika, and Swastikaholica. I guess they're not so funny now that I mentioned that note of seriousness... but I just had to share them for some reason. ish, I feel dirty
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  • #53
I just don't think there are that many jews that take the jokes that seriously, except for maybe some of the really bad ones. I heard some of the funniest jewish jokes from a boss of mine who was a practicing jew.

The next easiest group to make jokes about would probably be asians. Most of them don't care either (but don't go trying to test that theory just in case ok?:wink:). But really I don't think I have met anyone from any group that took the jokes about them very seriously. It's almost always average white people I see taking the most offense to jokes about any other group.
  • #54
are you making fun of white people now~! just kidding. I'm a cracker.
  • #55
When I was running blues jams, etc, I would hook up with other people for emergency fill-in gigs when bands had canceled out for some reason. We would show up with a batch of old standards, ready to improvise at the drop of a hat. I threatened to call our ever-changing lineup "To be Announced", and just start showing up and stealing every gig that was advertised that way.

Another good name (it's a Python thing) is Crunchy Frog.
  • #56
The Original Artists

"Next up we have "Stairway to Heaven" sung by The Original Artists"
  • #57
Jonny_trigonometry said:
We've been trying to think of a good band name, and haven't concluded on anything yet, can you help us out?
What we've got so far:
Fred Zapplin Presents
Wookie Translator
Population Gravy
Plasitc Venture
Joanie Loves Chotchie Loves That Blonde From Three's Company... Oh Yeah, Susanne Sommers
Mad House Harry And His Hankerin' For Mahsed Potatoes
Two Days At The VFW
there were more but I can't remember them right now...
The Stone Rollers?..if your going to be rockers (pre-cronan man?) or if your just cool about hanging (around on st corners ie Kerbkickers?) rolleyes: ..or The Stone Kickers?..if your not into that sort of music :-p
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  • #58
tribdog said:
The Original Artists

"Next up we have "Stairway to Heaven" sung by The Original Artists"

you can't use that one. I've decided when i finally get around to starting a band, that'll be our name. I've got dibs.
  • #59
sorry, but those fine folks from K-Tel Records beat you to it by about 25 years
  • #60
A popular local jazz/swing/blues band called themselves "Big Chief and the Continentals". When the age of my friend's band members started hitting the 50 mark, and the line-up had changed a bit, he asked me if I thought "The Incontinentals" would be a good name. Without missing a beat, I said "Depends". He pretty much lost it.
  • #61
Jonny_trigonometry said:
We've been trying to think of a good band name, and haven't concluded on anything yet, can you help us out?.
Oh, too bad you're not metal. I think HIV is a great name. Oh, its kind of like Anthrax. Well, that makes it less good, kind of a copy-off.
  • #62
I always thought 'The Cupid Stunts' would be a great name for a band.

  • #63
primal schemer said:
I always thought 'The Cupid Stunts' would be a great name for a band.
That's my fave so far! I can see a drunk announcer getting that one wrong.
Loved The Original Artists.
Wookie Translator good but perhaps geeky.

How about...

The End of the World
Critique of Pure Treason
God's Favorites
The Name With No Band (just don't turn up)
Noah Schmidt and the Little Wonders
The Bat Rastards
Kill Bethany
The Man From Del Monte
Dirty Little Britches
The Holy Molies
The Sex Monkey Cult
Four Hobos and a Drum
F'kugly Babies
No-one You've Heard Of
  • #64
Jonny_trigonometry said:
We've been trying to think of a good band name, and haven't concluded on anything yet, can you help us out?
call yourselves : "HABEMUS PAPAM"

  • #65
I have always thought a great name for a band would be 'The Turtle Heads'
Or 'Superposition'

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